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How to install Nextcloud on FreeNAS in an iocage jail with hardened security

I've recently been through the process of standing up my own personal cloud server, and found that there were a few points of difficulty not directly covered in existing guides on the topic (such as improving security/hardening the server), and a number of the guides on the topic suggested implementing bad practices, such as the use of mod_php (I'll be using php-fpm!). My aim here is to be as explicit as possible about the process I followed so that even a relatively new beginner is able to follow them. A lot of this is adapted from dureal99d's post on the same topic, who did a great job at explaining the process, however it discussed the installation of Nextcloud 13, and the certificate installation process was unsuccessful for me so my thought is to share my learnings to save the next person the trouble. The target audience for this guide is the person with very little exposure to the command line in either Linux or FreeBSD. With this in mind, my aim is to be complete as possible with the information I provide, and also to provide some context about why certain tasks are being undertaken rather than just direction on which commands to run. A disclaimer to this is that I am by no means an expert, and am still learning, so if you spot any errors or have any suggestions please leave a comment below!

One thing I've noticed a lot of people get hung up on is dataset structure, so to be explicit, I'll describe my configuration. I have two data pools (Storage > Pools). One, titled "vault", is my primary storage pool, comprised of 6x4TB WD Red drives. The second, "jailhouse", is a 500GB Samsung SSD, and is the pool I store all of my jails on so that they benefit from the faster IO operations an SSD affords. The final dataset structure I have is as follows:

├── vault
│   └── cloud
└── jailhouse
    ├── apps
    │   ├── nextcloud
    │   │   ├── config
    │   │   ├── themes
    │   │   ├── db
    └── iocage
        ├── ...
        ├── jails
        │   └── nextcloud
        └── ...

According to the Nextcloud Documentation, there are four things required to restore a Nextcloud installation:

  1. The configuration directory
  2. The data directory
  3. The database
  4. The theme directory

Therefore, it makes sense to make this data independent of the jail (more on this later). This means that if for whatever reason your Nextcloud jail has been broken or deleted, you should be able to restore back to your previous configuration with minimal hassle. Note that this doesn't serve as a backup for the purposes of upgrading, however it will afford you some ability to nuke the jail without risking the loss of data. In the above structure, the 'cloud' directory represents the data directory; this is where all of your files will be stored. It's important that this is on your primary storage pool so that it can grow in size as required. I've stored the remaining data in their own datasets on my jailhouse pool. To organise this, I've created an 'app' dataset which holds a dataset for each jail I create. As can be seen, there is a dataset named 'nextcloud', which then contains 'config', 'themes' and 'db' datasets for the required information.

The remaining dataset is the 'iocage' dataset. This is created automatically when you create a jail, so you don't need to worry about doing anything here, however it is important to note that this is where the local storage for your iocage jails is held. Specifically, in jails > jailname, or in this case jails > nextcloud. A number of other datasets are created within the iocage dataset, however these aren't particularly relevant to this guide, so if you see them and wonder if they're supposed to be there; don't stress, they are.

I'm sure many of you will have organised your datasets differently - that's fine; this has worked well for me, feel free to adopt it, or don't; it will be the context in which I explain this guide though. For those of you who do want to adopt it, and are confused about how to go about it, I'll explain it below.

Create Your Datasets

Storage Dataset

On the left navigation bar, select Storage > Pools

Expand your primary storage pool. In the right most column of the resulting table, locate the three dots on the row of your primary storage dataset (vault in my case):

Select "Add Dataset". Populate the form with the following:

Name: cloud
Compression level: lz4
Enable atime: Off 


Note that the atime value is set to off, which is different from the default. From the FreeNAS User Guide, disabling atime prevents the production of log traffic while files are being read, and results in significant performance gains, which is desirable for our data folder.

Leave the rest of the values as default and press "Save". This creates the dataset /vault/cloud

Application Dataset

If you don't already have a folder for your application data, go ahead and create that now. If you don't have a dedicated pool for your jails or an SSD, it's not crucial, so just put this on whatever pool is most appropriate for you. My recommendation would be to maintain the data structure listed earlier however, so have an entirely separate dataset earmarked for this purpose.

Select "Add Dataset". Populate the form with the following:

Name: apps
Compression level: lz4
Enable atime: On 

Note that here, atime is set to the default value of 'on'. It is enabled here because application data is considered less critical as lower performance here won't impact the usability experience materially.

Leave the rest of the values as default and press "Save". In my case, I've placed this on the jailhouse pool and this creates the dataset /jailhouse/apps

Nextcloud Application Data Dataset

As described previously, select the "apps" dataset and select "Add Dataset"

Populate the form with the following:

Name: nextcloud
Compression Level: lz4
Enable atime: On

Leave the rest of the values as default and press "Save". This creates the dataset /jailhouse/apps/nextcloud

Nextcloud Database Dataset

Select the "apps/nextcloud" dataset and select "Add Dataset"

Populate the form with the following:

Name: db
Compression Level: lz4
Enable atime: Off

Again, note that in this case atime is off. Leave the rest of the values as default and press "Save". The database will see steady read and write operations, so performance is a factor here. This creates the dataset /jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/db, and will be used to store the nextcloud database

Nextcloud Configuration Dataset

Select the "apps/nextcloud" dataset and select "Add Dataset"

Populate the form with the following:

Name: config
Compression Level: lz4
Enable atime: On

Leave the rest of the values as default and press "Save". This creates the dataset /jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/config, and will store configuration settings for Nextcloud

Nextcloud Themes Dataset

Select the "apps/nextcloud" dataset and select "Add Dataset"

Populate the form with the following:

Name: themes
Compression Level: lz4
Enable atime: On

Leave the rest of the values as default and press "Save". This creates the dataset /jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/themes

Create users and set permissions

Navigate to Accounts > Users, and press the big "+" to add a user:

Populate the resulting form as follows:

Username: mysql
Full Name: MySQL User
User ID: 88
New Primary Group: Checked
Enable Password login: No

Now press Save. Navigate back to your "apps" dataset: Storage > Pools, and expand jailhouse > apps > nextcloud. To edit the permissions, select the three dots in the rightmost column corresponding to each dataset, and select "Edit Permissions" as shown below:

Now, for each dataset we want to make the following changes:

db dataset:

User: mysql
Group: mysql

config dataset: Note that the 'www' user and group should already exist, there is no need to create them.

User: www
Group: www

themes dataset:

User: www
Group: www

Create an iocage jail:

Now it's time to create the jail. This can be done with the web UI, however I prefer to use the command line interface, and so the rest of these instructions will be presented there. This guide, will therefore present the instructions for the command line interface. First, you'll need to SSH into your FreeNAS host. Instructions on how to configure SSH are available here. The gist of this is that you'll need to enable the SSH service in the FreeNAS UI and configure the public/private key pair for your user, and then make a connection. From a unix terminal (macOS, Linux), this will look like the following, assuming a FreeNAS host local IP of

If you're using Windows, you'll need to use PuTTy or Cygwin. Refer to the guide linked above for more detail. Once you have established a SSH connection, you'll need to use the iocage command to create the jail as follows:

$ iocage create -n nextcloud -r 11.3-RELEASE ip4_addr="vnet0|" defaultrouter="" vnet="on" allow_raw_sockets="1" boot="on"

To provide some insight as to what this is doing; the -n flag allows the specification of the jail name, in this case "nextcloud", the -r flag specifies the release of FreeBSD to be installed in the jail (Note that this version must be the same or lower than your version of FreeNAS. For example, If your FreeNAS version is 11.1, then you would need to pass 11.1-RELEASE as a parameter instead of 11.3-RELEASE; using 11.3-RELEASE would break the jail due to differences in the respective kernels), ip4_addr is the networking specification - in this case the IP/Mask for the jail (, and the interface to use, vnet0. Set this IP value to something convenient to you on the subnet you wish it to be on - the selection is arbitrary, though if you're new to this, it is advisable for simplicity that you choose an IP on the same subnet as your router. To illustrate this, if your router is, then choose an IP of the form 192.168.0.x, where x is a number between 0 and 254. The defaultrouter parameter specifies the router for your network; typically this will be by default, but if it's something else put that here. vnet="on" enables the vnet interface, which is required as we previously specified vnet0 as the interface. allow_raw_sockets="1" enables raw sockets, which enables the use of functions such as ping and traceroute within the jail, and enables interaction with various network subsystems. boot="on" enables the jail to be auto-started at boot time. More detail on all of the parameters that can be used to configure a jail on creation can be found in the man page for iocage. If the jail doesn't start automatically after issuing this command, start it manually:

$ iocage start nextcloud

Add storage to the iocage jail

As I mentioned previously, it's possible to mount a device from one file system into another. This is done by creating an entry in the file system table (fstab) of the receiving file system. More information about fstab is available here. In our case, this enables data edited inside the jail to be stored outside the jail, so that if the jail needs to be destroyed or rebuilt, we still have the configuration data we need to get it back to the previous state with minimal effort. This is achieved using the fstab command.

