Welcome to the Oasis Infobyte Java Development Projects repository. This repository contains Java projects, including "Online Examination System, Number Guessing Game, and ATM Interface ." These projects are designed to help you improve your Java programming skills and showcase your knowledge.
Completed Task 1 of name Online Reservation System in Java Programming language using VS code IDE.
Steps Required :
First, the code creates an array of boolean values called seats with a length of 10. Each element in the array represents a seat, and the value true indicates that the seat is reserved, while false indicates that the seat is available.
The main method sets up a loop that displays a menu of options to the user and gets their input. The user can choose to view the current seat map, reserve a seat, cancel a reservation, or exit the program.
The viewSeatMap method simply prints the current state of the seat array to the console, with an "X" indicating a reserved seat and the seat number indicating an available seat.
The reserveSeat method prompts the user to enter a seat number, checks if the input is valid, and if the seat is available, sets the corresponding element in the seats array to true to reserve the seat.
The cancel reservation method works similarly to the reserve seat method but instead sets the corresponding element in the seat array to false to cancel the reservation
The second project I worked on was a number-guessing game. While this project was relatively simple, it helped me develop my logic and problem-solving skills. I was able to implement features such as limiting the number of attempts, adding more rounds, and displaying a score based on the number of attempts. This project also helped me improve my understanding of Java programming concepts such as loops, conditional statements, and object-oriented programming.
The third project I worked on was an ATM interface. This project was the most challenging, as it required me to develop a console-based application that emulated the functionalities of an ATM machine. I had to implement features such as displaying a menu of options, prompting the user for input, and updating account balances based on the user's actions. This project helped me develop my skills in Java programming, especially in working with classes, objects, and methods.
The fourth project I worked on was an online examination system. This project allowed me to explore the world of web development and learn how to create a user-friendly interface for an online exam. I was able to implement features such as user authentication, a timer for the exam, and automatic submission of answers. I also learned how to use Java technologies such as Servlets and JSPs to create dynamic web pages.
The fifth and last project I worked on was a Digital Library System. This project was the most challenging, as it required me to develop a Web-based application that emulated the functionalities of a Digital Library. I had to implement features such as displaying a menu of options, prompting the user for input, and updating account balances based on the user's actions. This project helped me develop my skills in Java programming, especially in working with classes, objects, and methods.