Directive that handles long press event on any html element
##How to use it
Install it
bower install ng-long-press
Make sure that you have included dependency to module you want to use
angular.module('yourModule', ['ngLongPress']);
Use the ng-long-press directive on any HTML element that supports mouse events
<div ng-long-press-callback="longPressCallback" ng-long-press-length="1500" ng-long-press> LONG PRESS - 1500ms </div>
ng-long-press-callback - mandatory. Type - function
ng-long-press-length - optional. Type - integer. Number of milliseconds after which the callback is called.
While active this directive tries to prevent context menu from opening. That means that text inside directive might not be easily selectable on mobile browsers. It is a bad idea to put this directive on huge content.