The goal is to mount the datasets you created earlier into the jail, which can be achieved as follows:

$ iocage exec nextcloud mkdir -p /mnt/data
$ iocage exec nextcloud mkdir -p /var/db/mysql
$ iocage exec nextcloud mkdir -p /usr/local/www/nextcloud/config
$ iocage exec nextcloud mkdir -p /usr/local/www/nextcloud/themes
$ iocage fstab -a nextcloud /mnt/vault/cloud /mnt/data nullfs rw 0 0
$ iocage fstab -a nextcloud /mnt/jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/db /var/db/mysql nullfs rw 0 0
$ iocage fstab -a nextcloud /mnt/jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/config /usr/local/www/nextcloud/config nullfs rw 0 0
$ iocage fstab -a nextcloud /mnt/jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/themes /usr/local/www/nextcloud/themes nullfs rw 0 0

The format these take are:

$ iocage fstab -a jailname source_location destination_location nullfs (rw/ro) 0 0

where source_location is the dataset location on your FreeNAS host, and destination_location is the mount location within the jail. rw/ro refers to the permissions the jail has for the mounted dataset; rw is read/write and ro is read only. Choose ro if the jail needs to read the data but shouldn't be able to alter it. Obviously, in the case of Nextcloud, we want to give all of these mounts read write access. The -a flag is to add an item to the jails fstab file. The -e flag can be used to edit an entry once made:

$ iocage fstab -e nextcloud

This will open the fstab file in vi (if you just entered, type :q! enter to quit). If you're not familiar with vi, or prefer not to use it (the commands take some getting used to), this can be changed by using the setenv command with the EDITOR flag:

$ setenv EDITOR /usr/local/bin/nano

This will change the default editor to use the text editor nano for this session. Other alternatives include ee, emacs, vim. Choose one based on your own preferences and what you have installed. I will be using nano for this guide as it's relatively intuitive to understand.

Set primary cache in FreeNAS UserSpace Shell

$ zfs set primarycache=metadata jailhouse/apps/nextcloud/db

This setting provides some optimisations specific to database storage, and should only be applied to your database directory. Since MariaDB has it's own internal cache, it would be a waste of memory to cache the same thing in ZFS as well.

Further reading on the impact of tweaking this setting can be found on PatPro[1][2]. TLDR; Only ever set this to 'metadata' for database applications, and 'all' for everything else, otherwise you'll have significant performance degradation.

Okay, now on to configuring the jail!

Jail Setup

Confirm that the jail has been set up and is running by running:

$ iocage list

iocage list will present a table that looks like the following:

| JID |     NAME     | STATE |   RELEASE    |      IP4       |
| 1   | nextcloud    | up    | 11.3-RELEASE |   |

We can now use the name field to enter the jail using the following command:

$ iocage console nextcloud

This will spawn the default shell (in my case it was csh), and you should be presented with something similar to the following:

root@freenas:~ $ iocage console nextcloud
FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE-p7 (FreeNAS.amd64) #0 r325575+ca0f1a6ba25(HEAD): Tue Apr 21 20:46:20 UTC 2020

Welcome to FreeBSD!

Release Notes, Errata:
Security Advisories:
FreeBSD Handbook:
Questions List:
FreeBSD Forums:

Documents installed with the system are in the /usr/local/share/doc/freebsd/
directory, or can be installed later with:  pkg install en-freebsd-doc
For other languages, replace "en" with a language code like de or fr.

Show the version of FreeBSD installed:  freebsd-version ; uname -a
Please include that output and any error messages when posting questions.
Introduction to manual pages:  man man
FreeBSD directory layout:      man hier

Edit /etc/motd to change this login announcement.
root@nextcloud:~ $

Okay, so what we're going to do here is set up what's known as a FAMP stack. This is a derivation of the LAMP stack, which is a popular web server environment configuration. LAMP is an acronym for Linux Apache MySQL PHP. In this case, we're obviously not using Linux, so this becomes the FAMP stack; FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Install required packages

Now that the pkg repository has been updated, we can go ahead and install the necessary packages. The packages we will install are as follows:

  • nano: a text editor
  • wget: a download client
  • ca_root_nss: The Mozilla bundle of root certificates to enable https connections to be verified
  • Apache 2.4: the web server to make your next cloud instance visible in the web ui
  • MariaDB: The mysql database package
  • Nextcloud: the cloud application!
  • Redis: caching package

You can install these by running the following commands:

$ pkg update
$ pkg install nano
$ pkg install wget ca_root_nss
$ pkg install apache24
$ sysrc apache24_enable=yes
$ service apache24 start
$ pkg install mariadb104-server
$ sysrc mysql_enable=yes

Set up MySQL (MariaDB)

Before continuing, we'll need to modify the MySQL configuration to create a socket in the right location. Open /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf as follows:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf

Now find the line that shows:

socket  = /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock

Modify it to match the following:

socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

Now save and exit (Ctrl + X). Now start the MySQL service and go through the set up process:

$ service mysql-server start
$ mysql_secure_installation --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock

NOTE: If you get the following error at this point:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Follow this procedure:

  1. Press Ctrl + C to stop the script
  2. Enter the following command to stop the mysql server
$ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server stop
  1. Then enter the following command:
$ mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & 
$ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
  1. Once again stop the script by pressing Ctrl + C
  2. Re-run the wizard script
$ mysql_secure_installation

This should resolve this issue. Provide the following answers to the prompts:

Enter current password for root (enter for none):

Press enter as there is no password

Switch to unix_socket authentication [Y/n] y
Set root password? [Y/n] y
New password: 

Enter a new password of your choice (don't forget it!)

Re-enter new password: 

Re-enter the password

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y

MariaDB is now configured. At this stage, the installer should have created a user named 'mysql', and a group named 'mysql' within the jail, with UID=88 and GID=88 respectively. You'll recall earlier in the guide, we created a mysql user and group with these UID and GID. It is imperative that the UID and GID of the user and group created earlier on the FreeNAS host, and the user and group created during the mysql installation within the jail match. If they don't, you will run into permission issues, so go ahead and change the ID of the user and group on the FreeNAS host if this is the case for you.

Installing Nextcloud

Now, It's time to install Nextcloud. Previous iterations of this guide made use of FreeBSDs package manager pkg to do this. The motivation behind this was to make it easy to upgrade. Unfortunately, this was not my experience, predominantly because:

  • Using the web updater caused a disconnect between the pkg version and the actual version of Nextcloud
  • Running the upgrade process failed consistently
  • The pkg distribution of Nextcloud didn't maintain stable streams of major Nextcloud versions. To illustrate this, Nextcloud presently maintains versions 17, 18 and 19. nextcloud-php74 only provides an option to install Nextcloud 19, so as soon as another major version is released, you would be forced to upgrade. This presents difficulties in upgrading to the latest version if you had fallen behind. Since Nextcloud doesn't allow upgrading across multiple major versions, being able to install or upgrade to releases in each of the currently supported major versions is important.

