This repository is to compile OpenFace with PyTorch C++ frontend. The repo implements both FaceLandmarkImg
and FeatureExtraction
Follow installation steps in the wiki page. Update the CMakeLists.txt files accordingly.
- Follow the usual build process to generate
library under/build/lib/TorchFace/
git clone
cd TorchFace
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# Pass OpenFace arguments
openface_args = [model_dir, '-wild', '-mloc', './models/model/main_ceclm_general.txt', '-out_dir', dest_dir]
misc_args = {
"vis": True,
"rec": True,
"first_only": True
# Load c++ shared object
OpenFace = torch.classes.TorchFaceAnalysis
# Load batch of Image
trans = transforms.ToTensor()
img ="../data/sample3.png").convert('RGB')
img = trans(img)
img = img.unsqueeze(0).repeat(2, 1, 1, 1) # Sample Batch
ex_args = {
"bbox": [[204., 136., 326., 283.], [204., 136., 326., 288.]],
"fname": ["saandeep2", "saande3"]
# Load FaceLandmarkImg Class
obj = OpenFace.TorchFaceLandmarkImg(openface_args, misc_args)
features = obj.ExtractFeatures(img.clone().detach().cpu().contiguous(), ex_args)
for keys, values in features.items():
print(f"{keys}: {values.size()}")
# Load a video
vid_path = os.path.join(root_dir, "data/video01.mp4")
vr = VideoReader(vid_path, ctx=cpu(0))
frame_lst = random.sample(list(range(0, len(vr))), 50)
frames = vr.get_batch(frame_lst)
frames = frames.asnumpy()
video = torch.from_numpy(frames)
video = video.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
video = torch.div(video, 255.)
ex_args = {
"fname": ["video01"],
'frame_lst': frame_lst
# Load Feature Extraction Class
obj = OpenFace.TorchFeatureExtraction(openface_args, misc_args)
features = obj.ExtractFeatures(video.clone().detach().cpu().contiguous(), ex_args)
obj = OpenFace.TorchFeatureExtraction(openface_args, misc_args)
test_set = RafDb(cfg, "val", transform, transform)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers = cfg.DATASET.NUM_WORKERS)
bbox = [0., 0., float(cfg.DATASET.IMG_SIZE), float(cfg.DATASET.IMG_SIZE)]
for b, (img, _, fnames) in enumerate(tqdm(test_loader)):
# BBOX (0, 0, max, max) since RAF-DB images are already aligned!
ex_args = {
"bbox":[bbox for _ in range(img.size(0))],
"fname": list(fnames)
obj.ExtractFeatures(img.cpu().detach(), ex_args)
The primary library which binds OpenFace pure C++ with PyTorch C++ in present under lib/TorchFace
The rest of the directories under lib
are from OpenFace original repo. These libraries have been modified to fit specific project requirements.
├── cmake
├── exe
├── imgs
├── external
└── lib
├── CppInerop
├── FaceAnalyser
│ ├── include
│ └── src
├── GazeAnalyser
│ ├── include
│ └── src
├── LandmarkDetector
│ ├── include
│ └── src
├── **TorchFace**
│ ├── include
│ └── src
└── Utilities
├── include
└── src