⚠️ Attention! This project is a fork under construction, some chapters could not be attached to the reference use case. Pay special attention to the "Status: Not tested MiniBolt" tag at the beginning of the guides. Be careful and act at your own risk.
Based on RaspiBolt guide v3, originally made by Stadicus and now maintained for the community, those are the most relevant changes:
- Changed OS from Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bits) to Ubuntu Server LTS 64-bit - PC (AMD64)
- Changed binaries and signatures of the programs to adapt them to x86/amd64 architecture processors
- Deleted unnecessary tools and steps, and added others according to this case of use
- Added some useful authentication logs monitoring commands in the security section
- Added interesting parameters in the configuration of some services and related commands to activate and take advantage of new features
- YouTube list building MiniBolt in live with Alberto de Laboratorio Virtual Bitcoin (Spanish): LINK
- Testnet bonus guide
- BTCpay server bonus guide
- Mempool bonus guide
- Cloudflared bonus guide
💡 You can see the extended roadmap by access to the drawio file
- Reddit sub: r/minibolt
- Telegram Groups:
- GitHub discussions
- Amboss MiniBolters community
- Nostr channels:
- Spanish id: 3bd633eaad12242572bfc5ba10d3e52b2c0e152f4207383858993c373d314015
- English id: aa64f2ead929ce8417f85bde7d22ebde13cc01ceb4e00145572437eb1ad46249
Created by ⚡2 FakTor⚡ member of the Bitcoin Barcelona Community
This repository contains all sources and is used for Issue tracking.