This bundle is fork of a2lix/TranslationFormBundle, reorganized and optimized to work with symfony flex
- Symfony flex with Symfony 3.4|4.0
- i18n Doctrine strategy of your choice
- KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors with
- Atlantic18/DoctrineExtensions with
- KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors with
composer req koff/i18n-form-bundle
Add form_theme to twig
# config/packages/twig.yaml
- '@I18nForm/bootstrap_4_form.html.twig'
Full configuration example
# config/packages/i18n_form.yaml
locales: [en, fr, es, de]
required_locales: [fr]
excluded_fields: ['id', 'locale', 'translatable']
Basic example
use Koff\I18nFormBundle\Form\Type\TranslationsType;
$builder->add('translations', TranslationsType::class);
Advanced example
use Koff\I18nFormBundle\Form\Type\TranslationsType;
$builder->add('translations', TranslationsType::class, [
'locales' => ['en', 'fr', 'es', 'de'], // [1]
'default_locale' => ['en'] // [1]
'required_locales' => ['fr'], // [1]
'fields' => [ // [2]
'description' => [ // [3.a]
'field_type' => 'textarea', // [4]
'label' => 'descript.', // [4]
'locale_options' => [ // [3.b]
'es' => ['label' => 'descripción'] // [4]
'fr' => ['display' => false] // [4]
'excluded_fields' => ['details'] // [2]
- [1] Optionnal. If set, override the default value from config.yml
- [2] Optionnal. If set, override the default value from config.yml
- [3] Optionnal. If set, override the auto configuration of fields
- [3.a] Optionnal. - For a field, applied to all locales
- [3.b] Optionnal. - For a specific locale of a field
- [4] Optionnal. Common options of symfony forms (max_length, required, trim, read_only, constraints, ...), which was added 'field_type' and 'display'
A different approach for entities which don't share fields untranslated. No strategy used here, only a locale field in your entity.
use Koff\I18nFormBundle\Form\Type\TranslationsFormsType;
$builder->add('translations', TranslationsFormsType::class, [
'locales' => ['en', 'fr', 'es', 'de'], // [1]
'default_locale' => ['en'] // [1]
'required_locales' => ['fr'], // [1]
'form_type' => ProductMediaType::class, // [2 - Mandatory]
'form_options' => [ // [2bis]
'context' => 'pdf'
- [1] Optionnal. If set, override the default value from config.yml
- [2 - Mandatory]. A real form type that you have to do
- [2bis] Optionnal. - An array of options that you can set to your form
Modified version of the native 'entity' symfony2 form type to translate the label in the current locale by reading translations
use Koff\I18nFormBundle\Form\Type\TranslatedEntityType;
$builder->add('medias', TranslatedEntityType::class, [
'class' => 'App\Entity\Media', // [1 - Mandatory]
'translation_property' => 'text', // [2 - Mandatory]
'multiple' => true, // [3]
- [1] Path of the translatable class
- [2] Property/Method of the translatable class that will be display
- [3] Common options of the 'entity' symfony2 form type (multiple, ...)
WARNING! Not usable.
If you already use Twitter Bootstrap, you only need to enable the Tab functionality and use a2lix_translation_bootstrap.js
Otherwise, you will still need jquery, and you use a2lix_translation_default.js
and a2lix_translation_default.css
All credits goes to David ALLIX and his a2lix/TranslationFormBundle
This package is available under the MIT license.