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## Extensible Concurrency with the `Sync` and `Send` Traits

Interestingly, the Rust language has *very* few concurrency features. Almost
every concurrency feature we’ve talked about so far in this chapter has been
part of the standard library, not the language. Your options for handling
concurrency are not limited to the language or the standard library; you can
write your own concurrency features or use those written by others.

However, two concurrency concepts are embedded in the language: the
`std::marker` traits `Sync` and `Send`.

### Allowing Transference of Ownership Between Threads with `Send`

The `Send` marker trait indicates that ownership of values of the type
implementing `Send` can be transferred between threads. Almost every Rust type
is `Send`, but there are some exceptions, including `Rc<T>`: this cannot be
`Send` because if you cloned an `Rc<T>` value and tried to transfer ownership
of the clone to another thread, both threads might update the reference count
at the same time. For this reason, `Rc<T>` is implemented for use in
single-threaded situations where you don’t want to pay the thread-safe
performance penalty.

Therefore, Rust’s type system and trait bounds ensure that you can never
accidentally send an `Rc<T>` value across threads unsafely. When we tried to do
this in Listing 16-14, we got the error `the trait Send is not implemented for
Rc<Mutex<i32>>`. When we switched to `Arc<T>`, which is `Send`, the code

Any type composed entirely of `Send` types is automatically marked as `Send` as
well. Almost all primitive types are `Send`, aside from raw pointers, which
we’ll discuss in Chapter 19.

### Allowing Access from Multiple Threads with `Sync`

The `Sync` marker trait indicates that it is safe for the type implementing
`Sync` to be referenced from multiple threads. In other words, any type `T` is
`Sync` if `&T` (an immutable reference to `T`) is `Send`, meaning the reference
can be sent safely to another thread. Similar to `Send`, primitive types are
`Sync`, and types composed entirely of types that are `Sync` are also `Sync`.

The smart pointer `Rc<T>` is also not `Sync` for the same reasons that it’s not
`Send`. The `RefCell<T>` type (which we talked about in Chapter 15) and the
family of related `Cell<T>` types are not `Sync`. The implementation of borrow
checking that `RefCell<T>` does at runtime is not thread-safe. The smart
pointer `Mutex<T>` is `Sync` and can be used to share access with multiple
threads as you saw in the [“Sharing a `Mutex<T>` Between Multiple
Threads”][sharing-a-mutext-between-multiple-threads]<!-- ignore --> section.

### Implementing `Send` and `Sync` Manually Is Unsafe

Because types that are made up of `Send` and `Sync` traits are automatically
also `Send` and `Sync`, we don’t have to implement those traits manually. As
marker traits, they don’t even have any methods to implement. They’re just
useful for enforcing invariants related to concurrency.

Manually implementing these traits involves implementing unsafe Rust code.
We’ll talk about using unsafe Rust code in Chapter 19; for now, the important
information is that building new concurrent types not made up of `Send` and
`Sync` parts requires careful thought to uphold the safety guarantees. [“The
Rustonomicon”][nomicon] has more information about these guarantees and how to
uphold them.

## Summary

This isn’t the last you’ll see of concurrency in this book: the project in
Chapter 20 will use the concepts in this chapter in a more realistic situation
than the smaller examples discussed here.

As mentioned earlier, because very little of how Rust handles concurrency is
part of the language, many concurrency solutions are implemented as crates.
These evolve more quickly than the standard library, so be sure to search
online for the current, state-of-the-art crates to use in multithreaded

The Rust standard library provides channels for message passing and smart
pointer types, such as `Mutex<T>` and `Arc<T>`, that are safe to use in
concurrent contexts. The type system and the borrow checker ensure that the
code using these solutions won’t end up with data races or invalid references.
Once you get your code to compile, you can rest assured that it will happily
run on multiple threads without the kinds of hard-to-track-down bugs common in
other languages. Concurrent programming is no longer a concept to be afraid of:
go forth and make your programs concurrent, fearlessly!

