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Separate llvm pass from equation evaluator (#543)
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This PR changes the `iterateEquations` procedure to first evaluate all
suitable (concrete, unevaluated, evaluatable) subterms using the LLVM
library (if one is provided), before simplifying and evaluating the term
using equations.
Two separate caches are necessary to store the prior results.

Built-in hook evaluation and equation-based evaluation are still
combined (trying hooks first) because both should be done bottom-up
while the LLVM-based evaluation should traverse top-down (to cut the

Related to #539 (and #517 )
  • Loading branch information
jberthold authored Mar 9, 2024
1 parent cd8bac1 commit ef22c88
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 25 deletions.
131 changes: 106 additions & 25 deletions library/Booster/Pattern/ApplyEquations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (toList, traverse_)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..), pattern (:<|))
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Set (Set)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,18 @@ data EquationState = EquationState
, cache :: SimplifierCache

type SimplifierCache = Map Term Term
data SimplifierCache = SimplifierCache {llvm, equations :: Map Term Term}
deriving stock (Show)

instance Semigroup SimplifierCache where
cache1 <> cache2 =
SimplifierCache (cache1.llvm <> cache2.llvm) (cache1.equations <> cache2.equations)

instance Monoid SimplifierCache where
mempty = SimplifierCache mempty mempty

data CacheTag = LLVM | Equations
deriving stock (Show)

data EquationMetadata = EquationMetadata
{ location :: Maybe Location
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,7 +257,7 @@ isMatchFailure _ = False
isSuccess EquationApplied{} = True
isSuccess _ = False

startState :: Map Term Term -> EquationState
startState :: SimplifierCache -> EquationState
startState cache =
{ termStack = mempty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,11 +306,19 @@ popRecursion = do
then throw $ InternalError "Trying to pop an empty recursion stack"
else eqState $ put s{recursionStack = tail s.recursionStack}

toCache :: MonadLoggerIO io => Term -> Term -> EquationT io ()
toCache orig result = eqState . modify $ \s -> s{cache = Map.insert orig result s.cache}
toCache :: MonadLoggerIO io => CacheTag -> Term -> Term -> EquationT io ()
toCache tag orig result = eqState . modify $ \s -> s{cache = updateCache tag s.cache}
insertInto = Map.insert orig result
updateCache LLVM cache = cache{llvm = insertInto cache.llvm}
updateCache Equations cache = cache{equations = insertInto cache.equations}

fromCache :: MonadLoggerIO io => Term -> EquationT io (Maybe Term)
fromCache t = eqState $ Map.lookup t <$> gets (.cache)
fromCache :: MonadLoggerIO io => CacheTag -> Term -> EquationT io (Maybe Term)
fromCache tag t = eqState $ Map.lookup t <$> gets (select tag . (.cache))
select :: CacheTag -> SimplifierCache -> Map Term Term
select LLVM = (.llvm)
select Equations = (.equations)

checkForLoop :: MonadLoggerIO io => Term -> EquationT io ()
checkForLoop t = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,12 +385,86 @@ iterateEquations direction preference startTerm = do
throw $
TooManyIterations currentCount startTerm currentTerm
pushTerm currentTerm
-- simplify the term using the LLVM backend first
llvmResult <- llvmSimplify currentTerm
-- NB llvmSimplify is idempotent. No need to iterate if
-- the equation evaluation does not change the term any more.
-- evaluate functions and simplify (recursively at each level)
newTerm <- applyTerm direction preference currentTerm
newTerm <- applyTerm direction preference llvmResult
changeFlag <- getChanged
if changeFlag
then checkForLoop newTerm >> resetChanged >> go newTerm
else pure currentTerm
else pure llvmResult

llvmSimplify :: forall io. MonadLoggerIO io => Term -> EquationT io Term
llvmSimplify t = do
config <- getConfig
case config.llvmApi of
Nothing -> pure t
Just api -> do
logOtherNS "booster" (LevelOther "Simplify") "Calling LLVM simplification"
llvmEval config.definition api t

llvmEval :: MonadLoggerIO io => KoreDefinition -> LLVM.API -> Term -> EquationT io Term
llvmEval definition api = eval
eval t@(Term attributes _)
| attributes.isEvaluated = pure t
| otherwise =
fromCache LLVM t >>= \case
Nothing ->
eval' t
Just cached ->
when (cached /= t) setChanged >> pure cached

eval' t@(Term attributes _)
| attributes.isEvaluated = pure t
| isConcrete t && attributes.canBeEvaluated = do
LLVM.simplifyTerm api definition t (sortOfTerm t)
>>= \case
Left e -> throw $ UndefinedTerm t e
Right result -> do
when (result /= t) $ do
emitEquationTrace t Nothing (Just "LLVM") Nothing $ Success result
toCache LLVM t result
pure result
| otherwise = do
result <- descend t
toCache LLVM t result
pure result
descend = \case
dv@DomainValue{} -> pure dv
v@Var{} -> pure v
Injection src trg t ->
Injection src trg <$> eval t -- no injection simplification
AndTerm arg1 arg2 ->
AndTerm -- no \and simplification
<$> eval arg1
<*> eval arg2
SymbolApplication sym sorts args ->
SymbolApplication sym sorts <$> mapM eval args
KMap def keyVals rest ->
KMap def
<$> mapM (\(k, v) -> (,) <$> eval k <*> eval v) keyVals
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) ((Just <$>) . eval) rest
KList def heads rest ->
KList def
<$> mapM eval heads
<*> maybe
(pure Nothing)
( (Just <$>)
. \(mid, tails) ->
<$> eval mid
<*> mapM eval tails
KSet def keyVals rest ->
KSet def
<$> mapM eval keyVals
<*> maybe (pure Nothing) ((Just <$>) . eval) rest

-- Interface functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,30 +544,18 @@ applyTerm ::
Term ->
EquationT io Term
applyTerm direction pref trm = do
logOtherNS "booster" (LevelOther "Simplify") "Calling equation-based simplifier"
config <- getConfig -- avoid re-reading config at every node
descend config trm
-- descend :: EquationConfig -> Term -> EquationT io Term
descend config t@(Term attributes _)
| attributes.isEvaluated = pure t
| otherwise =
fromCache t >>= \case
fromCache Equations t >>= \case
Nothing -> do
simplified <-
if isConcrete t && isJust config.llvmApi && attributes.canBeEvaluated
then -- LLVM simplification proceeds top-down and cuts the descent

LLVM.simplifyTerm (fromJust config.llvmApi) config.definition t (sortOfTerm t)
>>= \case
Left e -> throw $ UndefinedTerm t e
Right result -> do
when (result /= t) $ do
emitEquationTrace t Nothing (Just "LLVM") Nothing $ Success result
pure result
else -- use equations
apply config t
toCache t simplified
simplified <- apply config t
toCache Equations t simplified
pure simplified
Just cached -> do
when (t /= cached) $ do
Expand Down

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