is used to reference the component structure to be used in widget.component.html
Observe this line from the quarter goals component example import { QuarterData } from '../+state/page.model';
This imports the QuarterData
type from a page model in the state folder. For this component, it's imported from a different location, but the same syntax is used In the example, page actions, effects, etc reference load data and such core/store/long-term-goal
The page appears to get the data from this code in page.component.ts
/** Raw time in milliseconds from 1970/01/01 00:00:00:000 **/
currentDateTime$: Observable<number> = interval(1000).pipe(
map(() => Date.now()),
/** Current quarter needed to select the right quarter from DB. */
currentQuarterStartTime$: Observable<number> = this.currentDateTime$.pipe(
map((now) => this.dateToQuarterStartTime(now)),
/** Get the quarter data. */
quarterData$: Observable<QuarterData> = this.selectors.selectQuarterData(
The container id is given in the this component's page.component.ts
already, so that is used to get the data.
Also, the data must be loaded after setup
combineLatest(this.currentQuarterStartTime$, this.currentUser$).pipe(
).subscribe(([quarterStartTime, currentUser]) => {
new LoadData({
}, this.containerId)
Like this: https://causeway.soe.ucsc.edu/#/reference/-container-selectors/1?od=4
I’m trying to get a singular piece of data for my Long Term Goals component, like this basic quarter goals example
https://stackblitz.com/edit/container-selectors-redux-intro-leda3y?file=src%2Fapp%2Fmain%2Fpage%2Fpage.component.ts,src%2Fapp%2Fmain%2Fpage%2Fwidget%2Fwidget.component.tswidget.component.ts: remove the hardcoded data, replaced with @Input() longTermGoal: LongTermGoal;
page.component.html; app-widget referenced like this: <app-widget [longTermGoal]="longTermGoal$ | async"></app-widget>
page.component.ts (most substantial modifications)
Added several imports
import { LongTermGoal } from '../../core/store/long-term-goal/long-term-goal.model';
import { EntitySelectorService } from '../../core/store/app.selectors';
import { StreamLongTermGoal } from '../../core/store/long-term-goal/long-term-goal.actions';
Added this line to get the stream of the long term goal
longTermGoal$: Observable<LongTermGoal> = this.slRx.selectLongTermGoal('ltg', this.containerId);
If I define it as getting a Quarter Goal like this:
longTermGoal$: Observable<QuarterGoal> = this.slRx.selectQuarterGoal('qg1', this.containerId);
I get an error saying: “Type ‘QuarterGoal’ is missing the following properties from type ‘LongTermGoal’: oneYear, fiveYear”. It seems the value is actually being read? Or at least the type is.Added slRx to the constructor
private slRx: EntitySelectorService,
Added load data dispatch
this.store.dispatch(new StreamLongTermGoal([['__id', '==', 'ltg']], {}, this.containerId));
However, nothing displays on the component. There aren’t any errors, either. I don’t understand what I’m missing, considering I’ve included the Redux action and Redux selector for the component. How do I know if these are operating successfully?Here’s my current Long Term Goals Component: https://stackblitz.com/edit/longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec
Container Selectors Redux Intro (forked) - StackBlitz
A angular-cli project based on @angular/animations, @angular/compiler, @angular/core, @angular/common, @angular/platform-browser-dynamic, @angular/forms, @angular/platform-browser, rxjs, tslib, zone.js and @angular/router. (498 kB)
Long Term Goals Setup (Containers) - StackBlitz
The types don't match so it's preventing the app from building.longTermGoal$: Observable<QuarterGoal> = this.slRx.selectQuarterGoal('qg1', this.containerId);
In the line above you assign the longTermGoal$
property to an observable of type quarter goal. You also use the entity selector service to select the quarter goals, but the widget should expect a longTermGoal
. We want to select the longTermGoal
entities instead.
Also, you should specify the dispatch of the StreamLongTermGoal
in the LoadData
action in the page.effects file in +state
(and not in the component file) like the example of QuarterGoals
Loop over object properties https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45819123/how-to-loop-over-object-properties-with-ngfor-in-angular
Example of Container https://stackblitz.com/edit/container-selectors-redux-intro-leda3y?file=README.md
I'm trying to add the ability to update my goals on the onboarding, but it’s doing that thing again where nothing appears on the screen.
here’s what i’ve done so far:
added (click)="this.editGoals.emit()" to widget.component.html
added (editGoals)="this.openEditModal$.next()" to page.component.html
saveGoals$: Subject<LongTermGoal> = new Subject();
for stream to save the goals
openEditModal$: Subject<void> = new Subject();
for opening the edit modal
added import { LongTermGoal } from '../../../core/store/long-term-goal/long-term-goal.model';
to modal.component.ts
i do get an error in the console:
Error: Uncaught (in promise): NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(AppModule)[MatDialog -> MatDialog -> MatDialog]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for MatDialog!
NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(AppModule)[MatDialog -> MatDialog -> MatDialog]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for MatDialog!
at NullInjector.get (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:11172:27)
at R3Injector.get (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:11339:33)
at R3Injector.get (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:11339:33)
at R3Injector.get (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:11339:33)
at NgModuleRef.get (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:21961:33)
at Object.get (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:21635:35)
at lookupTokenUsingModuleInjector (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:3373:39)
at getOrCreateInjectable (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:3485:12)
at Object.ɵɵdirectiveInject (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/turbo_modules/@angular/[email protected]/fesm2015/core.mjs:14450:12)
at NodeInjectorFactory.PageComponent_Factory [as factory] (https://longtermgoals-setup-z4ayec.stackblitz.io/~/src/app/main/page/page.component.ts:85:296)
the issue seems to be in this part of the code, as the error goes away when i comment it out
in the constructor:
public dialog: MatDialog
in the ngInit
.pipe(withLatestFrom(this.longTermGoal$), takeUntil(this.unsubscribe$))
.subscribe(([_, longTermData]) => {
this.dialog.open(ModalComponent, {
data: {
longTermData: longTermData,
updateGoals: (ltg: LongTermGoal) => this.saveGoals$.next(ltg),
.subscribe((longTermGoal) => {
new UpdateLongTermGoal('ltg', longTermGoal, this.containerId)
this is how you change the data
in the constructor:
longTermData: LongTermGoal = {
__id: '',
__userId: '',
oneYear: '',
fiveYear: '',
in the ngInit, or some area around there:
this.longTermData.__id = 'ltg'; //this.data.longTermData.__id;
this.longTermData.__userId = ''; //this.data.longTermData.__userId;
this.longTermData.oneYear = 'eat a large crate of bananas';//this.data.longTermData.oneYear;
this.longTermData.fiveYear = 'acquire something cool'; //this.data.longTermData.fiveYear;
new UpdateLongTermGoal('ltg', this.longTermData, this.containerId)
Yash's long-term goal onboarding exercise; showed us during previous meeting as a means of onboarding to show how the stack worked and how to utilize the store to read and update data https://stackblitz.com/edit/longtermgoals-setup-amdy16?file=README.md