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Learning to Play General-Sum Games Against Multiple Boundedly Rational Agents

This is the code that accompanies the paper Learning to Play General-Sum Games Against Multiple Boundedly Rational Agents, published in AAAI 2023. If you use this work, please cite:

    title = {{Learning} {to} {Play} {General-Sum} {Games} {Against} {Multiple} {Boundedly} {Rational} {Agents}},
    arxiv = {2106.05492},
    url = {},
    booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.},
    author = {Zhao, Eric and Trott, Alexander R. and Xiong, Caiming and Zheng, Stephan},
    month = {Feb},
    year = {2023},
    abstract = {We study the problem of training a principal in a multi-agent general-sum game using reinforcement learning (RL). Learning a robust principal policy requires anticipating the worst possible strategic responses of other agents, which is generally NP-hard. However, we show that no-regret dynamics can identify these worst-case responses in poly-time in smooth games. We propose a framework that uses this policy evaluation method for efficiently learning a robust principal policy using RL. This framework can be extended to provide robustness to boundedly rational agents too. Our motivating application is automated mechanism design: we empirically demonstrate our framework learns robust mechanisms in both matrix games and complex spatiotemporal games. In particular, we learn a dynamic tax policy that improves the welfare of a simulated trade-and-barter economy by 15\%, even when facing previously unseen boundedly rational RL taxpayers.},


Throughout this repository, ERMAS ("Epsilon-Robust Multi-Agent Simulations") will refer to Algorithm 3 described in the paper.

The primary script is, which can be run as:

python3 --run-dir ./{YOUR RUN DIRECTORY} --use-wandb`

Your run directory must have a config.yaml file inside of it meeting the traditional Ray Trainer specifications. The yamls/ directory includes all configurations necessary for reproducing the paper's experiments (see next section).

Some notes:

  • This repository builds on Ray v0.8.7 and requires a custom Ray installation, described by the patch file under ray_0.8.7-patch/.
  • This repository implements several environments compatible with Ray/RLLib's multi-agent learning API under envs/.
  • The BimatrixEnvWrapper implements the Sequential Bimatrix Game experiments summarized in Figure 2.
  • The CoopBimatrixEnvWrapper3 class implements the N-Matrix game experiments summarized in Figure 3.
  • The AIEnvWrapper implements the AI Economist Tax Policy experiments summarized in Figure 4.
  • Utility files in this repository include, which implements Tensorflow networks (e.g., CNNs) for our agents to use, and various utils/ files for saving/logging.

Reproducing experiments from the paper

  • Figure 2 can be replicated from the configurations in bimatrix.
  • Figure 3 can be replicated from the configurations in coop_bimatrix_3.
  • Figure 4 can be replicated from the configurations in aie.
  • Figure 5 can be replicated from the configurations in coop_bimatrix_3_fixed.

Before these configurations can be used, several placeholder values must be updated as follows.

To run any experiment:

  • You will occasionally find a configuration entry SWEEP mapping to a list of entries (usually floats/integers). This indicates that you must replace the SWEEP value with ONE of the entries in the list. Technically, to replicate all experiments in the paper, you will need to re-run the experiment for every possible combination of SWEEP values.

To run AI Economist experiments:

  • Download the AI Economist agent checkpoint weights for agents trained under the Free Market (fmarket), Saez (saez), and US Federal (usfederal) tax policies. Configuration files with prefix aie/eval_ or aie/replicate_ may contain one of the following placeholders: AIE_USFEDERAL_AGENT_WEIGHTS, AIE_SAEZ_AGENT_WEIGHTS, AIE_FMARKET_AGENT_WEIGHTS. Replace these placeholders with the path to the corresponding agent checkpoint weights.
  • First run the experiment described by configuration aie/replicate_dplanner.yaml. Upon completion, in all configuration files with prefix aie/train_ and aie/eval_, replace the placeholder YOUR_REPLICATION_CKPTS with a path to the replicate_dplanner experiment's checkpoint directory.

To run an evaluation experiment (prefix */eval_):

  • First run the corresponding training experiment */train_. Then, replace the evaluation configuration's placeholder YOUR_EXPERIMENT_CKPTS with a path to your training experiment's checkpoint directory.

Installation & Usage

Install all requirements with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, sign into Weights and Biases with your API token:

wandb login $WANDB_API_TOKEN

You will now need to install a specialized copy of Ray.

First run

pip install ray==0.8.7

Then clone the Ray repository, enter its root directory, and apply the ray_0.8.7-patch via

git clone
cd ray
git checkout releases/0.8.7
cp <PATH_TO_THIS_REPO>/ray_0.8.7-patch/ray_0.8.7_mods.patch .
git apply ray_0.8.7_mods.patch
python python/ray/ --yes

Create a run directory, e.g. run, and add your experiment configuration file at run/config.yaml.

Then call

python --run-dir ./run --use-wandb

Your experiments will be monitorable live on Weights and Biases, and logs and model weights will be regularly saved to the run directory.


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