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DANS Maven Parents

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Parents for DANS Maven based projects.





(Fill in the current version.)


This module contains the main build for the projects that define parent POMs for use in DANS Maven-based projects.


  • Define default versions and scopes for commonly used dependencies. This is done by declaring managed dependencies in the base modules. The inheriting project then only needs to declare the dependency using the groupId and artifactId to automatically use the defaults, while it can still override those, if necessary.
  • Define default versions and configurations for commonly used plug-ins. This is done by declaring managed plug-ins, which work the same as managed dependencies. This saves even more space in the inheriting project, as plug-in configurations can be rather long.
  • Declare a few dependencies and plug-ins that are (almost) always used in DANS projects. However, this is only done in the sub-modules lowest in the hierarchy, so if you really do not need those dependencies you can inherit from a parent higher in the tree.

Deploying artifacts

Default deploy behavior

In Maven-speak deploying an artifact means publishing it to a repository for distribution. This process is supported by the maven-deploy-plugin.

The maven-release-plugin supports creating releases, which is subdivided into two steps:

  1. Preparing the release: creating a non-snapshot version, committing and tagging it and and pushing it to GitHub. A file containing the details of the release will also be created; it is required for the next step (see below). Command line: mvn release:clean release:prepare.
  2. Performing the release: cloning the git repo to target/checkout, checking out the release tag, building that commit and deploying it to the repository specified in the POM's <distributionManagement>. Command line: mvn release:perform. Note that this will invoke the maven-deploy-plugin in the last step.

If you call the maven-deploy-plugin directly it will build the current git working directory. It will create a snapshot or a release depending on whether the version in the POM is a snapshot version or a release version. Then it will be published to the appropriate Maven repo configured in the <distributionManagement> element, so to <snapshotRepository> for snapshots and to <repository> for releases.

Command line: mvn deploy (deploy is actually a Maven lifecycle phase, so it will cause Maven to execute all the phases leading up to it first).

Overrides for deploying RPMs

The distribution repositories are usually Maven-repositories. However, we want to distribute our RPM-packages through YUM. To support this, projects can override the default maven-deploy-plugin. This is done by activating maven-antrun-plugin and exec-maven-plugin. These have been configured in dans-mvn-plugin-defaults to do the following during the deploy phase:

  • Look under target for one RPM file.
  • PUT that file to ${rpm-snapshot-repository} or ${rpm-release-repository}, depending on the version of the project being a snapshot version or not.

These overrides are active for all non-POM-descendants of dans-scala-app-project. They have also been copied to certain legacy projects. Note that they do not use the <distributionManagement> element.

Mixed Maven/RPM modules

What if an RPM-module also needs to be published as a library to Maven? Actually, a project that requires this should be refactored to have two submodules: one for the lib and one for the RPM. For now, the default deploy behavior can be restored by activating the lib-deploy profile (defined in dans-scala-app-project). To avoid deploying RPMs to Maven, which is a waste of storage space, this should be combined with deactivating the rpm profile:

mvn -P'!rpm' -Plib-deploy deploy


As of writing this, Maven is unfortunately still rather low in composability. This means that to split up a POM you do not have a whole lot of options. If you have to use the managed dependencies you are basically stuck with splitting up over a single-inheritance hierarchy, so that is what we have done here. This hierarchy is subdivided as follows:

                              |                 |
                        dans-java-project     dans-scala-project
POM Description
dans-mvn-base Only basic facilities needed by all projects.
dans-mvn-plugin-defaults Only managed plug-in configurations.
dans-mvn-lib-defaults Only managed dependency configurations.
dans-java-project The basic dependencies and plug-ins needed for any DANS Java project.
dans-scala-project The basic dependencies and plug-ins needed for any DANS Scala project.
dans-scala-app-project The basic dependencies and plug-ins needed for a Scala based application or service including support for distributing to YUM.


To use these parents you need to add two thing to you POM file:

  • The parent project you want to inherit from. In most cases this should be dans-scala-app-project or dans-java-project. However, you can also use one of the parents higher up in the inheritance tree.
  • The DANS Maven repositories.

This will look like the following. Note that you must first fill in the appropriate version.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->

You may in some cases want to extend the plug-in configurations that you inherited. You can often selectively override or append to the configuration declared in the parent, using the combine.* attributes. (See the Maven POM reference; search for the word "combine".)

Currently, the DANS repositories don't host any plug-ins. Not entirely true: for a few legacy projects we host patched third-party plug-ins. In those cases the above <repositories>-element must be copied and adjusted to a <pluginRepositories> element as well.


It can happen that a dependency is included in one of the parent POMs, that also inherits from the same parent pom. Currently this is the case for dans-scala-lib and dans-bag-lib. To avoid redundant deploys, these circular dependencies should be handled as follows:

  1. Test that the SNAPSHOT version of the parent POM with reference to the latest SNAPSHOT version of the dependency is behaving as expected.
  2. In the parent POM, change the version number for the dependency to the next (not yet deployed) release version.
  3. Release dans-parent-pom and deploy it to the Maven repository.
  4. In the dependency's POM, change the parent POM version number to the newly deployed version of dans-parent-pom.
  5. Build and deploy the inheriting project.



  • Java 8 or higher
  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher


git clone -o blessed
cd dans-parent-pom
mvn install