I'm in the middle of working with websocket and still kinda new.
I understand what Websocket is in the surface but blindly know nothing
under the hood. This repo should stash away my tinkering-websocket
journey so far.
- faketime chat, that delaying message delivery. The delay time may adjusted to zero means it realtime.
- understand how to use autobahn test suite, create a report and interpret it.
- websocat: more advanced netcat-like utility written in rust.
- wscat: netcat-like utility to listen incoming websocket request or connect as client.
- websockets: a python library that support client/server websocket, readme: here.
- gorilla websocket: a golang library that upgrade incoming HTTP request into websocket. It supports dialling a websocket too.
- websocket/ws: a NodeJS websocket library.
- golang net/websocket
The transmitted data message can be text, binary or control message. There three control messages:
- /close 1006
- /ping
- /pong
Whenever a ping request accepted, the websocket entity should response with pong control message. The ping/pong control message acts as heartbeat and probes the healthiness of a connection.