With this in mind, the method I'm now proposing is a manual installation. This will ideally allow the web updater to be used effectively, and in the event that the web updater doesn't work, Nextcloud maintains a large archive of versions to allow you to choose specifically what you want to install or use to upgrade.

The first step is to download the latest Nextcloud release and it's associated hash into the /tmp directory:

root@nextcloud:~ $ cd /tmp
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ wget
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ wget

If you're new to *nix type systems, these file extensions may look strange to you. .tar.bz2 files are known as compressed tarballs. The .tar component of the file extension indicates an uncompressed archive, and the .bz2 portion indicates that it has been compressed using the bzip2 algorithm. In short, they're compressed archives (similar to zip), however on *nix systems they maintain file system parameters such as names, timestamps, ownership and access permissions. Now, confirm that the file you downloaded hasn't been corrupted or tampered with by comparing it against the hash:

root@nextcloud:/tmp $ shasum -a 512 -c latest.tar.bz2.sha512
latest.tar.bz2: OK

If the result you get is OK, then you can move on. Otherwise, attempt to re-download the latest Nextcloud release. Now, uncompress the archive to /usr/local/www/nextcloud as follows:

root@nextcloud:/tmp $ tar -xf latest.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/www

Unfortunately the archive was not created with the user ownership we need for this directory, so lets go ahead and change the owner to the www user:

root@nextcloud:/tmp $ chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/nextcloud

Installing PHP

The following command installs PHP 7.4 and the packages that Nextcloud requires to run:

$ pkg install php74 php74-bz2 php74-ctype php74-curl php74-dom php74-exif php74-fileinfo php74-filter php74-gd php74-iconv php74-intl php74-json php74-ldap php74-mbstring php74-opcache php74-openssl php74-pdo php74-pdo_mysql php74-pecl-APCu php74-pecl-imagick php74-pecl-redis php74-posix php74-session php74-simplexml php74-xml php74-xmlreader php74-xmlwriter php74-xsl php74-zip php74-zlib php74-bcmath php74-gmp

To use a newer version of PHP, these packages will need to be replaced with the appropriate version. An example might be that when PHP 7.5 is released and you want to upgrade, you would remove php74-bz2 and install php75-bz2.

Installing Redis

Now install Redis as follows:

$ pkg install redis
$ sysrc redis_enable=yes
$ service redis start

The function of the previous commands should have been relatively self explanatory. To provide a little more detail, "pkg update" downloads the latest list of packages in the repository, "pkg install" installs a package, "sysrc" adds an item to rc.conf, which in this case ensures that these services start on boot, and "service start" starts a given service.

Now that we have everything we need installed, lets get configuring!

Configure MySQL

Login to MySQL to create Nextcloud Database and User

$ mysql -u root -p

Enter the password you made for root during the MariaDB 10.1 Setup. Then enter each of the following commands one by one:

CREATE USER 'nextcloud_admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password-here';
GRANT ALL ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud_admin'@'localhost';

Where 'your-password-here' is the password you just used to log in to mysql. It's important that you include the semi-colon ';' at the end of each statement. If you don't it won't know when to terminate each command.

Configure Apache for PHP with php-fpm

Many other guides on this and similar topics suggest the use of mod_php to configure Apache to handle php files, however Apache recommends the use of proxy_fcgi and php-fpm above all other recipes. This is due to its ability to enable diagnosis of php problems more quickly, and significantly reduce the memory footprint of the httpd server as it can facilitate more scalable threaded MPM's such as event or worker. This is in contrast to mod_php, which poses some difficulty in maintaining a thread-safe php library. If this is not done, child processes are prone to memory leaks which are likely to consume large amounts of RAM and deplete the available system resources. Additionally, mod_php has certain vulnerabilities that allow uninitialised memory to be turned into executable code. This vulnerability is mitigated by using FastCGI and php-fpm.

php-fpm should have been installed along with php when you installed Nextcloud, so lets go ahead and add it to the startup script (rc.conf) and start the php-fpm service:

$ sysrc php_fpm_enable=yes
$ service php-fpm start

Now lets enable the proxy_fcgi modules. Open the Apache config file:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

Search (Ctrl + W) for and uncomment the following two lines (remove the leading '#') to enable fastCGI:

LoadModule proxy_module libexec/apache24/
LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module libexec/apache24/
LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache24/

Save and quit

Ctrl + X

Now reload Apache gracefully:

$ apachectl graceful

This ensures that whenever a php file is loaded, Apache will use the php installation to parse the contents (with the appropriate VirtualHost entry, discussed later). Without this, the php file will download without loading - not very useful. For more information and different configuration options available for php-fpm, see the Apache documentation.

Create a test Virtual Host File

The virtual host file handles the site specific configuration. This will be discussed in more detail later for the Nextcloud specific configuration. For now, lets just create a test vhost configuration so we can test our php configuration. Create a new vhost file:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/test.conf

Copy and paste the following

<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/apache24/data"
	ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*.php(/.*)?)$ fcgi://$1
	DirectoryIndex /index.php index.php

Change the ServerName directive to match the IP you chose for this jail, then Save and Exit (Ctrl + X).

Configure php.ini

$ cd /usr/local/etc

Create php.ini by copying the php.ini-production file (a template with production appropriate security configuration) to a new file named php.ini:

$ cp php.ini-production php.ini

Now, edit php.ini:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/php.ini

Use the search command in nano (Ctrl + W) to uncomment and make sure the following parameters have these values. Comments can be removed by deleting the ";" at the beginning of the line:


SEE: for the timezone relevant to you. An example would be Australia/Sydney

post_max_size = 1999M
upload_max_filesize = 1999M
memory_limit = 512M

Uncomment and update the following values as well, which provide the php configuration for caching data:


Save and Exit:

Ctrl + X

Restart Apache and php-fpm

$ service php-fpm restart
$ service apache24 restart

Test the php configuration

Navigate to /usr/local/www/apache24/data:

$ cd /usr/local/www/apache24/data
$ nano info.php

Paste the following into info.php

phpinfo(); //display all info

This is a simple function that will display all php info for testing purposes. Save and exit:

Ctrl + X

Now, open a browser and navigate to http://JAIL_IP/info.php, where JAIL_IP is the IP you gave to this jail when you created it using iocage create, for example You should see a page displaying information about your PHP installation. If this works, congratulations! If it doesn't, go back over the previous steps and try to work out where you've gone wrong.

Nextcloud configuration

Configure Apache for Nextcloud

Nextcloud will have been installed to /usr/local/www/nextcloud, which is not the default web root for apache (place where apache looks for index.php). This will need to be changed to the Nextcloud directory so that the Nextcloud web UI can be loaded. You can do this by editing apache's configuration file:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

Change the following two lines

DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/apache24/data"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/apache24/data">


DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/nextcloud"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/nextcloud">

Now enable the .htaccess file within this block. The changes you've just made should yield a block that looks as follows:

DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/nextcloud"
<Directory "/usr/local/www/nextcloud">
    # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",
    # or any combination of:
    #   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
    # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
    # doesn't give it to you.
    # The Options directive is both complicated and important.  Please see
    # for more information.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

    # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
    # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
    #   AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    AllowOverride None

    # Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Require all granted

To enable the .htaccess file to be used for configuration, change the AllowOverride value to 'all':

AllowOverride all

Save and Exit (Ctrl + X).