Next, we’ll talk about idiomatic ways to model problems and structure solutions
as your Rust programs get bigger. In addition, we’ll discuss how Rust’s idioms
relate to those you might be familiar with from object-oriented programming.
## Kengaytirilgan parallellik (konkurensiya) bilan `Sinxronlash`(Sync) va `Jonatish`(Send) xususiyatlari

Qiziqroq qilib aytganda, Rust tilida juda kam konkurentlik talabiga javob bera oladigan xususiyatlar bor. Biz shu vaqtgacha, avvalgi bolimlarda korib
chiqqan deyarli barcha xususiyatlar standard kutubxonaga tegishli xususiyatlar hisoblanadi, tilga(Rustga) emas. Sizning parallellik(konkurensiya) bilan
musobatingiz Rust tiliga yoki standardlashtirilgan kutubxonaga cheklanmagan. Siz oziznikini yozishingiz yoki boshqalar tomonidan yozilganini olishingiz

Ammo, tilga 2 ta parallellik konsepsiya(metodologiya, tushuncha) lari kiritilgan:
`std::marker` xususiyatlari `Sync`(sinxronlash) va `Send`(jonatish).

### `Send`(Jonatish) orqali egalikni Threadlarga kochirish

`Send`(Yuborish) belgisi xususiyati Jonatishni amalga oshiruvchi turdagi qiymatlarga egalik huquqini threadlar o'rtasida o'tkazish mumkinligini
ko'rsatadi. Deyarli har bir Rust turi `Send`(Yuborish), lekin ba'zi istisnolar mavjud, masalan `Rc<T>`: buni `Send`(Yuborish) bo’lmaydi, chunki agar siz
`Rc<T>` qiymatini klonlashtirsangiz va klonga egalik huquqini boshqa threadga o'tkazmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ikkala threadlar ham reference sonini yangilishi
mumkin. Shu sabablisiz i `Rc<T>` bitta oqimli holatlarda foydalanish uchun amalga oshiriladi qayerdaki siz jarima (thread-xavfsizligi uchun) tolashni

Shu sababli, Rustning turga asoslangan tizimi va belgilar chegaralari hech qachon tasodifan `Rc<T>` qiymatini threadlar bo'ylab xavfsiz tarzda yubora
olmasligingizni ta'minlaydi. Buni 16-14-raqamli roʻyxatda qilishga urinib koʻrganimizda, Rc<Mutex<i32>> uchun Jo’natish(Send) xususiyati qoʻllanilmagan
degan xatoga duch keldik. `Arc<T>`-ga, ya'ni `Send`-g(Jonatishga)a o'tganimizda, kod tuzildi.

To'liq `Send`(Yuborish) turlaridan tashkil topgan har qanday tur avtomatik ravishda `Send`(Yuborish) sifatida ham belgilanadi. Deyarli barcha ibtidoiy
turlar, biz 19-bobda muhokama qiladigan xom(primitive) ko'rsatkichlardan tashqari, `Send`(Yuborishdir).

### `Sync`(Sinxronizatsiya) bilan bir nechta mavzulardan kirishga ruxsat berish

`Sync`(Sinxronlash) belgisi xususiyati Sinxronizatsiyani amalga oshiruvchi turga bir nechta oqimlardan havola qilish xavfsiz ekanligini ko'rsatadi.
Boshqacha qilib aytganda, agar `&T` (T ga o'zgarmas havola) Send bo'lsa, har qanday `T` turi Sinxronizatsiya hisoblanadi, ya'ni havola boshqa oqimga
xavfsiz yuborilishi mumkin. Yuborishga o'xshab, primitive turlar Sync(Sinxrondir) va to'liq `Sync`(Sinxronlashtirilgan) turlardan tashkil topgan turlar
ham `Sync`(Sinxrondir).

