# Make /repos directory
sudo mkdir /repos
sudo chown ryan:staff /repos
cd /repos
# Clone it!
git clone [email protected]:ryankuczka/dotfiles.git
Install these programs first:
Use homebrew to install:
# Updated programs
brew install python
brew install python3
brew install git
brew install curl
# New programs
brew install node
brew install tmux
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
brew install tree
brew install the_silver_searcher
brew install wget
brew install watch
brew install youtube-dl
brew install ctags
brew install direnv
# Vim/Neovim
brew install vim
brew tap neovim/neovim
brew install neovim
# Zsh
brew install zsh
# Then add /usr/local/bin/zsh to the end of /etc/shells and run:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
# Vim Stuff
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/vim ~/.vim
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/vim ~/.config/nvim
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
# Git Stuff
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/git/git_template ~/.git_template
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/git/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/git/gitignore ~/.gitignore
# Zsh Stuff
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
# Miscellaneous
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/misc/agignore ~/.agignore
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/misc/direnvrc ~/.direnvrc
ln -sfv /repos/dotfiles/misc/rgignore ~/.rgignore
# Create neovim virtualenvs
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv neovim2
workon neovim2
pip install pynvim
mkvirtualenv -p python3 neovim
workon neovim
pip install pynvim
# Install vim preview markdown
npm install -g instant-markdown-d
# Install plugins
nvim +PlugInstall +qall
# To update the subtrees in this repo
git subupd [email protected]:zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search.git zsh/zsh-history-substring-search
git subupd [email protected]:zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git zsh/zsh-syntax-highlighting
git subupd [email protected]:zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions.git zsh/zsh-autosuggestions