Ensure the installation folder and data folders have the correct permissions so that you can read and write configuration settings, files, and perform updates.

chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/nextcloud /mnt/data

This command changes the ownership recursively of the specified folder (folder and all sub folders) to user "www" and group "www". The arguments are:

chown -R user:group /path/to/directory

Create a VirtualHost definition for Nextcloud

A Virtual Host (or vhost) definition determines how a server processes an incoming request. This is where a range of configuration options for a site can be set, depending on both the IP and port which a request comes through on. A Virtual Host definition begins with the directive, which takes both an IP and a port as a parameter. As an example, the following definition processes requests for IP on port 80:


For our purposes, we will use a wildcard (*) for the IP, which means that our vhost definition will be evaluated for all IPs, but we will specify port 80 specifically, which is the port used for HTTP traffic. There are two types of vhost matching, IP-based matching and Name-based matching. Because we're accepting all IP addresses in this configuration, we're relying on the ServerName field for Name-based matching.

For these examples, I'm going to use, and the subdomain If for example you're using a DDNS (more on this later), you might replace all instances of with something like Navigate to the apache Includes directory:

cd /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes

First, lets remove the configuration file we created earlier; we won't need it anymore.

$ rm /usr/local/etc/apache24/Includes/test.conf

Now, create the new site configuration file:

$ nano

Add the following content to the file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/nextcloud"
	<FilesMatch \.php$>
		SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"
	DirectoryIndex /index.php index.php

Remember to replace with the domain relevant to you. Save and Exit (Ctrl + X). Now, lets discuss what's going on here. The first line, DocumentRoot, defines the "root", or top level directory from which to serve content. This means that using the URL will direct a user to files contained within this path; in this case /usr/local/www/nextcloud. Additionally, subdirectories within the DocumentRoot directive will be accessible as a path specification to the URL. As an example, lets assume there is a directory /usr/local/www/nextcloud/data, containing a file test.php. This would be accessible from It's important that the DocumentRoot points to the top level of the Nextcloud installation, as this is where index.php lies, which will present the Nextcloud user interface.

The ServerName is relatively self descriptive - this is the domain name of your server. It's important to note that this name must have a valid DNS entry. This means that either this server is available on the Internet, and can be navigated to, OR there is a host entry in your routers DNS Resolver to direct queries to this URL to your web server IP. Alternatively, if this server is only going to be available on your local network, you can replace this with your servers local IP, i.e.:


To be clear here:

  1. If your domain is available on the internet, must resolve to a public IP
  2. If your domain is only available locally, must resolve to a local IP
  3. OR, it must be a local IP.

The next directive, <FilesMatch>, matches all files containing .php in the title and assigns the fastCGI proxy module we set up earlier as the handler. This allows us to use php files, and serve php content using php-fpm.

More reading on Virtual Host definitions are available in the Apache documentation [3] [4] [5].

Test your configuration

Restart Apache:

$ service apache24 restart

Now, navigate to http://JAIL_IP/, i.e. again to confirm you can see the setup screen for Nextcloud. If you can, well done! We're most of the way there.

Web Configuration

Set up your admin account with a username and password you choose, then populate the fields as follows:

Data folder = /mnt/data
Database user = nextcloud_admin
Database name = nextcloud
Database host = localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock

Add external domain as a trusted domain

In the terminal, navigate to the Nextcloud config file:

$ nano /usr/local/www/nextcloud/config/config.php

This should look similar to the following:

$CONFIG = array (
  'instanceid' => 'ocp08umeaycm',
  'passwordsalt' => 'OReCjQueLIb0X7mwn33XiklPPPdE/4',
  'secret' => 'RlWiGbC46jxnfK00Mrjp5NHlYySls8YkaGyJKngG3IkNyJ3K',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
    0 => '',
  'datadirectory' => '/mnt/data',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,
  'dbuser' => 'nextcloud_admin',
  'dbpassword' => 'Default123!',
  'installed' => true,
  '' => 'stable',

Add your domain name to the trusted domains array. You can do this either manually, or with the command below, replacing the domain with whatever is appropriate for you:

root@nextcloud:~ $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set trusted_domains 1 --value=""'

The result of this looks like the following:

$CONFIG = array (
  'instanceid' => 'ocp08umeaycm',
  'passwordsalt' => 'OReCjQueLIb0X7mwn33XiklPPPdE/4',
  'secret' => 'RlWiGbC46jxnfK00Mrjp5NHlYySls8YkaGyJKngG3IkNyJ3K',
  'trusted_domains' =>
  array (
    0 => '',
    1 => '',
  'datadirectory' => '/mnt/data',
  'dbtype' => 'mysql',
  'version' => '',
  'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
  'dbname' => 'nextcloud',
  'dbhost' => 'localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock',
  'dbport' => '',
  'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
  'mysql.utf8mb4' => true,
  'dbuser' => 'nextcloud_admin',
  'dbpassword' => 'Default123!',
  'installed' => true,
  '' => 'stable',

The line of interest here is within the trusted_domains array:

1 => '',

Fix the annoying Apache errors

To get rid of the following error message when starting and stopping the Apache server:

AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 80591.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.
AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message when stating apache do the following:

Open the Apache configuration file:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

Search for the phrase "ServerName", and enter your jails ip and port 80 such that it appears as follows:

ServerName JAIL_IP:80



Uncomment this line, and the message should no longer appear. To test this, restart apache

$ service apache24 restart

This should produce a clean restart message:

Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache24.
Waiting for PIDS: 12933.
Performing sanity check on apache24 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache24.

Configure Cron jobs:

Cron is one of the most useful utilities in FreeBSD. It's a utility that runs in the background and regularly checks "/etc/crontab" for tasks to execute and searches "/var/cron/tabs" for custom crontab files. These files are used to schedule tasks which cron runs at the specified times. Each entry in a crontab defines a task to run, and is known as a cron job. There are two types of configuration files, the system crontab, and the user crontab.

A crontab can be edited with the command

$ crontab -u <user> -e

In this case, we will configure the crontab of the "www" user, and add an entry to run the nextcloud cron script. Before we do this, lets change the environment editor to nano.

$ setenv EDITOR nano
$ crontab -u www -e

Add the following (assuming it's blank, if not just add the job). The crontab header describes what each field in the cronjob represents, and is courtesy of squarism.

# minute (0-59),
# |		hour (0-23),
# |		|		day of the month (1-31),
# |		|		|		month of the year (1-12),
# |		|		|		|		day of the week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).
# |		|		|		|		|		commands
  */15		*		*		*		*		/usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/www/nextcloud/cron.php

Save and Exit (Ctrl + X), and the www crontab should be configured.

Caching and Redis

Redis is an in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. This will provide performance improvements in terms of accessing your data. To find out more, read the Redis Documentation. Lets update redis.conf to run on the unix socket. Execute the following command:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

Inside this file, find the "port" value and change it from its default value to 0. This will stop Redis from listening on a TCP port so we can configure it to listen on a unix socket.

port 0

Additionally, uncomment the following by removing the "#" in front of each statement and changing the values as appropriate:

unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock
unixsocketperm 770

And then confirm that the following statement is uncommented (No leading '#'):


This ensures that Redis can only operate on the local interface, as a security precaution. Save and Exit (Ctrl + X).

Now, restart the service

$ service redis restart

Now, confirm Redis is in the feedback list by running the following command:

$ ls -al /var/run/redis

You should see redis.sock in the feedback list as follows:

srwxrwx---	1	redis 	redis 	0	MMM 	D 	HH:MM 	redis.sock

If you run into troubles here, please consult the Nextcloud documentation and the Redis Documentation on configuring Redis.

Now, install the following packages:

$ pkg install php74-pecl-redis
$ pkg install php74-pecl-APCu

These packages are extensions providing an API to allow php to communicate with the Redis database, and also for user caching using APC. Note that the versions of these packages need to match the PHP version you have installed. Lets adjust the Redis and caching configuration using the following commands. Note that these are order specific:

$ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set redis host --value="/var/run/redis/redis.sock"'
$ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set redis port --value=0 --type=integer'
$ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set memcache.local --value="\OC\Memcache\APCu"'
$ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set memcache.locking --value="\OC\Memcache\Redis"'

These commands switch user to the user "www", where the su flag -m leaves the environment unmodified. The -c flag specifies a command to be run within the new user shell. In this case, it runs the program "occ", and passes some configuration options as a parameter. See the su man page for more information.

