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Time Capsulator

A digital time capsule webapp.


Note - Since this demo is deployed to heroku (free pack), it lacks some core functionalities:

  • celery is not running.
  • The uploaded images can't be served back.

Used Technologies

  • Backend
    • Django (The web framework)
    • Django REST Framework (API toolkit - For usage with React)
    • Celery (Async Task Queue - Used to send emails and manage background tasks)
    • Google API Python client (For authentication)
    • PostgreSQL (The used database in production)
  • Frontend
    • React (Building UI components)
    • Redux Toolkit (For state management & storing API data)
    • Tailwind CSS (For styling the React components)

Local Setup

The backend

After cloning the repo, go to the backend/ directory and create a new python virtual environment:

cd backend/
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then install the requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Assuming you have created a Google OAuth 2.0 client & got a Gmail account ready (for sending the emails) the next step would be creating the .env file:

cd conf
touch .env

Then adding the OAuth 2.0 credentials & Gmail info in it:

# backend/conf/.env
SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY="[your client id]"
SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET="[your client secret]"
EMAIL_HOST_USER="[your gmail email address]"
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD="[your gmail app password or account password]"

Install and run the redis server (the Celery broker)

sudo pacman -S redis 

Run the Celery worker

celery -A conf worker -l info

Now you can successfully migrate and run the django server:

python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver

The frontend

Go to the frontend root directory and install the needed packages:

cd frontend/capsulator/
npm install

Finally, you can now use the app:

npm start