This project uses the YOLOv3-tiny pretrained model to identify objects from a RTSP stream using CPU-only inference. It's designed to run in a docker container for portibility.
To install, clone the respository and run the install command:
make install
It will take care of building the docker container, and downloading the yolov3-tiny model if you don't already have it downloaded.
Next, create a settings.env file, and populate it with your stream URI
touch settings.env
export STREAM_URI=rtsp://username:password@stream_ip_address/stream_endpoint
echo "STREAM_URI=$STREAM_URI" >> settings.env
To run locally, use the following command:
make run
Environment variables for configuring things
# The URI to the stream
export STREAM_URI=rtsp://username:password@stream_ip_address/stream_endpoint
# FPS_LIMIT - limit the number of frames being processed
export FPS_LIMIT=10
# Display the frames per second in stdout
export DISPLAY_FPS=1
# Set the confidence threshold for detection reporting at 80%