This is a protoc
plugin that generates .sql
files from .proto
for database migration.
It has to be used along with protoc
In the protoc-gen-sql
go install .
It will install the plugin in your $GOBIN
protoc --sql_out=$DST_DIR --sql_opt=file=eva $SRC_DIR/xxxxx.proto
It will generate a file named eva.sql
in your destination directory.
You can pass the file
to --sql_opt
to specify the name of generated file, otherwise it will use the default name
same as .proto
For example, if you have a .proto
syntax = "proto3";
package compound;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option go_package = "rukolahasser/test";
message MyMessage {
google.protobuf.Timestamp ts = 1;
// index
uint64 block = 2;
bytes idx = 3; // uint256
repeated int32 arr = 6;
It will generate a table:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "rukolahasser.test.mymessage"
"ts" timestamptz NOT NULL,
"block" int8,
"idx" NUMERIC(78, 0),
"arr" int8[]
CREATE INDEX ON "rukolahasser.test.mymessage" (block);
For more usage information, please refer to protoc
You may want to create an index column, you can use leading comments right above the field:
syntax = "proto3";
message MyMessage {
// index
int32 indexed_block = 1;
Sometimes you want to generate different types in postgres, you can use trailing comments:
syntax = "proto3";
message MyMessage {
int32 block = 1;
bytes idx = 2; // uint256
So it will generate a table which has a column "idx" NUMERIC(78,0)
instead of "idx" bytea
Trailing comment and postgres type mapping:
comment type | postgres type |
int256/uint256 | NUMERIC(78,0) |
int248/uint248 | NUMERIC(75,0) |
int240/uint240 | NUMERIC(73,0) |
int232/uint232 | NUMERIC(70,0) |
int224/uint224 | NUMERIC(68,0) |
int216/uint216 | NUMERIC(66,0) |
int208/uint208 | NUMERIC(63,0) |
int200/uint200 | NUMERIC(61,0) |
int192/uint192 | NUMERIC(58,0) |
int184/uint184 | NUMERIC(56,0) |
int176/uint176 | NUMERIC(53,0) |
int168/uint168 | NUMERIC(51,0) |
int160/uint160 | NUMERIC(49,0) |
int152/uint152 | NUMERIC(46,0) |
int144/uint144 | NUMERIC(44,0) |
int136/uint136 | NUMERIC(41,0) |
int128/uint128 | NUMERIC(39,0) |
int120/uint120 | NUMERIC(37,0) |
int112/uint112 | NUMERIC(34,0) |
int104/uint104 | NUMERIC(32,0) |
int96/uint96 | NUMERIC(29,0) |
int88/uint88 | NUMERIC(27,0) |
int80/uint80 | NUMERIC(25,0) |
int72/uint72 | NUMERIC(22,0) |
int64/uint64 | INT8 |
int56/uint56 | INT8 |
int48/uint48 | INT8 |
int40/uint40 | INT8 |
uint32 | INT8 |
int32 | INT4 |
int24/uint24 | INT4 |
uint16 | INT4 |
int16 | INT2 |
int8/uint8 | INT2 |