Created a chess AI from scratch using p5.js. Used the minimax algorithm with alpha beta pruning for move evaluation. Can play pretty well at an amatuer level. This has got a ply depth of 4. Also created a game with ply depth of 7 : Need to make some changes to the readme. some more changes. making some more changes. adding some changes here. change another change is coming up now. making another change here.
1: Download the zip file and extract it.
2: Run a local server on your system by typing the command in the terminal :
- Go to a web browser and enter the url :
- Go to the extracted file.
- Go to the AI Game folder.
- The game is displayed on the screen.
- To receive instructios regarding the game open the Console in Inspect Elemnt by using right click.
You can only play the game as the Black player.
1: picked : It means that the chess piece has been picked and now you must choose a valid location to place it.
(all of the valid locations are displayed in the console).
2: placed : It means that the piece that was picked has now been placed and now you are ready to pic another piece.
3: pick again : It means that some incorrect action has been done and you now need to repick the piece.
4: Game Over : It means that the game is over and the side which won is displayed thereafter.
5: Move is OK : If it was your turn to move and you moved.
6: Move is not OK : If it is not your turn to move.
Always be attentive because the game does not tell whether you are in check or not and it immediately captures the king if possible.