Employee Record Management System Overview
This project is a simple Employee Record Management System implemented in C programming language. It provides functionalities for managing employee records, including adding, deleting, displaying, and modifying records. The system uses file handling to ensure data persistence, making it a reliable solution for managing employee data. Features
Add Employee Record: Allows the user to input and store employee details, including name, age, salary, and employee ID.
Delete Employee Record: Provides the functionality to delete employee records based on the employee's name.
Display Employee Records: Displays all stored employee records in a tabular format.
Modify Employee Record: Enables the modification of existing employee records by searching for the employee's name.
Technical Details
Language: C
File Handling: Data is stored and retrieved using file handling functions in C.
Platform: Windows (uses windows.h for console control)
File Structure
data.txt: The file where employee records are stored.
emp_record.c: The main C file containing all the functions and the logic for managing employee records.