Ethereum transactions need to be sent along with some gas to pay for the resources it uses on the network. Gas can only be sent along with a transaction if the ethereum account signing the transaction has some ether (wei). If the QNM manages all etherum accounts, this is not a problem, however storing keys on the blockchain node is not good practice and therefore a keystore was developed. The eth-funder can fulfil this role.
The eth-funder looks at all the accounts it manages and funds accounts with insufficient balances from accounts it can unlock (with the default password) that have higher balances.
- NodeJS:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - && sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
- keystore:
- blockchain-proxy:
- pm2:
npm i -g pm2
- One etherum account in the keystore that has some ether.
git clone [email protected]:AdharaProjects/eth-funder.git && cd eth-funder
npm install
pm2 start index.js --name eth-funder
All configuration can be found in the config/