Now, add the www user to the redis group to allow it to access the redis socket:

$ pw usermod www -G redis

Restart the Apache service:

$ service apache24 restart

At this stage, your Nextcloud server should be ready to go for local network use. However, there may be some security warnings present in the Administration panel. Some common advisories include:

The database is missing some indexes. Due to the fact that adding indexes on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running "occ db:add-missing-indices" those missing indexes could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the indexes are added queries to those tables are usually much faster.

This can be rectified by executing:

$ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices'

Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. Due to the fact that changing column types on big tables could take some time they were not changed automatically. By running 'occ db:convert-filecache-bigint' those pending changes could be applied manually. This operation needs to be made while the instance is offline.

This can be rectified by executing:

$ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ db:convert-filecache-bigint'

Beyond this, there are a range of security considerations that will be dealt with in the remainder of the guide. These are very important, especially if you intend to open the server to the web.


Given that your new private cloud is likely to house a lot of your sensitive data, security is a paramount consideration, especially if you're planning on making it visible to the internet. Here I will discuss a number of security considerations.

Nextcloud recommends a number of steps be taken to harden your server:

  1. Give PHP read access to /dev/urandom
  2. Enable hardening modules
  3. Place data directory outside of the web root
  4. Disable preview image generation
  5. Use HTTPS
  6. Redirect all unencrypted traffic to HTTPS
  7. Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)
  8. Use proper SSL configuration
  9. Use a dedicated domain for Nextcloud
  10. Ensure that your Nextcloud instance is installed in a DMZ
  11. Serve security related headers by the Web server

There are a number of useful sites to help you test the security of your nextcloud instance, here are a few:

Make sure you evaluate the security of your site with at least one of these tools after making the changes below; you don't want all of your data to be vulnerable. nachoparker of Own Your Bits does an excellent breakdown of the results you're likely to see from these platforms, and offers methods to rectify some of the common issues.

I'll now discuss each of the above hardening tips and how this has/can be implemented in FreeNAS.

Give PHP read access to /dev/urandom

This should be available by default, but to confirm, enter the following command:

$ ls -l /dev/urandom

This should return the following

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  6 Nov 25 10:43 /dev/urandom -> random

The part of interest here is "lrwxr-xr-x". Ignoring the leftmost "l", this is a representation of the directory permissions, in three groups of "rwx"; one each for the owner (user), owner (group), and other. In this case, the owning user is root, and the owning group is wheel. Since the Nextcloud user, "www", falls into neither of these groups, it is part of the "other" set of permissions. This means we're most interested in the rightmost three characters. In this case, these are "r-x". This means that any user has the permissions to read from this directory, and execute files in this directory, but not to write to this directory. Since "www" can read, this requirement is satisfied.

If this is not the case, however, run the following command:

$ chmod o+r /dev/urandom

chmod changes a files modes. The arguments passed here are o for other users and +r to add read.

If you want more detail on how permissions in unix, or more specifically FreeBSD work, here is some background reading.

Enable hardening modules

Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

The Nextcloud documentation recommends the use of hardening modules such as SELinux. SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is a Linux kernel security module, that provides a mechanism for supporting access control security policies, including mandatory access controls. FreeBSD is obviously not Linux, and so does not include the SELinux modules. However, it does have it's own system called Mandatory Access Control. This allows an administrator to ensure that a user will not be permitted to change security attributes at will. All user utilities, programs and scripts are required to work within the constraints of the access rules provided by the selected security policy modules. The Nextcloud Documentation provides some configuration advice for SELinux, namely:

  • Enable updates via the web interface (don't do this for FreeBSD)
  • Disallow write access to the whole web directory
  • Allow access to a remote database
  • Allow access to LDAP server
  • Allow access to remote network
  • Allow access to network memcache
  • Allow access to SMTP/sendmail

At the time of writing, I'm not certain how to reliably implement this with MAC in FreeBSD, and so is considered beyond the scope of this guide. This may form the content of a future blog post on the topic.

Enable Common Technical Controls

There are a number of system hardening modules that FreeBSD offers at install time. Unfortunately, since this is a jail, we were not presented with these options. The options are as follows:

  1. Hide processes running as other users
  2. Hide processes running as other groups
  3. Disable reading kernel message buffer for unprivileged users
  4. Disable process debugging facilities for unprivileged users
  5. Randomize the PID of newly created processes
  6. Insert stack guard page ahead of growable segments
  7. Clean the /tmp filesystem on startup
  8. Disable opening syslogd network socket (disables remote logging)
  9. Disable SendMail service

Andrew Volpe of BSD Adventures suggests that these should all be enabled unless there is a good reason not to. An example of a good reason is that if you have a remote logging server, you would want to disable option 8 (so that opening syslogd network sockets is enabled). We will configure these as follows. First, open the kernel parameter configuration file:

$ nano /etc/sysctl.conf

Paste the following values into the file:

kern.randompid=$(jot -r 1 9999)

This enables options 1-6. To enable options 7-9, run the following commands:

$ sysrc clear_tmp_enable=YES
$ sysrc sendmail_enable="NONE"
$ sysrc sendmail_submit_enable="NO"
$ sysrc sendmail_outbound_enable="NO"
$ sysrc sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO"
$ sysrc syslogd_flags="-c -ss"

It's important to note that the majority of these should have these values set already by default, but this ensures that these settings will have the values we want. Additionally, Nextcloud does not require SendMail to be enabled to send mail; it has its own libraries for this.

Tamper Detection

Andrew Volpe of BSD Adventures also suggests the use of a tamper detection package to keep track of any changes made to configuration files in the event an unauthorised user gains access and tries to change your server configuration, or even just when a valid user makes changes. This can be achieved with the AIDE package:

$ pkg install aide

Then, once installed, the configuration options can be customised using /usr/local/etc/aide.conf. The default options should do a reasonable job of securing the jail. If you want to make modifications beyond the default, you can learn how to customise the configuration using the official AIDE documentation. Now, to finish the installation/configuration, navigate to the aide database directory and run the following commands:

$ cd /var/db/aide
$ aide --init
$ mv databases/ databases/aide.db

To compare the database to the current configuration files, run the following command

$ aide

This will give you an output identifying any differences. If you run this immediately after installing, you should get a statement to the following effect:

AIDE found NO differences between database and filesystem. Looks okay!!

Unfortunately, to reset the recorded differences, you need to create a new database and replace aide.db with it. To simplify this process, it can be automated! To implement this, we'll need to create a script to create the new database, archive the old database, and replace it with the new one. We can then have the script email you the change log, so you can be notified if someone has tampered with files. The mailing portion is optional, however there would be nothing to stop a malicious actor from altering the aide database if your only copy is stored locally within the jail, so this is recommended. Lets create this script, courtesy of Bob Aiello:

$ mkdir -p /scripts/aide
$ nano /scripts/aide/

Paste the following:

#! /bin/sh - Bob Aiello, modified for FreeBSD by Samuel Dowling
MYDATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
/bin/echo "Aide check !! `date`" > /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/local/bin/aide --check > /tmp/myAide.txt
/bin/cat /tmp/myAide.txt|/usr/bin/grep -v failed >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/bin/echo "**************************************" >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/bin/tail -20 /tmp/myAide.txt >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/bin/echo "****************DONE******************" >> /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/bin/mail -s"$MYFILENAME `date`" [email protected] < /tmp/$MYFILENAME
/usr/local/bin/aide --update >> /tmp/$UPDATE_NAME
mv /var/db/aide/databases/aide.db /var/db/aide/databases/archive/aide-$MYDATE.db
mv /var/db/aide/databases/ /var/db/aide/databases/aide.db

Change the email [email protected] to the recipient email you would like these change logs sent to. Save and Exit (Ctrl + X).We need to create a directory for the archived logs, and change the permissions so that it can be executed by the root user:

$ mkdir /var/db/aide/databases/archive
$ chmod 700 /scripts/aide/
$ chown root:wheel /scripts/aide/

This script essentially creates a text file containing the output of the aide --check command, and emails the contents to you. It then updates the database so that each email will only contain the changes since the last time you received an email. Now lets create a cronjob so that this can be run

$ crontab -e 

Add the following entry:

06 01 * * * /scripts/aide/

This will set the chkaide script to run at 1:06 AM every day. Now, this won't work just yet. First we need to ensure a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is installed. If you already have one installed, you can skip this step.

Installing a Mail Transfer Agent

One option for an MTA would be to use FreeBSD's default, SendMail. However, due to security concerns associated with SendMail, we will be using Postfix instead. You're welcome to use another MTA such as Exim if you would prefer, however Postfix is what this guide will cover.

First, install postfix

$ pkg install postfix-sasl

During the installation, you'll be prompted with the following:

Would you like to activate Postfix in /usr/local/etc/mail/mailer.conf [n]? y

Make sure you provide 'y' as the answer. Now, to make postfix the default mail client, make sure that sendmail has been disabled:

$ sysrc sendmail_enable="NONE"
$ sysrc sendmail_submit_enable="NO"
$ sysrc sendmail_outbound_enable="NO"
$ sysrc sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO"

This should be the case from an earlier step, but confirm that these are the values. Add postfix to the startup sequence:

$ sysrc postfix_enable="YES"

Stop the sendmail service:

$ service sendmail stop

If it isn't started, you may get a response similar to the following:

Cannot 'stop' sendmail. Set sendmail_enable to YES in /etc/rc.conf or use 'onestop' instead of 'stop'.
Cannot 'stop' sendmail_msp_queue. Set sendmail_msp_queue_enable to YES in /etc/rc.conf or use 'onestop' instead of 'stop'.

If you do, this means it's already stopped, and you can move on. Start the postfix service:

$ service postfix start

Some extra configuration is needed as Sendmail is so ubiquitous that some software assumes it is already installed and configured. Check /etc/periodic.conf and make sure that these values are set to NO. If this file does not exist, create it with these entries:

$ nano /etc/periodic.conf

Save and Exit (Ctrl + X). FreeBSD uses /etc/mail/mailer.conf to map the expected Sendmail binaries to the location of the new binaries, and so we need to update this file to point to the right location. Note that this likely isn't a necessary step if you deviated from the guide and installed postfix using ports, as this file is updated during the installation process. If you installed using pkg however (as this guide suggested), open the mailer configuration file:

$ nano /etc/mail/mailer.conf

Comment out the current entries, and paste the new binary locations below it. The file should end up looking like this:

# $FreeBSD: releng/11.2/etc/mail/mailer.conf 327765 2018-01-10 09:06:07Z delphij $
# Execute the "real" sendmail program, named /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
#sendmail       /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
#mailq          /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
#newaliases     /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
#hoststat       /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
#purgestat      /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail

# Execute the Postfix sendmail program, named /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
sendmail        /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
send-mail       /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
mailq           /usr/local/sbin/sendmail
newaliases      /usr/local/sbin/sendmail

Save and exit (Ctrl + X). Navigate the postfix directory /usr/local/etc/postfix:

$ cd /usr/local/etc/postfix

Open the configuration file for editing:

$ nano

Search for the following phrase:

#alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

Uncomment this line by removing the '#' at the beginning. Now scroll to the end of the file (shortcut: Ctrl+_ , then Ctrl + V), and paste the following configuration parameters as suggested by Marin Nikolov:

# Manual configuration for Gmail

## SASL Options
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

## TLS Options
smtp_use_tls = yes
smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
## Relay host
relayhost = []:587

Save and Exit (Ctrl + X). Note that the email address I'm configuring this email to be sent from will be gmail. If you prefer a different provider, your relayhost and port will change (587 is for TLS, 465 is for SSL), and you'll have to use values appropriate for you. Now, set the appropriate permissions for the postfix directory:

$ postfix -c /usr/local/etc/postfix set-permissions

Create the alias maps:

$ newaliases
$ postalias /etc/aliases

Now we need to configure the gmail authentication settings. Create a new file for these settings:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

Add the following line:    <username>:<password>

Replace with your gmail email, i.e. [email protected], and with the password for the account. Save and Exit (Ctrl + X). Now hash the file so postfix can use it:

$ postmap /usr/local/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

Secure the file so that only the root user can read or edit it:

$ chmod 0600 /usr/local/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
$ chown root:wheel /usr/local/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

And finally, you'll need to enable "Less Secure Apps" in the Gmail application. Refer to the google documentation on allowing less secure apps to achieve this. Now all that's left to do is confirm that everything works. Send a test email:

$ echo "Test Email Contents" | mail -s "Postfix Test Email" [email protected]

Replace [email protected] with the email address to receive the test email, and confirm that the email was received. It may also be worth inspecting the logs to ensure that no errors are present:

$ nano /var/log/maillog

Scroll to the end (Ctrl+_ , Ctrl + V) to view the most recent logs. If the test email doesn't work, this is your first stop to debugging any errors you may have. Unfortunately due to the large variety of error messages, I can't address them all and you'll have to debug this yourself. For more information on mail functions, see the mail(1) man page.

Now, confirm that the aide script works by running it:

$ /bin/sh /scripts/aide/

If you receive an email with the output, you know it's working!

Postfix hardening

To further improve the security of your postfix configuration, Linux Audit suggests the following changes:

$ postconf -e disable_vrfy_command=yes
$ postconf -e inet_interfaces=loopback-only
$ postconf -e mynetworks=" [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128"
$ postconf -e smtpd_helo_required=yes

disable_vrfy_command prevents others from being able to verify whether an email is a valid email on the system. Setting inet_interfaces to loopback-only means that postfix will only listen on the local interface, which is what we want because we are only interested in sending outgoing emails. Changing the mynetworks value to the network address of the local network prevents spammers from leveraging an open relay system in your client. The last configuration setting configures the smtpd daemon to require a "HELO" command, which will prevent communication with other mail servers that have either been improperly configured, or are spammers.

Place data directory outside of the web root

In our case, the web root is:


Our data directory is:


Since data is not within the webroot hierarchy, this requirement is already satisfied.

Disable preview image generation

For high security deployments, Nextcloud recommends the disabling of preview generation for common file types. You'll need to determine your own security requirements to determine whether this is worth enabling for you. Essentially, the risk is that in order to display thumbnails, a directory of these thumbnails needs to be maintained. Typically, these thumbnails don't have the same permission settings as the files themselves, so it may be possible for a user to determine the contents of a file without having permission to access the file itself.

If this is something that you think might provide benefit to you, you can disable preview image generation as follows. First, open the Nextcloud config file:

$ nano /usr/local/www/nextcloud/config/config.php

Navigate to the end of the file, and right before the


statement, add the following:

'enable_previews' => false,

so the end of the config file should be similar to the following:

	'theme' => '',
	'loglevel' => 2,
	'enable_previews' => false,

Preview image generation can be re-enabled by changing the value of 'enable_previews' to 'true'.


Due tot he interralated nature of items 5-8, they will all be dealt with in this section, where we will discuss the configuration of HTTPS/SSL/TLS for your domain. Note that if you only plan on using this locally (not remotely, over the internet), it is still good practice to use SSL, however it is less necessary as your threat profile is diminished. Configuring TLS for local use if you don't have a domain name is a different process, where you will have to self sign a certificate, and so it won't be addressed here. This part assumes that you have a public domain pointing at your web server (i.e. you can access from the internet). This is critical, as certbot will not be able to issue a certificate if your domain is only available on your LAN. Some Dynamic DNS providers will give you a free subdomain; scroll down to the section dealing with DDNS for more information before undertaking this step, if that's something you're interested in.

The first step in configuring HTTPS is to set up a jail to run a reverse proxy. Follow the guide that I wrote on the subject, and when you get to the necessary step, populate /usr/local/etc/nginx/vdomains/ in the reverse proxy jail with the following server block:

server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;

        access_log /var/log/nginx/cloud.access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/cloud.error.log;

        include snippets/;
        include snippets/ssl-params-intermediate.conf;

        location / {
                include snippets/proxy-params.conf;
        location /.well-known/carddav {
                return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav;
        location /.well-known/caldav {
                return 301 $scheme://$host/remote.php/dav;

Replace the server_name directive and proxy_pass address as appropriate for your Nextcloud server. This will forward all requests to your Nextcloud server. Importantly, this configuration also includes overrides for service discovery of the CalDAV and CardDAV services as suggested by the Nextcloud documentation.

When you've completed this, you'll need to set the reverse proxy as a trusted proxy so that your Nextcloud instance can be accessed by it. Execute the following command, replacing the IP value with the IP of your reverse proxy jail:

root@nextcloud:~ $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set trusted_proxies 0 --value=""'

Now, if you want to force the server to only use HTTPS (and I recommend that you do), run the following command:

root@nextcloud:~ $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set overwriteprotocol --value="https"'

Note that this means that your Nextcloud instance won't be available at the jails IP anymore, so if you need that feature, don't set the overwriteprotocol field.

If you don't want to configure a reverse proxy to enable HTTPS, a previous version of this guide addresses how to do that. Note however, that this is no longer maintained as it is no longer the recommended process.

Use a dedicated domain for Nextcloud

Using a dedicated domain, such as instead of, offers a number of benefits associated with the Same-Origin-Policy. This is primarily that it preventing clients from reading responses from different domains, which is important in preventing malicious code in other tabs you may have executing on your Nextcloud instance. Hendrik Brummermann illustrated this with a good example in his Stack Overflow answer:

Assume you are logged into Facebook and visit a malicious website in another browser tab. Without the same origin policy JavaScript on that website could do anything to your Facebook account that you are allowed to do. For example read private messages, post status updates, analyse the HTML DOM-tree after you entered your password before submitting the form.

It's obvious that giving any other tab you have open permission to act as your user is undesirable.

Ensure that your Nextcloud instance is installed in a DMZ

A DMZ, or demilitarized zone, is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes external facing services to an untrusted network such as the internet. The purpose of this is to add an additional layer of security to a LAN. This is achieved by placing a firewall between the LAN and the DMZ, limiting the exposure to the LAN if the DMZ is compromised. See here for more detail. One possible configuration for this is depicted below:

In essence, this is a process that doesn't provide any additional security to your Nextcloud instance directly. In general, it would, however, provide a second line of defence to prevent access to the rest of your LAN if the Nextcloud instance is compromised. In the case of running Nextcloud in a FreeNAS jail, the efficacy of this is in question. According to iXsystems, the entire LAN accessible to the FreeNAS host would be routable by a compromised jail, making this segregation of jail from host an exercise in futility.

For these reasons, and due to the uncertainty around the benefit this would actually have to our configuration, we will skip the implementation of a DMZ.

Serve security related headers by the Web server

Nextcloud has been kind enough to ensure a range of basic security headers as part of the default environment, including:

  • X-Content-Type-Options: no sniff
    • Prevents browsers from interpreting text files as JavaScript
  • X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    • Instructs browsers to enable their browser side Cross-Site-Scripting filter
  • X-Robots-Tag: none
    • Instructs search machines not to index these pages
  • X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    • Prevents Nextcloud from being embedded within an iframe from a different domain
  • Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
    • Instructs browser not to send referrer information along with requests to any origin

For optimal security, these can be served by the web server to enforce them on response. To do this, open the apache configuration file:

$ nano /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

Now, ensure that the following two lines are uncommented (remove the '#' from the beginning of the line as necessary):

LoadModule env_module libexec/apache24/
LoadModule headers_module libexec/apache24/

Save and Exit (Ctrl + W). Restart the web server to implement these changes:

$ service apache24 restart

It is important to note that at the time of writing and in the current configuration, Nextcloud will fail the Content Security Policy tests on the security testing websites listed earlier. This is due to the fact that it allows 'unsafe-eval'. Currently, there is not a fix to this that won't break your Nextcloud server. However, a fix to this has been implemented in Nextcloud 15, so there's nothing that needs to be done here.

Configure DDNS updates:

Now, if you're self hosting, and you have a residential internet plan with your ISP, your IP address is likely not static. If it is static, you can disregard this. What this means is that your ISP may periodically change your public IP. This can be problematic if you're hosting a web server, as the DNS Servers will not update as your IP changes, breaking the link to your web server. To address this, there are two alternatives. The first is to use a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) service and use either the FreeNAS DDNS service or your router to keep it updated, or update the DNS servers directly. Free examples of DDNS providers include No-IP, Free DNS and Easy DNS, which may also provide you with a domain - I know that No-IP does. In lieu of buying domain name, the domain provided by the DDNS provider will be sufficient, and this applies to the entirety of the previous instructions that have dealt with domain names. If you already own a domain name that you want to use, you just need to add a CNAME record for the DDNS domain to the DNS record for your domain. As an example, if your DDNS domain is, you would add a record pointing from to Since this is very specific to each users configuration and registrar etc., I won't address any more here.

However, I use Route 53, so I'll discuss how to manually update the IP in your A record for your cloud domain using Route 53 and the AWS command line interface (CLI) tools. For this, you will need your Hosted Zone ID and the Record Set name. Will Warren provides a great guide and bash script that you can use to achieve this.

First, create a new directory called scripts, and a subdirectory for update-route53 in your root directory, i.e:

$ mkdir -p /scripts/update-route53

The -p flag allows you to create both of these directories at once. Now, create the script:

$ nano /scripts/update-route53/

Copy the following shell script, courtesy of Will Warren, into the file:


# (optional) You might need to set your PATH variable at the top here
# depending on how you run this script

# Hosted Zone ID e.g. BJBK35SKMM9OE
ZONEID="enter zone id here"

# The CNAME you want to update e.g.
RECORDSET="enter cname here"

# More advanced options below
# The Time-To-Live of this recordset
# Change this if you want
COMMENT="Auto updating @ `date`"
# Change to AAAA if using an IPv6 address

# Get the external IP address from OpenDNS (more reliable than other providers)
IP=`dig +short`

# Handle for current date
DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`

function valid_ip()
    local  ip=$1
    local  stat=1

    if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
        [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255
            && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]]
    return $stat

# Get current dir
# (from
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

if ! valid_ip $IP; then
    echo "$DATE 	Invalid IP address: $IP" >> "$LOGFILE"
    exit 1

# Check if the IP has changed
if [ ! -f "$IPFILE" ]
    touch "$IPFILE"

if grep -Fxq "$IP" "$IPFILE"; then
    # code if found
    echo "$DATE 	IP is still $IP. Exiting" >> "$LOGFILE"
    exit 0
    echo "$DATE 	IP has changed to $IP" >> "$LOGFILE"
    # Fill a temp file with valid JSON
    TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/temporary-file.XXXXXXXX)
    cat > ${TMPFILE} << EOF

    # Update the Hosted Zone record
    aws route53 change-resource-record-sets
        --hosted-zone-id $ZONEID
        --change-batch file://"$TMPFILE" >> "$LOGFILE"
    echo "" >> "$LOGFILE"

    # Clean up
    rm $TMPFILE

# All Done - cache the IP address for next time
echo "$IP" > "$IPFILE"

Replace the ZONEID and RECORDSET values with values relevant to your AWS Hosted Zone. This script essentially uses the "dig" command to identify your current IP address, and update the record set for your domain with the return value of this IP address. For this to work, there are a few requirements. First, you need dig installed. FreeBSD does not ship with dig, so you'll need to install it using the following command:

$ pkg install bind-tools

Secondly, if, like me you route all of your WAN traffic over a VPN, you'll need to make sure this jail does not route over the VPN. If you don't, the script will pull the VPN IP and not your WAN IP, which will not direct to your server (unless your VPN provider supports port forwarding; mine doesn't). Now, you need to add this script as a cron job so it runs every 30 minutes.

