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More tests (#27)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* Hour angle tests

* Added vertical dial and doc

* Ignore ephemeris file

* Remove reliance on equinox sun paths

* Add common dial types

* Remove unused code

* Consolidated eccentricity

* Better caching

* Fix doc

* Added orbit shape tests

* Return type hint

* Couple of TODOs

* Ignore debug notebook


Co-authored-by: Russell Goyder <[email protected]>
russellgoyder and russellgoyder authored Dec 26, 2024
1 parent 31d9c59 commit be26ef7
Showing 9 changed files with 415 additions and 121 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -134,3 +134,6 @@ dmypy.json


66 changes: 37 additions & 29 deletions docs/nb/orbit_analysis.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

61 changes: 54 additions & 7 deletions docs/nb/sundial_plots.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

37 changes: 36 additions & 1 deletion src/analemma/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -171,6 +171,37 @@ def _within_dialface(vec, dial_length):

return _within_dialface(x, self.x_length) & _within_dialface(y, self.y_length)

def equatorial(cls, latitude: float) -> "DialParameters":
An equatorial dial's face is parallel to the plane of the equator, and the style
is therefore perpendicular to both.
theta = (90 - latitude) / 180 * pi
return cls(theta=theta, iota=theta, i=theta, d=0)

def horizontal(cls, latitude: float) -> "DialParameters":
A horizontal dial's face is parallel to the ground, with a style aligned
with the planet's axis of rotation.
theta = (90 - latitude) / 180 * pi
return cls(theta=theta, iota=theta, i=0, d=0)

def vertical(cls, latitude: float) -> "DialParameters":
A vertical dial's face is perpendicular to the ground, and typically faces either
south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere. Instances of
this class represent a south-facing dial on the equator and in northern latitudes, and
a noth-facing dial below the equator (in southern latitudes). Its gnomon
is a style, aligned with the planet's axis of rotation.
d = pi if latitude >= 0 else 0
theta = (90 - latitude) / 180 * pi
return cls(theta=theta, iota=theta, i=pi / 2, d=d)

def sin_sunray_dialface_angle(
t: np.array, planet: orbit.PlanetParameters, dial: DialParameters
@@ -341,7 +372,11 @@ def find_daytime_offsets(planet: orbit.PlanetParameters, dial: DialParameters):

class Season(Enum):
"Start in Winter because orbit time starts at perihelion"
Enum to encode the four seasons of the year as seen temperate latitudes in the northern hemisphere.
Start in Winter because orbit time starts at perihelion

Winter = 0
Spring = 1
79 changes: 39 additions & 40 deletions src/analemma/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -61,6 +61,19 @@ def __post_init__(self):
self.T_sd = self.N / (self.N + 1) * self.T_d
self.Om = pi / self.T_y * self.a

def clone_with_eccentricity(self, e: float):
Return a new instance with the same parameters but a different eccentricity
return PlanetParameters(

def daily_noons(self) -> np.array:
Daily time samples in seconds from noon at perihelion
@@ -117,17 +130,16 @@ def earth(cls):

def _kepler_params(planet: PlanetParameters = earth, e: float = None):
def _kepler_params(planet: PlanetParameters = earth):
a = planet.a
if not e:
e = planet.e
e = planet.e
b = a * math.sqrt(1 - e**2) # semi-minor axis
A = math.sqrt((a + b) / 2)
B = math.sqrt((a - b) / 2)
return A, B, planet.Om, planet.T_y

def orbital_time(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth, e: float = None):
def orbital_time(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth):
Calculate orbital time given time parameter, t(s)
@@ -136,65 +148,47 @@ def orbital_time(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth, e: float =
planet: Planet whose orbit is being analyzed
e: Optional override for the orbit's eccentricity
A, B, Om, T_y = _kepler_params(planet, e)
A, B, Om, T_y = _kepler_params(planet)
return (A**2 + B**2) * s + A * B / Om * sin(2 * Om * s) + T_y / 2

_s_finegrained = np.linspace(-pi / earth.Om / 2, pi / earth.Om / 2, 10_000)
1-d grid used when inverting the relationship between orbital and spinor time

def _key(e: float) -> int:
The first four significant figures of the given number
return int(10_000 * e)
_cache_max_size = 50

