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The SafeInsights management app serves as an interface for researchers to submit and members to approve study proposals


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SafeInsights Management Application


The management app (also called Basic Management App or BMA) serves as an interface for researchers to submit and members to approve study proposals.

It’s responsible for:

  • Researcher creates/modifies/deletes study
  • Member is notified when a study proposal is submitted
  • Researcher is notified when study is approved
  • Member reviews/approves/denies study
  • Reports study status in response to enclave's SetupApp requests


Note: For developing locally without docker compose, you will need to install postgresql and add a .env file that contains a valid DATABASE_URL to access it.

Set these two environment variables with your Clerk secrets:

export CLERK_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_....

And then you can use Docker compose to run the app and a postgresql database by using:

docker compose up

Other useful commands:

Getting Started - Local Setup

For developing locally without docker compose, you will need to install postgresql and add a .env file that contains a valid DATABASE_URL to access it.

Otherwise you can use Docker compose to run the app and a postgresql database by using:

docker compose up

Other useful commands:

  • docker compose build will rebuild the docker image, needs to be ran after packages are installed
  • docker compose exec mgmnt-app ./bin/migrate-dev-db runs migrations (needs running docker compose up at same time)
  • docker volume rm management-app_pgdata will delete the database, allowing it to be migrated freshly
  • docker compose down -v --rmi all "reset switch" (e.g. on DB errors) this command stops and removes Docker containers, networks, volumes, and all images used by the Docker Compose services.

Open http://localhost:4000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Enclave API Routes

  • Api routes are protected by an authorization header containing a JWT Bearer which is signed with a RSA private key held be the member. The public key is stored in the members record accessed at the admin page at /admin/members

To generate a public private key you can run:

openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Useful Links

[] How to package and deploy a Lambda function as a container image [] Tutorial: Create a serverless Hello World application

Suggested Way of Deploying Lambda Functions (for future)

The new way to deploy is from the IaC repo, run:

./bin/deploy-lambda -p <AWS CLI profile> -c <management app dir> -a managementApp


There are a few CLI applications to debug the API end endpoints:

Currently it is possible to upload results and then set status back to RUNNING to force the run to re-appear in the runnable api results and repeatedly upload files. while useful for testing, do not depend on that behaviour: it's likely we'll not allow it in later versions.

UI Framework (Mantine)

Running Tests

Currently Implemented



The SafeInsights management app serves as an interface for researchers to submit and members to approve study proposals







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