The edX Enterprise Data repo is the home to tools and products related to providing access to Enterprise related data.
This repository is currently split into 2 folders: enterprise_reporting and enterprise_data
This django app exposes a REST api endpoint to access enterprise learner activity. The enterprise-data app is published to pypi as a library and installed into the edx-analytics-data-api project and uses OAuth JWT authentication from edx-drf-extensions.
For the convenience of creating some test data in a local setup, there are some management commands that exist.
To create an EnterpriseUser with a EnterpriseCustomer UUID of your choice, you can run the following:
$ ./ create_enterprise_user <YOUR_UUID_HERE>
The management command uses a faker factory to fill the attributes of the object created in your DB, and will print out a command on the command line you can run if you want to add EnterpriseEnrollments for the user.
To create an EnterpriseEnrollment for an EnterpriseUser with a certain enterprise_user_id
(that also shares the same EnterpriseCustomer UUID as an EnterpriseUser in your DB), you can run the following:
$ ./ create_enterprise_enrollment <YOUR_UUID_HERE> <YOUR_ENTERPRISE_USER_ID_HERE>
This folder contains a set of scripts used to push enterprise data reports. It supports multiple delivery methods (email, sftp) and is triggered through jenkins scheduled jobs.
This app contains user roles and role assignments to manage user permissions on resources.