The project is meant to provide a simple C++ based utility which converts mesh files (*.obj
) to pointclouds. The data is down-sampled using Farthest Point Sampling algorithm (FPS). The user can export the results in various formats such as HDF5 (*.h5
), PCL (*.pcd
), and ...
- CPU-only, Single-thread
- CPU-only, Multi-thread
- CPU-only, Multi-thread, Batch Operation Support
HDF5, community/hdf5 in ArchLinux
PCL, aur/pcl 1.11.1-2 in ArchLinux
CMake, extra/cmake in ArchLinux
As below:
$ FpsCpu -h
Usage: FpsCpu [options...]
-i, --inputmesh The path for the input mesh *.obj file. (Required)
-o, --outputhdf5 The path for the output hdf5 *.h5 file with sampled point cloud. (Required)
-n, --npoints The target number of points per mesh input file (input.obj). (Required)
-r, --rawpcd The path for the optional output pcd *.pcd file with RAW point cloud.
-p, --outputpcd The path for the optional output pcd *.pcd file with sampled point cloud.
-h, --help Shows this page
$ git clone
$ cd MeshToPointcloudFPS
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j8
$ ./FpsCpu -n 1024 -i ../data/tube.obj -o sampled.h5 -p sampled.pcd -r raw.pcd
$ pcl_viewer raw.pcd
$ pcl_viewer sampled.pcd
- The code for FPS algorithm is adopted from the CUDA kernel at GitHub: charlesq34/pointnet2.
- GitHub: jamolnng/argparse (GPL3)
- GitHub: cnr-isti-vclab/vcglib (GPL3)
- GitHub: cnr-isti-vclab/meshlab (GPL3)
- ShapeNetCore-V2
- The example mesh file has been created with