A simple python application that reminds you to take break after certain amount of screen on time and automatically lock the screen. You can also enable an optional snooze option.
Timer will reset itself when the screen gets locked and start again at the next unlock.
The app will show the following notification before locking the screen.
If you enalble snooze option you will get a prompt to take a break or snooze it for few minutes. Snooze time can be configured in startup.
This python app depends linux desktop screen saver packages like gnome-screensaver-command
or cinnamon-screensaver-command
. Also uses send-notify
pacage to show notification. First make sure that you have this packages installed in your linux desktop.
Then clone git repository and cd into directory
git clone https://github.com/saifulislamplabon/break-timer-for-linux.git
cd break-timer-for-linux
Run install.py
and follow the prompt
sudo python3 install.py
To uninstall run uninstall.py
sudo python3 uninstall.py
To configure settings create/edit ~/.config/break-timer/break-timer.conf
file with desired values. A sample config file
will look like this -
desktop = gnome
max_active_time_min = 30
grace_period_sec = 10
snooze_enabled = no
snooze_time_min = 5
Run the break-timer.py
with desired otptions. For example to set a break for every 20 minutes, run -
python3 break-timer.py -d gnome -t 20
To enable snooze option -
python3 break-timer.py -d gnome -t 20 -s true
Other available options are given here -
-h, --help Show Help Options
-d, --desktop Name of the desktop environment (e.g: "gnome", "cinnamon", default "gnome")
-t, --active-time Time in minutes before the app shows screen lock notification after unlock (default 20)
-p, --grace-period Time in seconds before the screen get locked after showing notification (default 10)
-s, --snooze-enable Enable snooze option (default false)
-z, --snooze-time Snooze time in minutes (default 5)
Icon used in notification is made by ultimatearm from www.flaticon.com