_t_finegrained = {_key(earth.e): orbital_time(_s_finegrained)}
Cache of interpolation data used when inverting the relationship between orbital and spinor time
def _finegrained_interp_points(planet: PlanetParameters):
s_points = np.linspace(-pi / planet.Om / 2, pi / planet.Om / 2, 10_000)
t_points = orbital_time(s_points, planet)
return s_points, t_points

def spinor_time(t: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth, e: float = None):
def spinor_time(t: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth):
Invert t(s), the relationship of orbital time t with the parameter in the spinor
treatment of the Kepler problem, s, to give s(t).
Keep a cache of interpolants, one per eccentricity.
if not e:
e = planet.e
k = _key(e)
if k not in _t_finegrained.keys():
_t_finegrained[k] = orbital_time(_s_finegrained, planet, e)
return np.interp(t, _t_finegrained[k], _s_finegrained)
s_points, t_points = _finegrained_interp_points(planet)
return np.interp(t, t_points, s_points)

def orbital_radius(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth, e: float = None):
def orbital_radius(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth):
Calculate orbital radial coordinate given spinor time parameter, r(s)
A, B, Om, _ = _kepler_params(planet, e)
A, B, Om, _ = _kepler_params(planet)
return A**2 + B**2 + 2 * A * B * cos(2 * Om * s)

def orbital_angle(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth, e=None):
def orbital_angle(s: npt.ArrayLike, planet: PlanetParameters = earth):
Calculate orbital angular coordinate given time parameter, phi(s)
A, B, Om, _ = _kepler_params(planet, e)
A, B, Om, _ = _kepler_params(planet)
tanSigY = (A**2 - B**2) * sin(2 * Om * s)
tanSigX = (A**2 + B**2) * cos(2 * Om * s) + 2 * A * B
return np.arctan2(tanSigY, tanSigX) + pi

_cache_max_size = 50

def _skyfield_ephemeris():
return load("de440s.bsp"), load.timescale()
@@ -209,22 +203,27 @@ def _skyfield_season_events(year: int):

class _OrbitDateAndAngle:
class OrbitDateAndAngle:
Pairing of a date and the corresponding orbit angle

sigma: float

def season_event_info(season_value: int, year: int):
def season_event_info(season_value: int, year: int) -> OrbitDateAndAngle:
TODO also return type
Return the date and orbit angle for an equinox or solstice in a given year, identified by
the season's value as per [analemma.geometry.Season][].
season_events = _skyfield_season_events(year)
# S S A W (seasons)
# 1 2 3 0 (Season enum)
# 0 1 2 3 (Skyfield)
skyfield_season_value = (season_value + 3) % 4
season_event_angles = [pi / 2, 0, 3 * pi / 2, pi]
return _OrbitDateAndAngle(
return OrbitDateAndAngle(
107 changes: 68 additions & 39 deletions src/analemma/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def plot_analemma_season_segment(

times = _analemma_plot_sampling_times(season, hour_offset, planet, dial)
if times.size == 0:
return ax
return []
return _plot_analemma_segment(
@@ -180,6 +180,14 @@ def plot_season_event_sun_path(

season_event = orbit.season_event_info(season.value, year)

# for an equatorial dial on the equinoxes, the sun ray is parallel to the dial face
if ( in ("Spring", "Autumn")
and abs(dial.d) < 1.0e-5
and abs(dial.theta - dial.i) < 0.25 / 180 * pi
return []

orbit_day = orbit.orbit_date_to_day(
day_type = _determine_day_type(planet, dial, orbit_day)
if day_type == DayType.SunNeverRises:
@@ -335,21 +343,6 @@ def _analemma_point_coordinates(
return x, y, on_dial, above_dial_plane

_sun_times_cache = {}

def _get_sun_times(planet: orbit.PlanetParameters, dial: geom.DialParameters):
key = (id(planet), id(dial))
if key not in _sun_times_cache.keys():
_sun_times_cache[key] = [
days_since_perihelion, planet, dial
for days_since_perihelion in np.arange(0, 365)
return _sun_times_cache[key]

def _solstice_days(planet: orbit.PlanetParameters, dial: geom.DialParameters):
_, sines = geom.sunray_dialface_angle_over_one_year(planet, dial)
return (np.argmax(sines), np.argmin(sines))
@@ -460,6 +453,19 @@ def hour_offset_to_oclock(hour_offset: int):
raise Exception(f"hour_offset {hour_offset} doesn't seem to be a number")

def _font_size(ax: Axes) -> str:
"Map bounding box width in inches to font size string"
bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(
if bbox.width >= 6:
return "small"
elif bbox.width >= 4:
return "x-small"
return "xx-small"

def annotate_analemma_with_hour(
ax: Axes,
hour_offset: int,
@@ -481,11 +487,34 @@ def annotate_analemma_with_hour(
arrowprops={"arrowstyle": "-"},
return None

def _reorder_legend_info(legend_info):
Move Winter to the end of the list
if legend_info[0][1] == "Winter":
winter_entry = legend_info.pop(0)
return legend_info

def _adjust_for_hemisphere(dial, labels):
if dial.theta < pi / 2:
return labels
mapping = {
"Winter": "Summer",
"Spring": "Autumn",
"Summer": "Winter",
"Autumn": "Spring",
return [mapping[label] for label in labels]

