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ismoilovdevml committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent 6122c86 commit ba46d4a
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 40 deletions.
61 changes: 21 additions & 40 deletions rustbook-uz/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,53 +210,34 @@ name = "kalkulyator"
license = "MIT"

If you want to use a license that doesn’t appear in the SPDX, you need to place
the text of that license in a file, include the file in your project, and then
use `license-file` to specify the name of that file instead of using the
`license` key.
Agar siz SPDX da ko'rinmaydigan litsenziyadan foydalanmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ushbu litsenziya matnini faylga joylashtirishingiz, faylni loyihangizga kiritishingiz kerak, va keyin `license` kalitidan foydalanish oʻrniga oʻsha fayl nomini koʻrsatish uchun `license-file` dan foydalaning.

Guidance on which license is appropriate for your project is beyond the scope
of this book. Many people in the Rust community license their projects in the
same way as Rust by using a dual license of `MIT OR Apache-2.0`. This practice
demonstrates that you can also specify multiple license identifiers separated
by `OR` to have multiple licenses for your project.
Loyihangiz uchun qaysi litsenziya to'g'ri kelishi haqidagi ko'rsatmalar ushbu kitob doirasidan tashqarida. Rust hamjamiyatidagi(community) ko'p odamlar o'z loyihalarini Rust bilan bir xil tarzda `MIT OR Apache-2.0` qo'sh litsenziyasidan foydalangan holda litsenziyalashadi. Ushbu amaliyot shuni ko'rsatadiki, loyihangiz uchun bir nechta litsenziyaga ega bo'lish uchun `OR` bilan ajratilgan bir nechta litsenziya identifikatorlarini ham belgilashingiz mumkin.

With a unique name, the version, your description, and a license added, the
*Cargo.toml* file for a project that is ready to publish might look like this:
Noyob nom, versiya, tavsif(description) va litsenziya qoʻshilgan holda nashr etishga tayyor boʻlgan loyiha uchun *Cargo.toml* fayli quyidagicha koʻrinishi mumkin:

<span class="filename">Fayl nomi: Cargo.toml</span>

name = "guessing_game"
name = "kalkulyator"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
description = "A fun game where you guess what number the computer has chosen."
description = "Sanoq tizimlari bilan ishlaydigan kalkulyator"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"


[Cargo’s documentation]( describes other
metadata you can specify to ensure others can discover and use your crate more
[Cargo hujjatlarida]( boshqalar sizning cratengizni osongina topishi va undan foydalanishi uchun siz belgilashingiz mumkin bo'lgan boshqa metama'lumotlar tasvirlangan.

### Publishing to
### nashr qilish

Now that you’ve created an account, saved your API token, chosen a name for
your crate, and specified the required metadata, you’re ready to publish!
Publishing a crate uploads a specific version to
[](<!-- ignore --> for others to use.
Endi siz hisob(account) yaratdingiz, API tokeningizni saqladingiz, cratengiz uchun nom tanladingiz va kerakli metamaʼlumotlarni koʻrsatdingiz, siz nashr(publish) qilishga tayyorsiz! Crateni nashr qilish boshqalar foydalanishi uchun [](<!-- ignore --> saytiga ma'lum bir versiyani yuklaydi.

Be careful, because a publish is *permanent*. The version can never be
overwritten, and the code cannot be deleted. One major goal of
[](<!-- ignore --> is to act as a permanent archive
of code so that builds of all projects that depend on crates from
[](<!-- ignore --> will continue to work. Allowing
version deletions would make fulfilling that goal impossible. However, there is
no limit to the number of crate versions you can publish.
Ehtiyot bo'ling, chunki nashr *doimiydir(permanent)*. Versiyani hech qachon qayta yozib bo'lmaydi va kodni o'chirib bo'lmaydi.[](<!-- ignore --> -ning asosiy maqsadlaridan biri doimiy kod arxivi bo'lib xizmat qilishdir, shunda [](<!-- ignore -->-dan cratelarga bog'liq bo'lgan barcha loyihalar o'z ishini davom ettiradi. Versiyani o'chirishga ruxsat berish bu maqsadni amalga oshirishni imkonsiz qiladi. Biroq, siz nashr(publish) etishingiz mumkin bo'lgan crate versiyalari soniga cheklov yo'q.

Run the `cargo publish` command again. It should succeed now:
`cargo publish` buyrug'ini qayta ishga tushiring. Endi u muvaffaqiyatli bo'lishi kerak:

<!-- manual-regeneration
go to some valid crate, publish a new version
Expand All @@ -267,16 +248,16 @@ copy just the relevant lines below
$ cargo publish
Updating index
Packaging guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
Verifying guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0
Packaging kalkulyator v0.1.0 (file:///projects/kalkulyator)
Verifying kalkulyator v0.1.0 (file:///projects/kalkulyator)
Compiling kalkulyator v0.1.0
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.19s
Uploading guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)
Uploading kalkulyator v0.1.0 (file:///projects/kalkulyator)

Congratulations! You’ve now shared your code with the Rust community, and
anyone can easily add your crate as a dependency of their project.
Tabriklaymiz! Siz endi kodingizni Rust hamjamiyatiga(community) ulashdingiz va
har kim o'z loyihasiga dependency sifatida cratengizni osongina qo'shishi mumkin.

### Publishing a New Version of an Existing Crate

Expand All @@ -303,8 +284,8 @@ yank means that all projects with a *Cargo.lock* will not break, and any future

To yank a version of a crate, in the directory of the crate that you’ve
previously published, run `cargo yank` and specify which version you want to
yank. For example, if we've published a crate named `guessing_game` version
1.0.1 and we want to yank it, in the project directory for `guessing_game` we'd
yank. For example, if we've published a crate named `kalkulyator` version
1.0.1 and we want to yank it, in the project directory for `kalkulyator` we'd

<!-- manual-regeneration:
Expand All @@ -315,7 +296,7 @@ cargo yank carol-test --version 2.1.0 --undo
$ cargo yank --vers 1.0.1
Updating index
Yank guessing_game@1.0.1
Yank kalkulyator@1.0.1

By adding `--undo` to the command, you can also undo a yank and allow projects
Expand All @@ -324,7 +305,7 @@ to start depending on a version again:
$ cargo yank --vers 1.0.1 --undo
Updating index
Unyank guessing_game@1.0.1
Unyank kalkulyator@1.0.1

A yank *does not* delete any code. It cannot, for example, delete accidentally
Expand Down

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