`Rc<T>` aqlli ko'rsatkichi ham xuddi shu sabablarga ko'ra `Sync`(Sinxronlashtirilmaydi), chunki u Send(Yuborish) emas. `RefCell<T>` turi (bu haqda biz
15-bobda gaplashdik) va tegishli `Cell<T>` turlari oilasi `Sync`(Sinxronlash) emas. `RefCell<T>` ish vaqtida bajaradigan qarzni tekshirishni amalga
oshirish thread uchun xavfsiz emas. `Mutex<T>` aqlli ko'rsatkichi `Sync`(Sinxronlashdir) va Bir nechta mavzular o'rtasida `Mutex<T>` almashish bo'limida
ko'rganingizdek, bir nechta oqimlar bilan kirishni almashish uchun ishlatilishi mumkin.

### `Send`(Yuborish) va `Sync`(Sinxronizatsiya) ni qo'lda amalga oshirish xavfli

Send(Yuborish) va Sync(Sinxronlash) xususiyatlaridan tashkil topgan turlar avtomatik ravishda Send(Yuborish) va Sync(Sinxronlash) xususiyatiga ega
boʻlgani uchun biz bu xususiyatlarni qoʻlda amalga oshirishimiz shart emas. Belgilovchi xususiyatlar sifatida ular hatto amalga oshirish uchun hech
qanday usullarga ega emaslar. Ular parallellik bilan bog'liq invariantlarni qo'llash uchun foydalidir.

Ushbu xususiyatlarni qo'lda amalga oshirish xavfli Rust kodini amalga oshirishni o'z ichiga oladi. 19-bobda xavfli Rust kodidan foydalanish haqida
gaplashamiz; Hozircha muhim ma'lumot shundaki, `Send`(Yuborish) va `Sync`(Sinxronlash) qismlaridan iborat bo'lmagan yangi bir vaqtda turlarni yaratish
xavfsizlik kafolatlarini ta'minlash uchun ehtiyotkorlik bilan o'ylashni talab qiladi. "Rustonomicon" ushbu kafolatlar va ularni qanday saqlash kerakligi
haqida ko'proq ma'lumotga ega ular.

## Xulosa

Bu siz ushbu kitobda mos kelishini ko'rgan oxirgi narsa emas: 20-bobdagi loyiha bu bobdagi tushunchalardan bu erda muhokama qilingan kichikroq misollarga
qaraganda realroq vaziyatda foydalanadi.

Yuqorida aytib o'tganimizdek, Rustning parallellikni qanday boshqarishi tilning bir qismi bo'lganligi sababli, ko'plab parallellik echimlari qutilar
sifatida amalga oshiriladi. Ular standart kutubxonaga qaraganda tezroq rivojlanadi, shuning uchun ko'p tarmoqli vaziyatlarda foydalanish uchun joriy, eng
zamonaviy qutilarni onlayn qidirib toping.

Rust standart kutubxonasi bir vaqtda kontekstlarda foydalanish uchun xavfsiz bo'lgan `Mutex<T>` va `Arc<T>` kabi xabarlarni uzatish va aqlli ko'rsatkich
turlari uchun kanallarni taqdim etadi. Tur tizimi va qarz tekshiruvi ushbu echimlardan foydalanadigan kod ma'lumotlar poygasi yoki noto'g'ri havolalar
bilan yakunlanmasligini ta'minlaydi. Kodingizni kompilyatsiya qilish uchun olganingizdan so'ng, u boshqa tillarda tez-tez uchraydigan kuzatilishi qiyin
bo'lgan xatolarsiz bir nechta mavzularda baxtli ishlashiga amin bo'lishingiz mumkin. Bir vaqtning o'zida dasturlash endi qo'rqadigan tushuncha emas:
oldinga boring va dasturlaringizni qo'rqmasdan bir vaqtda qiling!

Keyinchalik, Rust dasturlaringiz kattalashib borishi bilan muammolarni modellashtirish va echimlarni tuzishning idiomatik usullari haqida gaplashamiz.
Bundan tashqari, biz Rustning idiomalari sizga object-oriented programming(ob'ektga yo'naltirilgan dasturlashdan) tanish bo'lgan narsalar bilan qanday
bog'liqligini muhokama qilamiz.

[nomicon]: ../nomicon/index.html

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