Setup your local environment for the evm-debugger frontend.
Clone Repository
Clone repository using:
git clone <repository-url>
Navigate to Repository Root Directory
Open up your terminal and navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository.
cd <repository-directory>
Install Lerna Globally
You need Lerna to manage our project. Run the following command to install Lerna globally:
npm i -g lerna@^6.0.3
Run Lerna Bootstrap
Let's set things up with Lerna. Run the following command:
lerna bootstrap
Build Every Package
It's time to build all the packages in one go. Execute:
lerna run build
Set Up Environment Variables
- Head into the
directory and create a file named.env.local
. Populate it with the necessary data.
- Head into the
Start the Frontend
Back in the root directory, run:
npm run frontend:start
Ready to code!
- Your application is up and running at
- Your application is up and running at
You must fetch abis and sources for all new test transactions added to ./packages/analyzer/test
by running npm run analyzer:test:fetch-abis
To deploy packages, you need to export the github token:
export GH_TOKEN=paste_your_token_here
Just run command and follow instructions
rf-lerna release
lerna version prerelease --conventional-prerelease=@evm-debuger/frontend
This will create a release with alpha, that CI deploys to staging environment.
lerna version minor --conventional-prerelease=@evm-debuger/frontend
lerna version patch --conventional-prerelease=@evm-debuger/frontend --force-publish
This will create a release, that CI deploys to production environment. Allowed bump options: `major', 'minor', 'patch', 'prerelease'