A game of logic, memory, and careful information sharing.
The game currently works (only tested with 2 players so far), but does not have any persistent data (i.e. switching apps will utterly kill it at this point, not to mention closing the app).
- persistent data
- saving state at all
- saving state to long term storage so you can come back to a game later even after closing the app
- storing game logs?
- allow users to rearrange cards
- notifications when it's your turn if the app isn't active (for Words With Friends style play)
- automatic marking of known info (possibly with settings for how far to take this)
- allow user marking of known info (privately, based on other people's hands, or as an alternative to auto marking)
- allow multiple concurrent games
- build an AI (or multiple different ones?) so users can play solo (or remove the single player button if not!)
Currently, you'll need to build from source to get the most up to date version. I have created a signed APK for the version as of the writing of this readme, and it's available here: https://github.com/salogel42/Fireworks/blob/master/app/app-debug.apk
You will need an APK installer on your android device to be able to install this; I use one that is literally called "Apk Installer" which seems to work pretty well.
Feel free to report issues, unless they are about the above known missing features.