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Configuring an OS X Samvera Dev Environment

Adam J. Arling edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 2 revisions

Note: This is intended primarily as a means to share notes prior to the Spring 2017 Hyrax Bootcamp. Consult the for the official steps.

Tested on Ruby 2.3.1 and OS X 10.12.3


  1. Imagemagick:
    • brew install imagemagick --with-openjpeg
    • run convert -list format in terminal and ensure that there is a JP2 entry, imagemagick has been successfully installed with JPEG-2000 support
  2. LibreOffice and Ghostscript:
    • install LibreOffice brew cask install libreoffice
    • install ghost script brew install ghostscript
  3. FITS
    • install fits brew install fits, note that homebrew currently installs 0.8.6 (which works currently), but Hydra Derivatives is known to be good with up to 1.0.5. To install a newer FITS follow these instructions.
    • ensure fits is installed (via brew), fits -v should show the version number
  4. Redis:
    • install: brew install redis
    • run: redis-server
    • alternatively: brew services start redis to launch redis on boot

Installing Hyrax

  1. clone hyrax: [email protected]:projecthydra-labs/hyrax.git
  2. enter the folder: cd hyrax
  3. install gems: bundle install
  4. generate the test app: rake engine_cart:generate
  5. enter the test app: cd .internal_test_app/
  6. start solr: solr_wrapper
    • ensure that resolves in your browser
  7. start fedora: fcrepo_wrapper
    • ensure that resolves in your browser

Configuring Hyrax

  1. ensure you are in the .internal_test_app dir
  2. configure a workflow: rails hyrax:workflow:load
  3. configure an admin_set: rails hyrax:default_admin_set:create
  4. configure fits
    • if you installed via homebrew:
      1. open config/initializers/hyrax.rb and find config.fits_path
      2. uncomment that line and change it to read config.fits_path = "fits"
    • if you installed by some other method and works in terminal, no action is needed
    • if you installed by some other method and neither fits nor works in terminal, you need to edit config.fits_path (located in config/initializers/hyrax.rb) to point to in your installation. You may also need to make executable.
  5. configure background jobs:
    • open config/application.rb
    • beneath the line class Application < Rails::Application add config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline
  6. (optional): if you want to be an admin user
    • open config/role_map.yml
    • edit your development: block so that it looks like:
        - [email protected]
        - [email protected]

Starting the Application

  1. if needed start solr, fedora, and redis:
    • solr: solr_wrapper
    • fedora: fcrepo_wrapper
    • redis: redis-server
  2. launch the application:
    • rails web server: rails s
    • rails console: rails c
  3. create a new user:
    • with the server running visit http://localhost:3000/users/sign_up?locale=en
    • create a user whose email address is [email protected] and use any password you want
    • you will then be able to log in and self deposit word, you will also have admin rights if you granted them to archivist1 in the optional step above


Go up a level to the hyrax directory and make changes as you would when doing normal rails development, changes should be reflected in your app. Of course you make need to restart the server for some changes to be picked up.

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