Just a few things to help out with logging.
When it's told to log, it will send it to the output as well as collect it in the logs collection. You pass it a LogCollector
on initialization. The LogCollector
will store the logs so you need to keep a reference it to.
let collector = LogCollector()
CollectingLogger(label: "Example", logCollector: collector)
Now when you want to programtically check for logs, you can use the LogHandler
's filter functions or directly access the entries through the allEntries
let collector = LogCollector()
var logger = CollectingLogger(label: "Example", logCollector: collector)
let value = UUID().uuidString
// Then the entries will contain a message with the value
let entry = collector.logs.filter { entry in
In the setup function of your tests, use this to add the test name to the logs.
It will change the logs of Logger.myCustomLogger.debug("!!! Logging debug details")
from looking like this:
debug com.apple.dt.xctest.tool : !!! Logging debug details
into this:
debug com.apple.dt.xctest.tool : test=LogKitTests.testExample !!! Logging debug details
Here is how to use it
override func setUp() {
self.logger = Logger(label: "Example")