Juraj Sulimanović - Code as Design
Marko Matotan - State of developer experience tools and LSPs in Ruby
Mateo Vukušić - Ruby Constant Lookup
Dominik Mačković - Model antipatterns in Rails
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Deconstructing Action Cable
Bruno Sutic - linkok.com - making a webapp the hard way
Juraj Sulimanović - Dissecting Service Objects
Miha Rekar - What's new in Rails?
Radan Skorić - Typed Ruby (keynote file)
Rino Kovačević - Background jobs with Rails
Mirko Cerovac - How to start testing your Rails app with RSpec
Vlado Cingel - Value Objects in Ruby (and Rails)
Fabien Loup - Building an API with Grape
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Hotwired
Vlado Cingel - Organising complex SQL queries in Rails
Dario Daić - #sort VS #sort_by
Zoran Majstorović - Microservices with RabbitMQ
Radan Skorić - Stumbling off the Rails
Janko Marohnić - Dynamic Routing in Ruby
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - RabbitMQ is more than a Sidekiq replacement [with notes]
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Helix [with notes]
Janko Marohnić - A Look into HTTP.rb (And why you shouldn't use Net::HTTP)
Bruno Sutic - Architecture for scaling IoT devices
Nika Jukić - Diving into ActionCable
Dario Daic - RSpec Mocks - practical test object nomenclature
Nenad Nikolic - Caching with Ruby on Rails
Vedran Hrncic - Going off the rails
Zoran Majstorovic - Modeling a Solid Database
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - GraphQL
Vedran Hrncic - Subclassing Modules
Damir Svrtan - Building Ruby Bots on AWS Lambda
Bruno Sutic - Services with gRPC
Tomislav Mikulin - Ansible for Rubyists
Bruno Sutic - Sidekiq Enterprise
Dario Daic - Pry plugin: pry-globs
Nika Jukić - Killing dead code with Unused
Radan Skorić - "Extreme Programming Explained" explained
Dario Daić - Action Pack Variants
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Steganography
Stjepan Hadjić - Blazingfast deployment with Mina
Tomislav Mikulin - Rails associations
Marko Ćilimković - Trailblazer: a New Architecture for Rails
Radan Skorić - **** microservices
Zoran Majstorovic - Comparing Ruby HTTP Clients
Dario Daic - Pry like a gentleman/lady!
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Stubs, mocks and spies
Radan Skorić - Build a DSL for fun and profit (live coding)
Janko Marohnić - Improve file uploads with Shrine
Ante Barać - Ruby on Rails na skliskom terenu
Dario Daic - Ruby objects with a telephone
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Docker for Rubyists
Filip Defar - Ruby still wants to be your best friend
Vlado Cingel - How to deploy Rails on Windows, NOT!
Nikola Šantić - Čovječe, gdje mi je konstanta?
Nikica Jokic - Demistyfied Sidekiq
Vedran Hrncic - Sketching object model using common sense
Ivan Nemytchenko - Stop being a Rails developer
Dario Daic - Enumerators - Are they worth it?
Jan Varljen - ActiveRecord Views
Stjepan Hadjić - MySQL -> PostgreSQL
Bruno Sutić - Readline + irb/pry = <3
Berislav Babic - Marketing Yourself
Vlado Cingel - Elasticsearch On Rails
Zoran Majstorović – CryptoRuby 101
Filip Defar - How to replace Ruby meetup speakers with robots
Stanko Krtalić Rusendić - Ruby Extensions
Damir Svrtan - Has anyone seen puts?
Radan Skorić - Rails spring cleaning
Bruno Sutić - Capistrano as a deployment tool
Stjepan Hadjić - Mina as a deployment tool
Brian Underwood - Neo4j and Ruby
Željko Filipin - Basic usage of RuboCop
Radan Skorić - Where to put the business logic?
Damir Svrtan - Building a bidirectional web framework in Ruby
Bruno Sutić - Deploying Rails apps with Capistrano
Jan Varljen - Continuous Integration process with Ruby On Rails
Janko Marohnić - Rails Engines