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These interactive calculators accompany several recent manuscripts available at The Covid-19 Test Group.
First and foremost, a local installation of node.js is required. I recommend versioning your local installation of node using a tool such as n. The installation section there is very straightforward.
Next, a package manager is needed. If you do not have yarn
installed, run
npm install -g yarn
(using sudo if necessary). See yarn installation instructions for different types of installation.
In the root of this directory, run yarn
to install project dependencies.
To develop the project, setup webpack to watch over the files by running
yarn run webpack --config webpack.config-calc1.js --watch
(picking the webpack configuration that corresponds with the file) then visit dev-dist/calculator1.html
in a browser to view the application.
To compile a production version of the code, run
yarn run webpack --config
Copy the resulting files in the dist/
folder as well as the corresponding css file (currently in the root directory) to the desired location. Modify the link and source tags within the final HTML to point to the correct location of the javascript and css files.