Project Discription:
Title: Contiguous memory allocation program.
Definitions/global variables:
- MAX - the maximum memory, passed as a parameter when program is executed
- paritions - list that stores the memory partitions
- each index in the list represents a parition
- value stored at each index is the size the process is taking up
Functions: main()
- gets user input, includes process id, memory required and the memory allocation algorithm.
- extracts data from string and saves it into appropriate variables
- creates a process data type to store process info using data from above variables
- process_list contains a list of processes, represents holes in memory
- searches through memory to find a hole with the most efficient space that fits best
- finds the first space available
- searches through memory to find the worst space available
About Developers:
- Sahil Khasnobish - 4th year Computer Science student
- Jaini Patel - 3rd year BBA and Computer Science student