def plot_hourly_analemmas(
ax: Axes,
planet: orbit.PlanetParameters,
@@ -497,44 +526,44 @@ def plot_hourly_analemmas(
Plot one analemma for each hour as seen on the face of a sundial
This function plots several analemmas, one per hour of daytime. The line style shows the season. One line
showing the path of the shadow tip during the day for each solstice is also shown (with line style appropriate to
the season) and forms an envelope marking the longest shadows in Winter and the shortest shadows in Summer.
Similarly, the path of the shadow tip on each equinox is shown and appears as a straight line. Moreover, the two
straight lines fall on top of each other.
This function plots several analemmas, one per hour of daytime. The line style shows the season. One line showing
the path of the shadow tip during the day for each solstice is also shown (with line style appropriate to the
season) and on a horizontal dial forms an envelope marking the longest shadows in Winter and the shortest shadows in
Summer. Similarly, the path of the shadow tip on each equinox is shown and appears as a straight line. Moreover, the
two straight lines fall on top of each other.
In the legend, the seasons are labelled according to the hemisphere in which the sundial is located, so that for
sundials in the southern hemisphere, summer occurs in December.
ax: matplotlib axes
planet: The planet on which the dial is located
dial: The orientation and location of the sundial
title: Title to add to the axes
year: Year for which the plot hourly analemmas (defaults to current year)
ax: matplotlib axes planet: The planet on which the dial is located dial: The orientation and location of the
sundial title: Title to add to the axes year: Year for which the plot hourly analemmas (defaults to current
hour_offsets = geom.find_daytime_offsets(planet, dial)

lines_for_legend = []
seasons = []
count = 0
legend_info = []
for season in geom.Season:
segment_lines = []
for hour in hour_offsets:
segment_lines += plot_analemma_season_segment(
ax, season, hour, planet, dial, linewidth=0.75, **kwargs
annotate_analemma_with_hour(ax, hour, planet, dial)
lines = plot_season_event_sun_path(

if len(segment_lines) > 0:

ax, season, planet, dial, linewidth=0.75, year=year, **kwargs
if len(lines) > 0:
lines_for_legend += lines
seasons += [count]
count += 1

# put a circle at the base of the gnomon
ax.plot(0, 0, "ok")

# reorder seasons
ordered_lines = [lines_for_legend[s] for s in seasons]
handles, labels = zip(*_reorder_legend_info(legend_info))
labels = _adjust_for_hemisphere(dial, labels)
ax.legend(handles, labels, fontsize=_font_size(ax))

if title:
126 changes: 124 additions & 2 deletions src/analemma/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,124 @@
def test_trivial():
import pytest
import numpy as np
from sympy import utilities as util
from analemma import geometry as geom
from analemma.algebra import frame, result

pi = np.pi
hour_angle_args = ["alpha", "sigma", "psi", "iota", "theta"]

(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
(23.5 / 180 * pi, 0, 0, 0, 0), # add Earth axis tilt
(pi / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0), # 90 degree tilt
23.5 / 180 * pi,
pi / 2,
), # September equinox (non-zero psi to avoid tan singularity)
(23.5 / 180 * pi, pi, 0, 0, 0), # December solstice
23.5 / 180 * pi,
3 * pi / 2,
), # March equinox (non-zero psi to avoid tan singularity)
(23.5 / 180 * pi, 2 * pi, 0, 0, 0), # June solstice
(23.5 / 180 * pi, pi / 7, 71 / 180 * pi, 0, 0), # arbitrary psi
(23.5 / 180 * pi, pi / 7, 71 / 180 * pi, 0, pi / 2), # equator
(23.5 / 180 * pi, pi / 7, 71 / 180 * pi, 0, pi), # South pole
23.5 / 180 * pi,
pi / 7,
71 / 180 * pi,
68 / 180 * pi,
), # arbitrary latitude
23.5 / 180 * pi,
pi / 7,
71 / 180 * pi,
pi / 6,
68 / 180 * pi,
), # gnomon with 30 degree tilt
23.5 / 180 * pi,
pi / 7,
71 / 180 * pi,
79 / 180 * pi,
68 / 180 * pi,
), # gnomon almost touching dial face
def test_hour_angle(alpha, sigma, psi, iota, theta):
Tests for the implementation of the hour angle calculation
See [analemma.geometry.hour_angle_terms][] and [analemma.geometry.hour_angle][]

# alegbraic result
g = frame.gnomon("e", zero_decl=True)
s = frame.sunray()
S = result.shadow_bivector(s, g)
M = frame.meridian_plane()
sinXi_sin_mu, sinXi_cos_mu = result.hour_angle_sincos(S, M)

