Java Class Model API for Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML).
- Full support for PMML 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 schemas:
- Schema version annotations.
- Extension elements, attributes, enum values.
- Enhanced API:
- Class hierarchy.
- Marker interfaces for common traits.
- Value constructors.
- Method chaining-friendly setter methods.
- Optional SAX Locator information.
- [Visitor pattern] (
- Validation agents.
- Optimization and transformation agents.
- Supported platforms:
- Java SE and EE.
- Android.
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
- Supported JAXB runtimes:
- [GlassFish Metro] (
- [EclipseLink MOXy] (
- Java 1.7 or newer.
JPMML-Model library JAR files (together with accompanying Java source and Javadocs JAR files) are released via [Maven Central Repository] (
The current version is 1.3.6 (17 February, 2017).
The class model consists of two types of classes. There is a small number of manually crafted classes that are used for structuring the class hierarchy. They are permanently stored in the Java sources directory /pmml-model/src/main/java
. Additionally, there is a much greater number of automatically generated classes that represent actual PMML elements. They can be found in the generated Java sources directory /pmml-model/target/generated-sources/xjc
after a successful build operation.
All class model classes descend from class org.dmg.pmml.PMMLObject
. Additional class hierarchy levels, if any, represent common behaviour and/or features. For example, all model classes descend from class org.dmg.pmml.Model
The class model should be self-explanatory. The application developer is advised to consult with the latest [PMML specification] ( about the specifics of individual PMML elements and attributes.
Load any PMML schema version 3.X or 4.X document into live org.dmg.pmml.PMML
public PMML load(InputStream is) throws SAXException, JAXBException {
return org.jpmml.model.PMMLUtil.unmarshal(is);
Important: It is the responsibility of the application developer to ensure that the XML document does not contain malicious content (eg. XEE and XXE attacks).
Delete SAX Locator information from the class model:
public void optimize(PMML pmml){
LocatorNullifier nullifier = new LocatorNullifier();
Store live org.dmg.pmml.PMML
instance into PMML schema version 4.3 document:
public void store(PMML pmml, OutputStream os) throws JAXBException {
org.jpmml.model.PMMLUtil.marshal(pmml, os);
Module pmml-model-example
exemplifies the use of JPMML-Model library.
This module can be built using [Apache Maven] (
mvn clean install
The resulting uber-JAR file target/example-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar
contains the following command-line applications:
[(source)] ( Copies and transforms a PMML schema version 3.X or 4.X document to a PMML schema version 4.3
[(source)] ( Obfuscates a PMML document by replacing field names with their MD5
[(source)] ( Validates a PMML schema version 3.X or 4.X document against the built-in XML Schema Definition (XSD) resource.
Copying input.pmml
to output.pmml
; the class model is transformed by applying a list of visitors to it:
java -javaagent:../pmml-agent/target/pmml-agent-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar -cp target/example-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar org.jpmml.model.CopyExample --visitor-classes org.jpmml.model.visitors.DictionaryCleaner,org.jpmml.model.visitors.MiningSchemaCleaner --summary true --input input.pmml --output output.pmml
Checking the validity of model.pmml
java -cp target/example-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar org.jpmml.model.ValidationExample --input model.pmml
Getting help:
java -cp target/example-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar <application class name> --help
It is possible to activate a specific Java XML Binding (JAXB) runtime by setting the value of the javax.xml.bind.context.factory
system property. Use com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory
for activating a GlassFish Metro runtime, and org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory
for activating an EclipseLink MOXy runtime.
For example:
java -Djavax.xml.bind.context.factory=org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory -cp target/example-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
Limited public support is available via the [JPMML mailing list] (!forum/jpmml).
The [ blog] ( contains fully worked out examples about using JPMML-Model and JPMML-Evaluator libraries.
Recommended reading:
- [Extending PMML documents with custom XML content] (
- [Transforming and measuring the memory consumption of class model objects using the Java agent technology] (
- [Converting PMML documents between different schema versions] (
JPMML-Model is licensed under the [BSD 3-Clause License] (
Please contact [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected])