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Lesson: Install ActiveFedora

Bess Sadler edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

This Tutorial is known to work with ActiveFedora version 9.0.0.
Please update this wiki to reflect any other versions that have been tested.


  • Create a project that has ActiveFedora installed as a dependency


Step 1: Create a new project

To get started, you will create a new folder, set up a Gemfile to install ActiveFedora, and then run bundler.

mkdir af-tutorial
cd af-tutorial

Step 2: Create a Gemfile for the project

Using whichever editor you prefer, create a file (in af-tutorial directory) called Gemfile with the following contents:

source ''
gem 'active-fedora', '~> 9.0.0'

Step 3: Run bundler

You will need the bundler Gem. If you don't have it, run gem install bundler.

Now run bundler to install the gem:

bundle install

You should now be set to use irb to run the following examples.

Next Step

Proceed to Lesson: Use RDF to Represent Flat Metadata like Dublin Core (AF7)

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