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DropWizard On Azure

This repository will describe the steps for getting started with DropWizard, as well as the steps for configuring and deploying a DropWizard application on Azure API Apps.


DropWizard is a popular platform for implementing REST web services in Java. DropWizard contains the following components (amongst others):

    * Jetty for HTTP support
    * [Jersey]( for Java Rest support 
    * Jackson for Java to JSON conversion
    * [Metrics]( library for production monitoring

The final code is located in the DWOnAzure directory in this repository.

Initial setup

  1. DropWizard leverages the Maven build tool - if you like another one (for example, Gradle) you can use that, but you'll have to figure that out yourself. To get started, you'll have to install Maven on your development machine. Reference the Maven home page for instructions.

  2. We need to create a development directory. In this guide, I'll be using c:\dw as my development directory, but you can use whatever you'd like. Go to this directory.

  3. We are going to generate an initial DropWizard application using maven with this command:

    mvn archetype:generate  -DgroupId=com.dwonazure  -DartifactId=DWOnAzure  -Dname=DWOnAzure  -Dpackage=com.dwonazure  -DarchetypeGroupId=io.dropwizard.archetypes  -DarchetypeArtifactId=java-simple  -DinteractiveMode=false
  4. Create the greeting object that the service will return. Create DwOnAzure\src\main\java\com\dwonazure\core\ with this code:

    package com.dwonazure.core;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
    public class Greeting {
        private String greeting;
        public Greeting() {
        public Greeting(String greeting) {
            this.greeting = greeting;
        public String getGreeting() {
            return greeting;
        public String toString() {
            return "Greeting{" + "greeting=" + greeting + '}';
  5. We will need to write a class that provides the web service. Create a new file `DwOnAzure\src\main\java\com\dwonazure\resources\ with this code:

    package com.dwonazure.resources;
    import com.dwonazure.core.Greeting;
    public class HelloResource {
        public String getGreeting() {
            return "Hello world!";
        * Resource method producing greeting in JSON format.
        * @return a Greeting object
        public Greeting getJSONGreeting() {
            return new Greeting("Hello world!");
  6. Finally, we need to register the HelloResource in the application. Open DWOnAzure\src\main\java\com]dwonazure\ and add this line to the run method:

    // TODO: implement application
    environment.jersey().register(new HelloResource());

    also, add the import for com.dwonazure.resources.HelloResource at the top;

  7. You can build the application by going to the DwOnAzure directory and running maven:

    mvn package
  8. run the application with this command:

    java -jar target/DWOnAzure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server 
  9. You can test the application using any HTTP client, but curl is quite convenient. To use curl after installing, open a comman window and type curl http://localhost:8080/hello. You should get a response of Hello world!. If you use curl http://localhost:8080/hello/hello_json, you should see a JSON response like this: {"greeting":"Hello world!"}

  10. For deployment in an Azure API App Service, we need to get the HTTP port number from the HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT environment variable. To do this, we need to make minor changes to the application. first, open up, and add this code to the initialize method:

                new SubstitutingSourceProvider(bootstrap.getConfigurationSourceProvider(),
                                                   new EnvironmentVariableSubstitutor(false)

    Also add imports for the two classes:

    import io.dropwizard.configuration.EnvironmentVariableSubstitutor;
    import io.dropwizard.configuration.SubstitutingSourceProvider;

    This ensures that the application will apply environment variables to the application configuration.

  11. Next, let's open theconfig.yml file in the main DWOnAzure directory, and add this content:

        - type: http
          port: !!int ${HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT}
     >this file is very sensitive to the indentation - make sure it's two spaces for each level.

    This will tell DropWizard to get configure the http server to use the port specified by HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT.

  12. rebuild the application using mvn package. To test our configurations, run the application with these commands:

    java -jar target/DWOnAzure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server ./config.yml 

    You should get several lines of output, with one that looks like this:

    INFO  [2016-11-15 18:24:00,533] org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector: Started application@4c168660{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
  13. To test the application, use this curl command: curl http://localhost:8083/hello. THis will show that our configuration is working properly.

Create an API App in Azure

  1. Lets deploy this application to an Azure API app. We will be using the kudu interface, but you can upload your application using FTP or webdeploy instead if you would rather. To configure the Azure API app, we will first need a web.config file. Create that file in our DWOnAzure directory, and add this content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <add name="httpPlatformHandler" path="*" verb="*" modules="httpPlatformHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" />
        <httpPlatform processPath="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"
            arguments=" -jar &quot;%HOME%\site\wwwroot\DWOnAzure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar&quot;  &quot;%HOME%\site\wwwroot\config.yml&quot;">

    This will tell the Azure API App service to run our jar application rather than Tomcat or another servlet engine. This is because DropWizard packages Jetty and all other necessary components in the application jar file.

  2. In the Azure portal, create a resource group to contain your API app. Open the Resource group blade by clicking Resource groups: image

    Then click the + Add button:


    Give the Resource Group a name, choose your subscription, and choose the default location, and click Create:


    Click refresh in the resource group list blade, and then click the resource group that you just created. In the resource group detail blade, click +add:


    In the blade that comes up, type API App in the search box, and choose API App:


    Click Create in the API App blade. Give the app a name, and choose the subscription, resource group and app service plan to use for the API app. We will configure Application Insights later, so leave it off for now:


  3. Back in the resource group blade, click refresh and we should see our new API app:


    Click on the app, and in the App Service blade that comes up, click on Application settings:


    Set the Java version to Java 8, the Java Minor Version to Newest, and the Web Container to Newest Tomcat 8.5 (although we will not be using Tomcat here). Click Save.


Create an API App in Azure

  1. In the App Service blade, Click Overview and then click browse:


    This should bring up the default page:


    In the browser url, add .scm before, and hit enter. You should now see the Kudu console:


    Click Debug console and choose CMD:


    In the page that comes up, click on site


    And then click on wwwroot. Next, open up your development directory in a file explorer, and drag the config.yml, DWOnAzure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, and web.config` onto the webapps directory in the browser.

  2. Go back to the API App blade in the Azure portal and click restart. Wait 3-5 minutes for the restart, then test the application using (eg.) curl:


    Our API is now running in an Azure API app.


Sample for deploying Dropwizard on Azure







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