Please answer the questions in the "AnswerX.cpp" format..
This repositiory is to help begineers with open source..
Plagarism will help no one.
Q1) Sort an array of 0’s 1’s 2’s without using extra space or sorting algorithm.
Q2) Repeat and Missing Number.
Q3) Merge two sorted Arrays without extra space.
Q4) Kadane’s Algorithm.
Q5) Merge Overlapping Subintervals.
Q6) Find the duplicate in an array of N+1 integers.
Q7) Set Matrix Zeroes.
Q8) Pascal Triangle.
Q9) Next Permutation.
Q10) Inversion of Array (Using Merge Sort).
Q11) Stock Buy and Sell.
Q12) Rotate Matrix.
Q13) Search in a 2D matrix.
Q14) Pow(X,n).
Q15) Majority Element (>N/2 times).
Q16) Majority Element (>N/3 times).
Q17) Grid Unique Paths.
Q18) Reverse Pairs.
Q19) 2 Sum problem.
Q20) 4 Sum problem.
Q21) Longest Consecutive Sequence.
Q22) Largest Subarray with 0 sum.
Q23) Count number of subarrays with given XOR(this clears a lot of problems).
Q24) Longest substring without repeat.
Q25) Reverse a LinkedList.
Q26) Find middle of LinkedList.
Q27) Merge two sorted Linked List.
Q28) Remove N-th node from back of LinkedList.
Q29) Delete a given Node when a node is given. (0(1) solution).
Q30) Add two numbers as LinkedList.
Q31) Find intersection point of Y LinkedList.
Q32) Detect a cycle in Linked List.
Q33) Reverse a LinkedList in groups of size k.
Q34) Check if a LinkedList is palindrome or not.
Q35) Find the starting point of the Loop of LinkedList.
Q36) Flattening of a LinkedList.
Q37) Rotate a LinkedList.
Will be adding question related to other data structures soon.