# convert to numerical functions
sin_term = util.lambdify(hour_angle_args, sinXi_sin_mu)
cos_term = util.lambdify(hour_angle_args, sinXi_cos_mu)

# evaluate and ensure consistent with implementation in geometry module
sin_val, cos_val = geom.hour_angle_terms(alpha, sigma, psi, iota - theta)
assert sin_term(alpha, sigma, psi, iota, theta) == pytest.approx(sin_val)
assert cos_term(alpha, sigma, psi, iota, theta) == pytest.approx(cos_val)

# ensure depends only on difference between iota and theta
arbitrary_shift = pi / 13
assert sin_term(alpha, sigma, psi, iota, theta) == pytest.approx(
sin_term(alpha, sigma, psi, iota + arbitrary_shift, theta + arbitrary_shift)
assert cos_term(alpha, sigma, psi, iota, theta) == pytest.approx(
cos_term(alpha, sigma, psi, iota + arbitrary_shift, theta + arbitrary_shift)

# test some periodicity
assert geom.hour_angle_terms(alpha, sigma, psi, iota - theta) == pytest.approx(
alpha + 2 * pi, sigma + 4 * pi, psi + 10 * pi, iota - theta + 50 * pi

# combine the terms
assert np.tan(geom.hour_angle(alpha, sigma, psi, iota - theta)) == pytest.approx(
sin_val / cos_val

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("latitude"), [0, 40, 50, 90, -10, -90, -0])
def test_common_dial_types_basic_construction(latitude: float):
eq = geom.DialParameters.equatorial(latitude=latitude)
theta = (90 - latitude) / 180 * pi
assert eq.theta == pytest.approx(theta)
assert eq.theta == pytest.approx(eq.iota) == pytest.approx(eq.i)
assert pytest.approx(eq.d) == pytest.approx(0)

hor = geom.DialParameters.horizontal(latitude=latitude)
theta = (90 - latitude) / 180 * pi
assert hor.theta == pytest.approx(theta)
assert hor.theta == pytest.approx(hor.iota)

vert = geom.DialParameters.vertical(latitude=latitude)
theta = (90 - latitude) / 180 * pi
assert vert.theta == pytest.approx(theta)
assert vert.theta == pytest.approx(eq.iota)
assert vert.i == pytest.approx(pi / 2)
decl = pi if latitude >= 0 else 0
assert vert.d == pytest.approx(decl)
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/analemma/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import pytest
import datetime
import math
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos
from skyfield import almanac
from skyfield.api import load
from skyfield import searchlib as sf_search
@@ -97,3 +99,54 @@ def test_season_event_day_diffs():
diffs = [(days[0] - days[3]) % 365] + list(diffs) # days from 353 to 77
for diff, ans in zip(diffs, [89, 92, 94, 90]):
assert diff == ans

def test_circular_orbit_shape():
Ensure that an orbit with zero eccentricity is circular
circ = orbit.PlanetParameters(
T_d=24 * 3600,

t_integers = np.arange(int(circ.N))
t = circ.T_d * t_integers
s = orbit.spinor_time(t, circ)

x = orbit.orbital_radius(s, circ) * cos(orbit.orbital_angle(s, circ))
y = orbit.orbital_radius(s, circ) * sin(orbit.orbital_angle(s, circ))

assert np.allclose(x**2 + y**2, circ.a**2)

def test_elliptical_orbit_shape():
Ensure that an orbit with non-zero eccentricity is elliptical
ell = orbit.PlanetParameters(
T_d=24 * 3600,

t_integers = np.arange(int(ell.N))
t = ell.T_d * t_integers
s = orbit.spinor_time(t, ell)

x = orbit.orbital_radius(s, ell) * cos(orbit.orbital_angle(s, ell))
y = orbit.orbital_radius(s, ell) * sin(orbit.orbital_angle(s, ell))

xx = x + ell.a * ell.e # shift origin from focus to center of ellipse

a = ell.a
b = ell.a * math.sqrt(1 - ell.e**2)

assert np.allclose((xx / a) ** 2 + (y / b) ** 2, 1.0)
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/analemma/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def test_shadow_bivector_magnitude_angle_cos():
Compare two different ways of calculating $\cos(\Xi)$
Ensure that $s\cdot g$ as computed via symbolic is equal to an independent derivation
Ensure that $s\cdot g$ as computed via symbolic algebra is equal to an independent derivation

s = frame.sunray()
@@ -303,8 +303,6 @@ def test_gnomon_shadow_projection():
Check that $1 + \lambda\cos(\Xi)$ is equal to the projection of $w$ onto $g$

# TODO fixtures

gn = frame.gnomon("n", zero_decl=True)
p = sp.Symbol("p")

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