A Pi Project
npm run setup # cleans repo and runs npm install
SESSION_SECRET = <session_secret>
APP_PORT = 9042
You can set custom ports based on your requirements and how you want to setup the servers.
You will also need to setup Firebase Admin SDK (see this), and add service-account-key.json
Run servers in development mode (with nodemon) -
npm run dev
Run servers without nodemon -
npm start -- <stream_secret>
This will start your APP server and STREAM RELAY server, the STREAM RELAY server listens to
stream data and forwards it to socket setup by APP server, the APP server listens to STREAM RELAY socket messages and passes the data to socket clients (browsers), JSMPEG lib (client) decodes ffmpeg stream and displays it in a canvas.Checkout the awesome JSMPEG here: https://github.com/phoboslab/jsmpeg
# To stream sample video, run in root dir after starting app + socket + relay servers
ffmpeg -i server/media/sample.mp4 -f mpegts \
-codec:v mpeg1video -codec:a mp2 http://localhost:9043/<stream_secret>
# To stream from USB Webcam on Raspberry Pi 3
ffmpeg -s 720x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 \
-f mpegts -b 800k -r 30 http://localhost:9043/<stream_secret>
# Resolution (-s) 640x480 - Specify resolution for stream
# Input Format (-f) video4linux2 - Tells ffmpeg to use video4linux2 driver to encode camera feed to h264
# Input URL (-i) - Get USB connected camera feed at /dev/video0 as input
# Output Format (-f) mpegts - Get ouput as MPEG video
# Bitrate (-b) 800k - Specifiy bitrate
# FPS (-r) 30 - Specify 30FPS for output
# The last arg is our STREAM RELAY server endpoint where we want to send the stream to
You should be able to see your live camera feed at http://localhost:9042! 🐕 📹