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ismoilovdevml committed Nov 25, 2023
1 parent 4b9ebff commit 3e65db9
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 51 deletions.
81 changes: 30 additions & 51 deletions rustbook-uz/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ Keyin `bitta_qoshish` nomli yangi kutubxonalibrary cratesini yarating:

<!-- manual-regeneration
cd listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/output-only-02-add-one/add
rm -rf add_one
cargo new add_one --lib
rm -rf bitta_qoshish
cargo new bitta_qoshish --lib
copy output below

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,34 +149,23 @@ Hello, world! 10 plus one is 11!

Bu kodni *qoshuvchi/src/* da ishga tushiradi, bu `bitta_qoshish` cratesiga bog'liq.

#### Depending on an External Package in a Workspace
#### Workspacedagi tashqi(external) paketga bog'liqlik

Notice that the workspace has only one *Cargo.lock* file at the top level,
rather than having a *Cargo.lock* in each crate’s directory. This ensures that
all crates are using the same version of all dependencies. If we add the `rand`
package to the *adder/Cargo.toml* and *add_one/Cargo.toml* files, Cargo will
resolve both of those to one version of `rand` and record that in the one
*Cargo.lock*. Making all crates in the workspace use the same dependencies
means the crates will always be compatible with each other. Let’s add the
`rand` crate to the `[dependencies]` section in the *add_one/Cargo.toml* file
so we can use the `rand` crate in the `add_one` crate:
E'tibor bering, workspaceda har bir crate jildida *Cargo.lock* emas, balki top leveldagi faqat bitta *Cargo.lock* fayli mavjud. Bu barcha cratelar barcha depencilarning(bog'liqlik) bir xil versiyasidan foydalanishini ta'minlaydi. Agar biz *qoshuvchi/Cargo.toml* va *bitta_qoshish/Cargo.toml* fayllariga `rand` paketini qo'shsak, Cargo ikkalasini ham `rand` ning bitta versiyasida hal qiladi va buni bitta *Cargo.lock*da qayd etadi. Workspacedagi barcha cratelarni bir xil depensilardan foydalanishga aylantirish, cratelarning har doim bir-biriga mos kelishini anglatadi. Keling, *bitta_qoshish/Cargo.toml* faylidagi `[dependencies]` bo'limiga `rand` cratesini qo'shamiz, shunda biz `bitta_qoshish` cratesida `rand` cratesidan foydalanishimiz mumkin:

<!-- When updating the version of `rand` used, also update the version of
`rand` used in these files so they all match:

<span class="filename">Fayl nomi: add_one/Cargo.toml</span>
<span class="filename">Fayl nomi: bitta_qoshish/Cargo.toml</span>

{{#include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/no-listing-03-workspace-with-external-dependency/add/add_one/Cargo.toml:6:7}}
{{#include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/no-listing-03-workspace-with-external-dependency/add/bitta_qoshish/Cargo.toml:6:7}}

We can now add `use rand;` to the *add_one/src/* file, and building the
whole workspace by running `cargo build` in the *add* directory will bring in
and compile the `rand` crate. We will get one warning because we aren’t
referring to the `rand` we brought into scope:
Endi biz *bitta_qoshish/src/* fayliga `use rand;` ni qo'shishimiz mumkin va *qoshish* jildida `cargo build`-ni ishga tushirish orqali butun workspaceni build qilish `rand` cratesini olib keladi va kompilyatsiya qiladi. Biz bitta ogohlantirish olamiz, chunki biz qamrab olgan `rand` ni nazarda tutmayapmiz:

<!-- manual-regeneration
cd listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/no-listing-03-workspace-with-external-dependency/add
Expand All @@ -190,25 +179,21 @@ $ cargo build
Downloaded rand v0.8.5
Compiling rand v0.8.5
Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
Compiling bitta_qoshish v0.1.0 (file:///projects/qoshish/bitta_qoshish)
warning: unused import: `rand`
--> add_one/src/
--> bitta_qoshish/src/
1 | use rand;
| ^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default

warning: `add_one` (lib) generated 1 warning
Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
warning: `bitta_qoshish` (lib) generated 1 warning
Compiling qoshuvchi v0.1.0 (file:///projects/qoshish/qoshuvchi)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 10.18s

The top-level *Cargo.lock* now contains information about the dependency of
`add_one` on `rand`. However, even though `rand` is used somewhere in the
workspace, we can’t use it in other crates in the workspace unless we add
`rand` to their *Cargo.toml* files as well. For example, if we add `use rand;`
to the *adder/src/* file for the `adder` package, we’ll get an error:
Top leveldagi *Cargo.lock* endi `bitta_qoshish` `rand` ga bog'liqligi(dependency) haqida ma'lumotni o'z ichiga oladi. Biroq, workspacening biror joyida `rand` ishlatilsa ham, ularning *Cargo.toml* fayllariga `rand` qo'shmagunimizcha, biz uni workspacedagi boshqa cratelarda ishlata olmaymiz. Masalan, agar biz `qoshuvchi` paketi uchun *qoshuvchi/src/* fayliga `use rand;` qo'shsak, xatoga duch kelamiz:

