- To help you design and develop information systems
- Applying principles from Info 202: Information Organization and Retrieval
- By leveraging current web technologies and tools
BCourses: Assignments, Grades, Reading material, Syllabus
Github: Code, Resources, Templates, etc (https://github.com/vijayv/IOLab)
Feedback: This class will take an iterative approach to its teaching. We welcome any and all feedback at anytime throughout the course. Please submit feedback here (Links to an external site).
- Module 1 : Getting Started
- Fundamentals, Git, IDEs, Command line etc
- Module 2 : Front End design and development
- HTML, CSS, DOM, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax
- Module 3 : Back End design and development
- Web Frameworks, architecture , Database design
- Module 4 : Advanced topics
- APIs, Visualization tools, Security, Deployment
- Project Presentations