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Sam Olds edited this page Feb 28, 2016 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Principia wiki!

Principia is an educational physics playground emphasizing visualizations and interactability.

This web-based project is designed to helps students reinforce key concepts through visualizing physical scenarios. A user can build a system by dragging and dropping elements like ramps, pulleys, or springs into a frame in their browser. Then the simulation can be run to see the elements interact with each other over time, with the ability to pause the simulation at any point and query the state of an element. Users can save their simulations and share them with others. Special privileges are available for instructor accounts to manage a classroom, including the ability to incorporate quizzes or assignments into their physics system.

Principia serves as a powerful supplement to any physics classroom or as a playground that would allow students to further explore concepts in a visually exciting way.

This is a Computer Science senior capstone project at the University of Utah by:

Team Stuff

I'm going to try and make a little Git reference sheet of the stuff I find the most useful. There are plenty of other resources out there that will probably do a much better job than I can if you're interested in diving in deeper. But here's a quick reference sheet:

  • git clone copies someone's 'whatever' repository onto your machine locally
  • git pull pulls the current repository you're in to get any new changes
  • git status outlines all of the active changes existing in your local repository
  • git log lists all of the commit messages from previous commits
  • git branch lists all of the branches that exist and highlights the one you're on
  • git branch <branch_name> will create a new branch
  • git checkout <branch_name> will put you on that existing branch
  • git checkout -b <new_branch> will create a new branch and move you to it
  • git add -A will add all of the changes that you have made to your local repository to a staged commit
  • git commit will actually locally commit all of the changes that you added to staging
  • git push will push any new commits you have made to the remote GitHub repository
  • git push -u origin <new_branch_name> will push a new local branch up to the remote GitHub repository

Also, I know that Dalton was interested in looking at my .vimrc file that I use to configure my Vim environment. Again, mine is super simple compared to some of the absurd customizations you can start doing with Vim. But I pushed this repository with all of my configuration files that I use.

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