nvm use v16.11.1
npm install
cp .env.sample .env
Make sure to run npm run generate:types
to introspect github API and genarate types.
npm run test
npm run start
The primitives are built levaraging variants API, by following this pattern: base css, variants, default variant, and compound variant. The margin of the primitives is zero, the primitives don't have media queries, the layout desiciions are made with parent containers.
React primitives have a type safe signature, meaning the props are constrained by variants, tokens, and data types.
The client state is managed by Apollo's client only schema, the mutations are wired via reactive variables, the field level subscriptions are hooked via Apollo's client queries.
The form has it's own state and provides subscription and hook based mechanics. The form validation is wired in two different ways, via explicit strongly typed schema fashion, and also via inline validation meta data.
The tests verify that the components handle empty, loading and success states. testing-library is used to interect with app the same way as your users. msw provides mechanics to introspect the GraphQL requests and mock the data.