If you would like to learn Hyperledger Fabric or develop your smart contract, or just want to get a feel of Hyperledger Fabric, Minifabric is the tool to get you started. Minifabric can stand up a Fabric network on a small machine like a VirtualBox VM but can also deploy Fabric networks across multiple production grade servers. Minifabric has been tested on Linux, OS X, Windows 10 and supports Fabric releases 1.4.4 or newer.
Minifabric is small but it allows you to experience the full capabilities of Hyperledger Fabric.
- Fabric network setup and expansion such as adding new organizations
- channel query, create, join, channel update
- chaincode install, approve, instantiation, invoke, query and private data collection
- ledger height and block query and Hyperledger Explorer support
- node monitoring, health check and discovery
- never pollute your environment
docker (18.03 or newer) environment
5 GB remaining Disk Storage available
If you would like to learn more before jumping in, watch the series of 6 videos on how to develop Hyperledger Fabric using Minifabric and read the blog. For those impatient, please follow the steps below to start things off.
mkdir -p ~/mywork && cd ~/mywork && curl -o minifab -sL https://tinyurl.com/yxa2q6yr && chmod +x minifab
mkdir %userprofile%\mywork & cd %userprofile%\mywork & curl -o minifab.cmd -sL https://tinyurl.com/y3gupzby
Move the minifab (Linux and OS X) or minifab.cmd (Windows) script to a directory which is part of your execution PATH in your system or add the directory containing it to your PATH. This is to make the later operations a bit easier, you will be able to run the minifab command anywhere in your system without specifying the path to the minifab script.
minifab up
minifab cleanup
To know more about MiniFabric, see in docs