<!-- manual-regeneration
cd listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/output-only-03-use-rand/add
Expand All @@ -219,31 +204,25 @@ copy output below; the output updating script doesn't handle subdirectories in p
$ cargo build
Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
Compiling qoshuvchi v0.1.0 (file:///projects/qoshish/qoshuvchi)
error[E0432]: unresolved import `rand`
--> adder/src/
--> qoshuvchi/src/
2 | use rand;
| ^^^^ no external crate `rand`

To fix this, edit the *Cargo.toml* file for the `adder` package and indicate
that `rand` is a dependency for it as well. Building the `adder` package will
add `rand` to the list of dependencies for `adder` in *Cargo.lock*, but no
additional copies of `rand` will be downloaded. Cargo has ensured that every
crate in every package in the workspace using the `rand` package will be using
the same version, saving us space and ensuring that the crates in the workspace
will be compatible with each other.
Buni tuzatish uchun `qoshuvchi` paketi uchun *Cargo.toml* faylini tahrirlang va `rand` ham unga dependency(bog'liqligini) ekanligini ko'rsating. `qoshuvchi` paketini yaratish *Cargo.lock* dagi `qoshuvchi` uchun depensiar ro'yxatiga `rand` qo'shadi, lekin `rand` ning qo'shimcha nusxalari yuklab olinmaydi. Cargo `rand` paketidan foydalangan holda workspacedagi har bir cratedagi har bir crate bir xil versiyadan foydalanishini taʼminladi, bu bizga joyni tejaydi va workspacedagi cratelar bir-biriga mos kelishini taʼminlaydi.

#### Adding a Test to a Workspace

For another enhancement, let’s add a test of the `add_one::add_one` function
within the `add_one` crate:
For another enhancement, let’s add a test of the `bitta_qoshish::bitta_qoshish` function
within the `bitta_qoshish` crate:

<span class="filename">Fayl nomi: add_one/src/</span>
<span class="filename">Fayl nomi: bitta_qoshish/src/</span>

{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/no-listing-04-workspace-with-tests/add/add_one/src/}}
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/no-listing-04-workspace-with-tests/add/bitta_qoshish/src/}}

Now run `cargo test` in the top-level *add* directory. Running `cargo test` in
Expand All @@ -259,10 +238,10 @@ paths properly

$ cargo test
Compiling add_one v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/add_one)
Compiling bitta_qoshish v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/bitta_qoshish)
Compiling adder v0.1.0 (file:///projects/add/adder)
Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.27s
Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/add_one-f0253159197f7841)
Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/bitta_qoshish-f0253159197f7841)

running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... ok
Expand All @@ -275,46 +254,46 @@ running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Doc-tests add_one
Doc-tests bitta_qoshish

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

The first section of the output shows that the `it_works` test in the `add_one`
The first section of the output shows that the `it_works` test in the `bitta_qoshish`
crate passed. The next section shows that zero tests were found in the `adder`
crate, and then the last section shows zero documentation tests were found in
the `add_one` crate.
the `bitta_qoshish` crate.

We can also run tests for one particular crate in a workspace from the
top-level directory by using the `-p` flag and specifying the name of the crate
we want to test:

<!-- manual-regeneration
cd listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/no-listing-04-workspace-with-tests/add
cargo test -p add_one
cargo test -p bitta_qoshish
copy output below; the output updating script doesn't handle subdirectories in paths properly

$ cargo test -p add_one
$ cargo test -p bitta_qoshish
Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/add_one-b3235fea9a156f74)
Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/bitta_qoshish-b3235fea9a156f74)

running 1 test
test tests::it_works ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Doc-tests add_one
Doc-tests bitta_qoshish

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

This output shows `cargo test` only ran the tests for the `add_one` crate and
This output shows `cargo test` only ran the tests for the `bitta_qoshish` crate and
didn’t run the `adder` crate tests.

If you publish the crates in the workspace to [](,
Expand All @@ -323,7 +302,7 @@ test`, we can publish a particular crate in our workspace by using the `-p`
flag and specifying the name of the crate we want to publish.

For additional practice, add an `add_two` crate to this workspace in a similar
way as the `add_one` crate!
way as the `bitta_qoshish` crate!

As your project grows, consider using a workspace: it’s easier to understand
smaller, individual components than one big blob of code. Furthermore, keeping
Expand Down

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