A JSONSchema -> Elixir macro
Currently supports JSONSchema drafts 4, 6, 7, 2019, 2020. except:
- integer filters do not match exact integer floating point values.
- multipleOf is not supported for number types. This is because
elixir does not support a floating point remainder guard, and also
because it is impossible for a floating point to guarantee sane results
(e.g. for IEEE Float64,
1.2 / 0.1 != 12
) - currently remoteref is not supported.
- 'definitions' is disabled in pre-draft-7, for now. Please use absolute refs.
Works in progress:
- support for remoteref
- support for unevaluatedItems, unevaluatedProperties
- support for contentMediaType
- support for contentEncoding
- support for named anchors
- better uri support
- support for function_from_map
- support for more formatted strings
- by default, ALL strings are considered to be invalid unless they are valid
UTF-8 encodings and will be validated. If you require a raw binary, (for example
if you are ingesting raw data in
, use the{"format": "binary"}
filter on your string. - some parts of the public API e.g. function_from_* options may change to better suit the standard.
String formatting included:
- date-time
- date
- time
- ipv4
- ipv6
Add the following lines to your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:exonerate, "~> 0.1", runtime: false},
defmodule SchemaModule do
require Exonerate
@doc """
validates our input
Exonerate.function_from_string(:def, :validate_input, """
iex> SchemaModule.validate_input("some string")
{:error, schema_pointer: "#", error_value: "some string", json_pointer: "#/parameter"}}
iex> SchemaModule.validate_input(%{"parameter" => "2"})
{:error, schema_pointer: "#/properties/parameter", error_value: "2", json_pointer: "#/parameter"}}
iex> SchemaModule.validate_input(%{"parameter" => 2})
This software contains verbatim code from https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite which is copyright Julian Berman, et. al, and released under the MIT license.