A Python tool kit for interacting with the locally hosted Zotero database.
- Well-designed api with typehint, very easy to use.
- All path will be located automatically, no need to assign it manually.
pip install zolocal
access zotero local database and query values
from pprint import pprint
from pyzolocal.sqls import gets as g
# more get function including tag/ collection/ creator/ type
get profile root and profiles (from this)
from pprint import pprint
from pyzolocal.prefs import prefjs_fn
from pyzolocal.prefs.gets import (get_and_parse_user_prefs,
from pyzolocal.prefs.common import dataDir
# =============================
{'app.update.download.attempts': 0,
'app.update.elevate.attempts': 0,
'app.update.lastUpdateTime.addon-background-update-timer': 1613312615,
compress your user Profile
from pyzolocal.sync.base import bundle,dump
index and global search files (supported by whoosh)
you need to install whoosh manually by
pip install whoosh
from pprint import pprint
from pyzolocal.files import index, search_content
index() # run once when attahed file updated
res = search_content('my file')
# ========================
{'base': {'doc_count': 42, 'hit_count': 5, 'result_count': 5},
'result': [{'contents': ['training and validation). However, 15 of 457 videos '
'are invalid (<b class="match term0">file</b> '
'corrupted or have no transcript), so we move 15 '
'videos from the development set to the testing'],
'path': 'storage\\AAZW6H2B\\... .pdf',
'title': 'Learning Semantic Concepts and Temporal Alignment'},
by fastapi
from pyzolocal.apis.fastapi import get_fastapis
app = get_fastapis()
then start it by uvicorn or other asgi framework.
see fastapi_demo
by flask
from pyzolocal.apis.flask import get_flaskapis
app = get_flaskapis()
then visit to view api list
- compatible with MacOS and Linux
- more synchronize function
- pyqt5 wrapper
git clone https://github.com/sailist/pyzotero-local
cd pyzotero-local
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
│ │ base.py # for locally web api
│ │ fastapi.py # TODO
│ └─ flask.py # TODO
├─beans # data structure
│ │ enum.py
│ │ struct.py
│ └─ types.py
├─files # for global search
│ │ base.py
│ └─ gets.py
├─prefs # for reading profiles
│ │ base.py
│ │ common.py
│ └─ gets.py
├─sqls # for accessing database
│ │ base.py
│ └─ gets.py
└─sync # for back-up
│ base.py
│ bypy.py # TODO
│ ftp.py # TODO
└─ gists.py # TODO
GNU © Haozhe Yang