Your minimal yet powerful open source solution to crowd fund your ideas. Open crowd fund is an alternative to all the enterprise crowdfunding platforms and applications. You can do it yourself. Take control over your project fundings, stay flexible by creating the content yourself, and minimize the fees by cutting out the middlemen. Everything you need is to host it yourself.
Powered by Gatsby
- Use your own domain
- Create your own content
- Charge and secure fundings by Credit Card with Stripe
- Minimize payment fees and choose your currency
- Keep your funding information in Firebase
git clone [email protected]:rwieruch/open-crowd-fund.git
cd open-crowd-fund
npm install
gatsby develop
- visit http://localhost:8000/
- setup Firebase and Stripe (read External Services Setup)
The client-side project is this project. You just need to provide your configurational information for it and fill in your own content to crowd fund your idea (read Customize). In addition, you need to provide the following things in this project:
- provide Firebase Credentials (read External Services Setup)
- provide Stripe Credentials (read External Services Setup)
- optional: provide Google Analytics Key in gatsby-config.js
There are two external services that are used: a firebase database and a stripe payment server.
First, Firebase is needed to store the funding information (e.g. who funded you with how much fundings). Firebase is an external service and doesn't need to be hosted by yourself.
Second, the payment server is not included in this repository. There is another GitHub repository where you could simply clone partly the payment server. On the other hand, you could follow the provided tutorial to build your own minimal payment server from scratch. Here you get all the instructions on how to setup your payment server.
- create a Firebase account and a Firebase project (free)
- modify the Firebase -> Database -> Rules
- everyone can write to the database
- thus no account creation necessary
- will be secured by domain restriction in another step though
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
- Client-side Application: add your Firebase credentials in .env.development and .env.production
- there are two files, in case you have a Firebase databases for each environment
- if you don't care, you can use the same configuration in both files
- Secure your Firebase project with domain restriction in the Google Console
- otherwise everyone from everwhere would be able to write to your Firebase database
- optional: adjust your Firebase plan in case you are expecting spikes in traffic for your campaign announcement
That's it for Firebase! You are now able to track your fundings and display your progress in the application.
Furthermore, you will need a Stripe payment server where you can receive your fundings. The payment server is not included in this repository. Please use the following tutorial to setup a small payment server with Stripe. As alternative, feel free to use the payment server from this repository. It is located in the backend folder. But make sure to read the tutorial once to understand what's happening in the payment flow.
Create a Stripe Account (free)
Client-side Application: add your public Stripe API keys in .env.development and .env.production
Client-side Application: add your payment server URL in .env.development and .env.production
- e.g. http://localhost:8080 for development if your development payment server runs under this address
- for your production payment server that you host with an own domain or IP address
start your payment server on the command line
- verify that the localhost URL where it is started is the same as your payment server URL that is added in the client-side .env.development
- verify that your payment server has all Stripe API keys specified
- run your client-side application and your payment server on the command line
- visit your client-side application in the browser
- fund your own project with a test credit card
- verify
- that the funding progress updates in the client-side application
- the test payment is visible in your Stripe dashboard
- add your .env.production and .env.development to your .gitignore
- you are ready to deploy it!
modify funding configuration in src/configuration.js
modify funding content in src/Content.js
optional: use an own favion in static/favicon (e.g. use
optional: add, remove or modify meta tags in src/layouts/index.js
optional: add, remove or modify global style in src/layouts/index.js
optional: add, remove or modify assets, such as images, in static/
optional: add, remove or modify gatsby plugins in gatsby-config.js
- deploy your client-side application (this repository) to your hosting solution (read up the Gatsby documentation on how to deploy your application to different hosting solutions)
- deploy your payment server to your hosting solution too
- make sure that your payment server URL matches in .env.production with your domain for your payment server in production
- verify that the payment flow works in production
You can contribute to the project. Contributing in three steps:
- create an Issue
- discuss with maintainers and contributors about the issue
- create a Pull Request if the issue should be solved
git clone
cd backend
npm install
node index.js
Follow further installation instructions for the payment server to provide the necessary configuration (e.g. Stripe API keys).
git clone [email protected]:rwieruch/open-crowd-fund.git
cd open-crowd-fund
npm install
gatsby develop
Follow further installation instructions from this README to provide the necessary configuration.
- Formatting with Prettier:
npm run format