A bot to convert top threads of reddit to instagram photos
The task is to make a bot that would fetch the top thread of /r/ShowerThoughts and convert it to image. Post it to instagram.
This is the basic MVP idea. More things can be done. But lets build this first.
- Fetching top thread of the day.
- Official Documentation: Documentation here.
- Using most popular JS Wrapper : Snoowrap
So this the is the RDS of the app.
The idea is to convert the text to an image. I have found various libraries and methods which can help with this task. But the goal is to find the most flexible method, which provide
Using JIMP :
- Jimp does not have any dependencies. Written in pure JS it can write text over an image. It also provides various image filtering and editing functionalities.
Using Canvas :
to generate a canvas at the server side. Convert it to the image. -
Canvas has tonnes of methods to generate anything you want.
I tried to hack this : https://codepen.io/sagark/pen/Njxmvj
Server Side Rendering :
Using a template engine (preferably EJS) rendering a dynamic page, by passing text, background parameters like gradient colors, user name and other variables.
Using Pageras to take the screen shot of the dynamic generated page.
Provides huge flexibility with html and css as passing variables to ejs file and changing the to create dynamic pages.
Made this template
Disclaimer : I suck at CSS
How to choose background ?
Gradient Images :
List of gradients can be found here
Preview here : https://uigradients.com/
Intelligent Images :
Find keywords from the text using [natural](https://githu b.com/NaturalNode/natural)
Search keywords in unsplash to find an image. Using it as a background.
How to choose text colors?
- Using VibrantJS
* Will update later.
Production Quality / Inspiration : Official instagram of r/ST