$ crontab -e

Add the following line:

*/30 * * * * /scripts/update-route53/

You will be able to view all of the changes to your ip in the log file that is created by this script at /var/log/update-route53.log.

How much does it cost?

There are a range of free DDNS providers, and so this may be the cheapest option for you if you don't already have a Route53 Hosted Zone. The Amazon Route 53 Pricing Page indicates that a new hosted zone will cost you $0.50/month. I already have a Route53 hosted zone associated with my domain, so this was no additional cost to me and makes things simpler by not introducing additional services.

AND THAT'S IT! YOU'RE DONE! If everything works correctly, give yourself a pat on the back because this was a pretty involved process. If you've noticed any errors with this guide, or if you think certain steps could be improved with more clarity, or you just have some feedback, please leave a comment to let me know.


Nextcloud recommends that you update your server regularly, for all minor and major releases. This will reduce the pain of upgrading later, as major releases cannot be skipped. There are two ways to upgrade based on the installation procedure we've followed:

  1. Web Updater
  2. Manually

Please refer to these links for up-to-date information on how to go through the process. Bear in mind that the majority of the commands listed in these guides are for Linux, and so will vary somewhat from what's required in FreeBSD. If you go back through this guide, you should find exemplars of how these commands should be used to adapt them appropriately. One example of a difference is their usage of the www-data user; in FreeBSD this is the www user.

Using the web updater is a trivial process and so it is left as an exercise for the user. I will however, demonstrate an example of upgrading manually from 18.0.6 to 19.0.0. This is a major version upgrade, at the most recent minor version for version 18. This is the only condition from which you should attempt a major version upgrade. Additionally, it's very important to make sure all of the apps you have installed are compatible with the version you're aiming to upgrade to. This has been a cause of many failed upgrades for me in the past.

  1. First, enter maintenance mode
root@nextcloud:~ $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on'
  1. Back up your existing Nextcloud Server database, data directory and config.php file.
cd /tmp
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ rsync -Aahx --info=progress2 /mnt/data/ nextcloud-databkp_`date +"%Y%m%d"`/
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ rsync -Aahx --info=progress2 /usr/local/www/nextcloud/ nextcloud-dirbkp_`date +"%Y%m%d"`/
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ mysqldump --single-transaction -u root -p nextcloud > nextcloud-sqlbkp_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.bak

This will make copies of /mnt/data, /usr/local/www/nextcloud, and the MySQL database.

  1. Download and unpack the desired Nextcloud Server release from into /tmp
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ wget
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ wget
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ shasum -a 512 -c nextcloud-19.0.0.tar.bz2.sha512
nextcloud-19.0.0.tar.bz2: OK
  1. Stop your web server
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ service apache24 stop
  1. In case you are running a cron-job for nextcloud's house-keeping disable it by commenting the entry in the crontab file
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ crontab -u www -e

Modify the following entry by appending a #:

#  */15          *               *               *               *               /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/www/nextcloud/cron.php
  1. Rename your current Nextcloud directory:
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ mv /usr/local/www/nextcloud /usr/local/www/nextcloud-old
  1. Unpack the new archive to the original location of the old server so that there once again exists /usr/local/www/nextcloud:
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ tar -xf nextcloud-19.0.0.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/www
  1. Copy your config.php file in to the new Nextcloud installation
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud $ cp /usr/local/www/nextcloud-old/config/config.php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/config/config.php
  1. If you are using 3rd party applications, it may not always be available in the upgraded Nextcloud instance. To check this, compare the list of apps in /usr/local/www/nextcloud with those in /usr/local/www/nextcloud-old, and copy any not present in /usr/local/www/nextcloud/apps from /usr/local/www/nextcloud-old/apps to /usr/local/www/nextcloud/apps.

  2. If you're using any 3rd party themes, make sure to copy them from /usr/local/www/nextcloud-old/themes to /usr/local/www/nextcloud/themes.

  3. Update the file ownership and file permissions of your /usr/local/www/nextcloud directory:

root@nextcloud:/tmp $ chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/nextcloud
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ find /usr/local/www/nextcloud -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ find /usr/local/www/nextcloud -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
  1. Restart the web server
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ service apache24 start
  1. Launch the upgrade from the command line using the occ tool. Note that this must be executed from within the Nextcloud installation directory:
root@nextcloud:/tmp $ cd /usr/local/www/nextcloud
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud $ su -m www -c 'php occ upgrade'
  1. Re-enable the cron job that was previously disabled
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud $ crontab -u www -e

Modify the entry by removing the # so that it looks as follows:

  */15          *               *               *               *               /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/www/nextcloud/cron.php
  1. Finally, turn maintenance mode off
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off'
  1. Now, log in to the Administration dashboard and verify the new version number. At this point, you may have additional warnings such as:

Last background job execution ran 1 hour ago. Something seems wrong.

This can be ignored. This will be rectified within 15 minutes when the next cron job is executed.

The database is missing some indexes. Due to the fact that adding indexes on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running "occ db:add-missing-indices" those missing indexes could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the indexes are added queries to those tables are usually much faster.

As before, execute:

root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-indices'

The database is missing some optional columns. Due to the fact that adding columns on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically when they can be optional. By running "occ db:add-missing-columns" those missing columns could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the columns are added some features might improve responsiveness or usability.

As discussed previously, execute:

root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud $ su -m www -c 'php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ db:add-missing-columns'

It's possible that other warnings will appear. Follow the instructions provided in the warning using the syntax we have used for the occ command previously to rectify them. Additionally, if things go wrong, refer to the Nextcloud documentation on restoring from backup to restore the files we backed up earlier. Otherwise, refer to the Nextcloud documentation describing the manual upgrade process for additional information.


During this process, you may run into errors that I have not addressed. My suggestion is that for your first port of call, check the logs. Here are the locations of some log files.

  1. Nextcloud logs
  1. Apache logs

These are the two most likely places an error will be logged. PHP errors will be logged in the Apache error log by default. The level of log detail for PHP can be configured in /usr/local/etc/php.ini. The level of log detail for Apache can be configured in /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf.

Use these logs to identify what the problem with your configuration is. Then, use some keywords from the error to search google and see if anybody else has found a solution to the problem. If you can't find a solution, or you're having trouble interpreting the solutions provided, make reference to the "Support" section at the end of this article and ask for help in one of the suggested locations.

From my experience, most of the errors I ran into were with configuring Redis. This manifested as an "Internal Server Error 500" in both instances. In the first instance, Redis was not running and I had not realised. You can check the status of a service using the following command:

$ service <service> status

This will tell you if it is running or not.


There are a number of places you can seek help regarding any issues you might be having with Nextcloud on FreeNAS:

  1. Nextcloud Forums
  2. FreeNAS Forums
  3. Reddit
    1. r/nextcloud
    2. r/freenas
  4. Freenode IRC - server:, and the following channels
    • #nextcloud
    • #freenas
    • #freebsd
    • ##letsencrypt

I've found IRC to be a better platform for issues that need to be discussed in some detail, however the communities on the forums and also reddit are typically larger.

This guide is also hosted on GitHub. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please feel free to raise an issue, or submit your own pull request!