This is the bot that executes limit orders for gTrade, the decentralized leveraged trading platform on Polygon.
- We recommend creating a specific address/wallet, otherwise it might create problems if you use the address the bot uses while it's running (nonce).
-> You can send your NFTs to this new wallet using the block explorer, using the "transferFrom" function.
Links to the NFTs:
- Your wallet needs to hold a small amount of the Wrapped ERC677 LINK token
Because the "normal" LINK token on Polygon is an ERC20, and oracles only support the ERC677 version, you will need to convert your LINK tokens here:
Each successful first trigger of an order will cost LINK (0.002% of collateral x leverage for cryptos, 0.0002% for forex) to pay our node operators for the real-time on-chain feed. Only the first to trigger an order will pay the LINK cost, as if the trigger is successful, they are guaranteed to get 40% of the trigger reward.
Then, another 10% goes into a pool to be shared proportionally by the number of orders NFT bots executed during the current round (= 50 orders), to incentivize better the execution of smaller trades as they give you access to bigger rewards in a pool.
Finally, 50% goes to the 10 first NFT bots that triggered right after the first to trigger in the same block, to incentivize more bots running and reduce gas wars.
It is perfectly possible to run the bot locally off your own laptop/workstation.
Clone the repo & install the dependencies
git clone
npm install
Edit the
variables- Set
to your dedicated WSS endpoints (recommended, but ignore if you don't have any) - Set
to your account's private key (needed to sign the transactions) - Set
to your account's public key - Set
to the max gas price you want to pay for each trigger - Set
to true if you want to contribute to the decentralization of the vault refilling mechanism - Set
to the frequency at which you want to harvest your trigger rewards (0
= disabled)
- Set
npm start
Make your own bot repo. You can fork this repo here on GitHub to make your own.
Create and setup a new project
In heroku:
New > Create new app > ...
Then use the following buildpacks (in Settings):
- heroku/nodejs
Set all
variables- In Heroku:
Settings > Reveal Config Vars > Add
- Configure the same variables found in the
- In Heroku:
Deploy your repo
- Connect Github to your account
- Deploy your main branch
NOTE: a Procfile is also provided in the repo for Heroku to run the bot as a worker. More details on Procfiles are available here.
Name | Description |
LOG_LEVEL | Sets the level at which the bot should log. Valid values are: error , warn , info , verbose , debug . Using debug will produce a massive amount of output and is not suggested except for initial setup or problem solving. |
ENABLE_CONSOLE_LOGGING | Whether or not log messages should be output to the console. |
ENABLE_FS_LOGGING | Whether or not log messages should be output to a log file. This will log into a .logs/<utc-date> directory each time the bot is started. |
WSS_URLS | The RPC endpoint URLs that should be used for all blockchain communication. |
PRICES_URL | The WSS endpoint where the Gains backend pricing service is running. |
STORAGE_ADDRESS | The address of the Gains Storage contract on chain. |
PAIR_INFOS_ADDRESS | The address of the Gains Pair Infos contract on chain. |
PRIVATE_KEY | The private key of your account that should be used to execute transactions. |
PUBLIC_KEY | The public key of your account that should be used to execute transactions. |
EVENT_CONFIRMATIONS_SEC | The number of seconds that must pass for an event coming from the blockchain to be considered as confirmed and safe for execution against. |
MIN_PRIORITY_GWEI | The minimum priority gas fee in GWEI that should be used when triggering orders. |
MAX_GAS_PRICE_GWEI | The maximum gas price in GWEI that should be used when triggering orders. |
PRIORITY_GWEI_MULTIPLIER | A multiplier that can be applied to the current priority gas fee which was fetched from the polygon gas station. |
VAULT_REFILL_ENABLED | Whether or not you want the bot to participate in refilling the vault as a good citizen of the Gains Network. |
CHECK_REFILL_SEC | How frequently the vault refilling process should occur. |
AUTO_HARVEST_SEC | How frequently the bot will harvest any rewards earned from triggering orders. |
FAILED_ORDER_TRIGGER_TIMEOUT_SEC | How long the bot should wait before it will retry an order after it has failed to successfully process on chain. |
OPEN_TRADES_REFRESH_SEC | How frequently the bot should fully refresh trade data from the Gains smart contracts on chain. By default, the bot is keeping itself up to date based on delta events it's receiving from the chain so this isn't technically necessary, but it's a good fail safe in case the bot fails to hear about a certain even due to connectivity or other issues. Setting this to 0 will disable explicit refreshing and only ever keep state based on events it receives. |
GAS_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC | How frequently to get the latest gas prices from the gas station. |
FETCH_TRADING_VARIABLES_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC | How frequently trading variables should be refreshed from the Gains smart contracts on chain. There are many variables that go into the calculations of triggering order and these variables need to be freshed to ensure the bot is always using the latest numbers. This is always done at start up, but does not need to be done too frequently at runtime. |
DRY_RUN | Set to true to enable a "dry run" mode where the bot will do everything except submit the actual transactions to the chain for processing. This is good for initial setup to ensure everything is working as expected and other testing combined with a LOG_LEVEL of debug . |
CHAIN_ID | The ID of the block chain the bot is going to be interacting with. This defaults to 137 for Polygon's mainnet and you should only need to change it if you're targeting another chain. |
NETWORK_ID | The ID of the network of the block chain the bot is going to be interacting with. This defaults to 137 for Polygon's mainnet and you should only need to change it if you're targeting another chain. |
CHAIN | The name of the block chain the bot is going to be interacting with. This defaults to mainnet and you should only change it if you're targeting a different chain. |
BASE_CHAIN | The name of the base block chain the bot is going to be interacting with. This only needs to be set if you're testing on a network that is forked from a different chain. (e.g. testing on Polygon's Mumbai you would set this to goerli ) |
HARDFORK | The ethereum hardfork of the block chain the bot is going to be interacting with. This defaults to london today and you should only need to change it if you're intending to target a different hardfork. |
ENABLE_CONCURRENT_PRICE_UPDATE_PROCESSING | Whether or not the bot should allow multiple price updates to be processed concurrently. This allows for faster reaction time when triggering orders rather than waiting on previous price update processing to complete. Defaults to true . |