Implementation of the experiment as published in the paper "Using adaptive activation functions in pre-trained artificial neural network models" by Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy and Serhii Kostiuk.
The experiment:
- demonstrates the method of activation function replacement in pre-trained models using the VGG-like KerasNet 1 CNN as the example base model;
- evaluates the inference result differences between the base pre-trained model and the same model with replaced activation functions;
- demonstrates the effectiveness of activation function fine-tuning when all other elements of the model are fixed (frozen);
- evaluates performance of the KerasNet variants with different activation functions (adaptive and non-adaptive) trained in different regimes.
The experiment consists of the following steps:
- Train the base KerasNet network on the CIFAR-10 2 dataset for 100 epochs using the standard training procedure and RMSprop. 4 variants of the network: are trained: with ReLU 3, SiLU 4, Tanh and Sigmoid 5 activation functions.
- Save the pre-trained network.
- Evaluate performance of the base pre-trained network on the test set of CIFAR-10.
- Load the base pre-trained network and replace all activation functions with the corresponding adaptive alternatives (ReLU, SiLU -> AHAF 6; Sigmoid, Tanh -> F-Neuron Activation 7).
- Evaluate performance of the base derived network on the test set of CIFAR-10.
- Fine-tune the adaptive activation functions on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
- Evaluate the network performance after the activation function fine-tuning.
- Compare the evaluation results collected on steps 3, 5 and 7.
- NVIDIA GPU recommended with at least 2 GiB of VRAM.
- Install the requirements from
. - Set
in the environment variables. - Use the root of this repository as the current directory.
- Add the current directory to
so it can find the modules
user@host:~/repo_path$ export CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:4096:8
user@host:~/repo_path$ export PYTHONPATH=".:$PYTHONPATH"
user@host:~/repo_path$ python3 experiments/
Or in a single line, to keep assignments local to the executable:
user@host:~/repo_path$ CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG=:4096:8 PYTHONPATH=".:$PYTHONPATH" python3 experiments/
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