####Spring 2014
##Class Organization
- Instructor: Lakshmish Ramaswamy ([email protected], 706-542-2737, GSRC 542)
- Time and venue
- Tues & Thurs 12:30 – 1:45 PM (GSRC 306)
- Wednesday 12:20 – 1:10 PM (GSRC 306)
- TA – Nilayan Bhattacharya ([email protected])
- Webpage Distributed computing Systems - Spring 2014
- Office hours
- Tue and Thu 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM (Tentative)
- Office hours
- Tue and Thu 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
- TA Office Hours -- TBA
##Course Materials
- Textbook
- Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, by Tanenbaum & van Steen (Second edition, Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.)
- Supplemental materials from research papers
- Copies distributed in class or put on the website
- Introduction to Distributed Computing
- Communication
- Processes
- Naming
- Clocks & Synchronization
- Replication, caching, and consistency
- Reliability
- Cloud Computing and Bigdata (new!)
##What this Course is (Not) About
- You will learn
- Systems Design
- Tradeoffs
- Commonly used techniques
- Systems evaluation
- Hands-on experience implementing and evaluating systems
- You will not learn
- Java/Python/C/C++
- System/Database Administration
##Grading Policy for Undergrads
- Programming Projects [30%]
- Midterm exam [25%]
- Final exam [35%]
- Homework Presentation [5%]
- Class participation [5%]
- Absolute grading
##Grading Policy for Grads
- Programming Projects [30%]
- Midterm exam [25%]
- Presentation [10%]
- In discussion with instructor
- Final exam [30%]
- Class participation [5%]
- Absolute grading
##Programming Projects
- To be done in groups of two
- You are responsible for forming groups
- Most projects can be done in C/C++/Java
- Many projects involve multi-threaded programming
- Projects are evaluated against sets of test cases
##Course Policies
- Project late submission policy – 10 point deduction for each late day; 0 after 5 days
- Project due date extensions – only for medical reasons or emergencies involving immediate family members (suitable documentation required)
- Make-up exams policy – only for medical reasons or emergencies involving immediate family members (suitable documentation required)
- No retakes
- Carefully review UGA honesty policy available at Preamble - uga-academic-honesty-policy-may-07
- Honesty policy will be strictly followed
- Violations will result in mandatory F
- No unauthorized assistance in projects, assignments and exams
- Discussions on topics covered in class is OK
- General discussion on assignments/projects is OK
- No sharing code unless permitted by instructor in writing/email
- When in doubt, talk to instructor
##Your Responsibility
- Interest in learning
- Class involvement
- Don’t accept without questioning
- Honesty
- Timeliness
- Have fun !!!
#Let's Get Start!