Create a live stream video using Amazon Rekognition, Kinesis Video Streams, Kinesis Data Streams and GStreamer
The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how the use of deep learning/machine learning (applied in image and video) features offered by AWS works.
With this prototype, you'll be able to setup what is needed to run real-time video capture and analyze it using advanced tools. Please dont forget to read the Note section.
Here's the prototype's conceptual architecture:
If you are starting from scratch and are unfamiliar with Python, completing all the steps may take a few hours.
Items in this checklist are required for the development environment:
- Download and install Python version 3.7+ and the Pip package manager. Follow the instructions (according to your operating system) on the official website of the distributor.
- Create a Python virtual environment for the project using Virtualenv. This will cause project dependencies to be isolated from your Operating System. Once you create the python environment, enable it before proceeding to the next steps.
- Use Pip to install AWS CLI, and configure it right after. To be able to run this project, you must have all permissions for the following services:
- Amazon Rekognition
- Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
- Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
- Make sure you have one of selected the regions that have access to the services mentioned:
- us-east-1
- us-west-2
- us-west-1
- Clone this GitHub repository. Install all dependencies (using the environment pip we created in step 2) that are described in the "requirements.txt" file which is inside of the project.
Right after preparing the environment for development, we should create Amazon services:
Create an IAM service role to give Amazon Rekognition Video access to your Kinesis video streams and your Kinesis data streams. Note the ARN, we will need this later.
- Create an IAM rule. Use the following information.
- Choose Rekognition for the service name.
- Choose Rekognition for the service role use case.
- Choose the AmazonRekognitionServiceRole permissions policy, which gives Amazon Rekognition Video write access to Kinesis data streams that are prefixed with AmazonRekognition and read access to all your Kinesis video streams.
- Note the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service role. You need it to start video analysis operations.
- Create an IAM rule. Use the following information.
Create a Kinesis Video Streams and write down the generated ARN.
Create a Kinesis Data Streams and write down the generated ARN.
A Kinesis Video Streams Producer is any application that makes it easy to securely connects to a video stream, and reliably publishes video and other media data to Kinesis Video Streams.
Amazon offers SDK in two languages: Java and C ++. In this example, we will be using the Producer C++ SDK with Docker.
- Docker must be installed and configured. Check official website of how to install docker using Ubuntu and Windows.
- (Windows) Due to the complexity of using the webcam in Windows, you must configure an IP address for your camera to be able to RTSP.
- Clone project.
- AWS Environment configured.
- Docker Producer SDK configured.
- Vritualenv configured and with dependencies installed.
- If there is no folder named “resources” inside ~/aws-rekognition/src/, create it and store it with a photo of yourself to be recognized later.
- If you're on Windows, make sure you've changed Docker settings to Windows Container.
- Populate the .env.example file according to the AWS configuration you set up in the previous steps.
- Rename the .env.example file to .env.
- Go to ~/aws-rekognition/docker/_native_scripts/ and run Dockerfile to start producer:
docker -t build <nameofyourchoice> .
rundocker image
to check if build is complete. - Bash your container using
sudo docker run -it --network="host" --device=/dev/video0 <imagename> /bin/bash
if you are using Ubuntu ordocker run -it <IMAGE_ID> <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> <rtsp_url> <streamName>
for Windows. If you are using Windows, producer will start, after that, skip to the step 8. - (Ubuntu) If GStreamer libs are not installed after you have built Dockerfile, please, run
(it will take a while). - (Ubuntu) If your region is different from us-west-2, you need to create an environment variable named AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (sext command for Windows and export for Linux)and assign the value to it according to the region that you configured your AWS.
- (Ubuntu) (If you had to manually install install-script, go to opt/kinesis-video-native-build/downloads/local/bin) Run
gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src do-timestamp=TRUE device=/dev/video0 ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw,format=I420,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1 ! x264enc bframes=0 key-int-max=45 bitrate=512 ! h264parse ! video/x-h264,stream-format=avc,alignment=au,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1,profile=baseline ! kvssink stream-name="YOURSTREAMNAME" access-key=YOURACCESSKEY secret-key=YOURSECRETKEY
to start producer. - Open a terminal (using your own machine) in ~/aws-rekognition/src/ and run file.
(env)$ python
- If you want to stop all process, just press Ctrl+Shift+C.
To view the video being streamed in real time, open your Kinesis Video Streams, and to monitor incoming data traffic, open your Kinesis Data Streams.
- You can integrate any producer (C++ SDK, Java SDK, GStreamer plugin, OpenCV, etc) in this project, the focus is to consume the data coming from Kinesis Data Streams.
- Because it is an operating system that can sometimes bring certain limitations at the time of development, perhaps you should put more effort into working with the webcam on Windows.
- At, we are only consuming responses from already known faces, if you want additional information about the environment, the unknown face, etc, you must change the code to suit your interests.
- Every time you enter the bash of the Linux container you created, you must run the command
, as the GStreamer files are deleted every time you leave the container. - Take a look at the LiveReporter app for iPhone and Android, this app offers RTSP connection via smartphone camera and it may work (or not).
- All the Dockerfiles may be outdated any time, feel free to change the code, but do not change the dependencies.
- Webcam that is acting as producer and the computer that is with the docker must be on the same internet network.